wire 500 >> pz6-annos.txt Announcements since Sat Jan 28 07:16:49 2006 > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Thu Mar 15 01:01:13 2007 PZ6 is up and running, and ready for players to break and setup. First update is Sunday March 18th at 10:30pm East Coast USA time. Please see 'info PZ6' for the [short] list of game mods. I added/modded some units/ships/planes/nukes. The game webpage, which contains all the game info, is: www.angelfire.com/empire2/bungholio/PettingZooSix.html Bungy > Announcement from visitor, (#33) dated Thu Mar 15 14:49:15 2007 This first day of Petting Zoo VI is brought to you by Jack (TM) Oak and Birch Flooring. Jack Flooring - Laying the Wood since 1984. > Announcement from Turk_Lingel, (#10) dated Fri Mar 16 12:47:30 2007 Quietness settles over the plains... the sheep are baying near the bay far away a figure slowly walks across the meadows Turk knows his neighbors and sighs... Damn Mr. Ed is heading to the sheep. > Announcement from visitor, (#33) dated Sat Mar 17 14:59:49 2007 ?Damn Mr. Ed is heading to the sheep. Nyuk nyuk nyuk > Announcement from WeAreYourFriends, (#12) dated Sun Mar 18 08:17:25 2007 Ahhh, it's good to be back. Life is just passing time in between updates. We look forward to seeing you soon. -Your Friend > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Sun Mar 18 09:41:09 2007 Updates are now enabled, first update will be tonight at 22:30. I'm working on tracking down the last straggler. > Announcement from Turk_Lingel, (#10) dated Sun Mar 18 22:06:49 2007 The sheep are mewing. Mr. Ed has left. Turk opens the gate of the compound. Damn, a near stampede... Turk smells the ocean breeze and wonders if the storm might be coming. > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Sun Mar 18 22:25:32 2007 what kind of jackhole schedules an update in the middle of battlestar galactica? > Announcement from Turk_Lingel, (#10) dated Sun Mar 18 22:26:35 2007 who has cable/dss/direct tv ? real men watch local tv > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Sun Mar 18 22:28:21 2007 what kind of wholejerk needs to be on for the FIRST update? like what's going to happen? > Announcement from Turk_Lingel, (#10) dated Sun Mar 18 22:29:36 2007 so god IS an as$hole > Announcement from Turk_Lingel, (#10) dated Sun Mar 18 22:31:17 2007 the window is zero. but nothing happened > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Sun Mar 18 22:34:21 2007 the update_window is 3 minutes long, meaning the update can occur anywhere between 22:30:00 and 22:33:00. > Announcement from Turk_Lingel, (#10) dated Sun Mar 18 22:36:03 2007 ooo.. missed the 20:33 thought it said 20:30 to 20:30.. my bad > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Mon Mar 19 21:49:07 2007 what kind of jackhole schedules an update in the middle of Decisiones? > Announcement from Turk_Lingel, (#10) dated Mon Mar 19 23:05:02 2007 anyone know if winace says a harbor Pd: 150 and Present Avail: 65 does that mean a.) after update 150 b.) after update 215 c.) Mr. Ed likes your sheep Turk. d.) read the f*&king info pages. e.) why the F-ing you giving me multiple choices. f.) none of the above (f off) > Announcement from RimFire, (#8) dated Mon Mar 19 23:16:20 2007 ? > Announcement from Turk_Lingel, (#10) dated Mon Mar 19 23:05:02 2007 ? anyone know if winace says a harbor Pd: 150 and Present Avail: 65 ? does that mean ? a.) after update 150 ? b.) after update 215 ? c.) Mr. Ed likes your sheep Turk. ? d.) read the f*&king info pages. ? e.) why the F-ing you giving me multiple choices. ? f.) none of the above (f off) a) should be the correct answer. There is no rollover avail configured for this game so the avail should not rollover. Ron K. > Announcement from Turk_Lingel, (#10) dated Mon Mar 19 23:18:44 2007 bummeroids... I (ASS)(U)(ME)d rollover. nasty little godsey's nasty gods'ies. > Announcement from SonOfASheep, (#3) dated Mon Mar 19 23:41:28 2007 Up to 95 avail can roll over an update. from version, so does that change the answer? > Announcement from RimFire, (#8) dated Mon Mar 19 23:45:51 2007 ? > Announcement from SonOfASheep, (#3) dated Mon Mar 19 23:41:28 2007 ? Up to 95 avail can roll over an update. ? from version, so does that change the answer? The answer should be b) given the rollover avail is enabled. > Announcement from Ski, (#31) dated Tue Mar 20 08:22:24 2007 Actually, we do not have enough information to answer the question. What is the current efficiency of the harbor? What is the work percentage? (I guess since we have no starvation and no civil unrest [yet], this must be 100%.) Ski > Announcement from Ski, (#31) dated Tue Mar 20 08:28:29 2007 Since the current avail is 65, I guess the sector must be at 65%. I predict that the avail in the sector after the update will be 157. Let's see if someone can tell me why. Ski > Announcement from RimFire, (#8) dated Tue Mar 20 10:11:30 2007 Let try this again for Rollover Avail. This time I looked at the code. WinACE does understand the rollover avail. Pd: does incorporate the rollover avail. This applies to regular production like lcm and avail production for a harbor. Now the build tool. An example for harbor. Current Avail 180 Pd 191 Actual avail to be produced for the update 191 - 95 = 96. Avail with one update 180 Avail with two updates 180 + 96 = 276 Avail with three updates 180 + 96 + 96 = 372 To actually get 276 or 372 you must consume at least (180 - 95) 85 at the update otherwise some of the avail will be lost during rollover. Ski quiz 65 * 2 = 130 avail was produced for the sector. 1/2 avail for sector building. next update 130 + 65 (rollover avail) = 195 minus 35 avail to finish sector 195 - 35 = 160. I would say 160 with no population growth. Now add the population grow assuming nobody was removed. 130 * 1.2 = 156 156 + 65 = 221 221 - 35 = 186 I would say 186 with population growth. Ron K. > Announcement from Ski, (#31) dated Tue Mar 20 10:19:51 2007 I assumed the Pd = 150 was the true avail produced including civs, uws and mil as well as civ and uw growth. Ski > Announcement from Turk_Lingel, (#10) dated Tue Mar 20 11:15:16 2007 Ah...the joys of rubbing elbows with geeks. a.) Lengthy math calculations for fun b.) discussions of exams questions (just to be sure) c.) ability to RECALL exam questions once outside the room d.) picking holes in each others arguments even when they are right just to point out a slight/minor misuse of a word/term. e.) challenging each other a near useless mind games for FUN! ahh.... thank god for sheep. mind numbing furry creatures.. damn, Turk smells the strange combination of guiness/lanolin/and 6 week old dirty work clothes....Mr. Ed has been visiting his sheep again. > Announcement from IndustMech, (#6) dated Tue Mar 20 18:15:39 2007 Guinness has 2 n's Happened to have an empty in the trash next to me... > Announcement from RimFire, (#8) dated Tue Mar 20 19:28:54 2007 I see the plan. Distract me with WinACE research questions so I have less time for me to run my country. There is some confusion on how rollover code works. Based on looking at the current server code, the rollover avail is not scaled by efficiency or sector types. There is an option in WinACE that does support scaling. For a standard server this should not be enabled, it was used during the experiments to figure out how best to do rollover avail. Yes, there is a problem with 2.5.32 and AUTO_POWER. I will do a release on the weekend that will address the problem. Ron K. > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Tue Mar 20 22:09:01 2007 I think what all the above chatter really suggests, is that we need an "info avail" Sorry, there is no info on avail command failed > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Tue Mar 20 22:16:12 2007 no available info? seems like there's is lots... > Announcement from Turk_Lingel, (#10) dated Tue Mar 20 22:29:45 2007 update, update wheee... > Announcement from WannaVhite, (#9) dated Tue Mar 20 22:48:38 2007 "Pat, let's try an 'H'". > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Tue Mar 20 22:49:21 2007 Sorry, there are no "H"'s. > Announcement from SonOfASheep, (#3) dated Tue Mar 20 22:52:40 2007 really no H's, I swore the category was person and the answer was "Who's Humping the Host to keep her job?" Which would mean there were 4H's And we all know what goes on in 4 H's dont we, you sheep loving freaks > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Wed Mar 21 23:21:24 2007 My only logical conclusion to the "what is the new avail for x,y" is to request to add a command to the server, called, "newavail x,y". Let's face it, we all already calculate how much avail that 25% habor with 150 civs will have after the update, PAINFULLY.... Yet, the server already does this for you (at the update, and TOO late, btw, to make any corrections...). So my point, as I rest my case, is to add "newavail" to the server. Anyone interesected in agreeing/disagreeing, please take that discussion to RGE. > Announcement from Turk_Lingel, (#10) dated Wed Mar 21 23:23:38 2007 screw 'take it to RGE' I want to voice my opinion here. YES! Ahhhh...the smell of salt air. Always gets rid of that musty lanolin sheepish smell from my pants. > Announcement from Turk_Lingel, (#10) dated Thu Mar 22 01:05:01 2007 my sheep are restless... Mr. Ed. is hungover so he is resting. > Announcement from RimFire, (#8) dated Thu Mar 22 20:58:48 2007 WinACE 2.5.36 is released. It has the Build Tool fix to change to Update Avail instead of Current Avail. It also includes the AUTO_POWER fix included in 2.5.34. See r.g.e. for more details. Ron K. > Announcement from visitor, (#33) dated Thu Mar 22 21:06:34 2007 So...... which version of two choices do we want for this game? > Announcement from Turk_Lingel, (#10) dated Thu Mar 22 21:24:23 2007 I wish Ron worked for my comp. cuz if he does this for fun, what would he do for pay? > Announcement from Turk_Lingel, (#10) dated Thu Mar 22 22:29:01 2007 like the new winace ron. > Announcement from Turk_Lingel, (#10) dated Thu Mar 22 22:29:43 2007 BAAAAaaaa Baaa > Announcement from RimFire, (#8) dated Fri Mar 23 09:46:41 2007 For WinACE 2.5.36 you make need to set the Update Avail option in the Build Tool. The setting is stored in the local database and the earlier version has the wrong setting. Basically, ensure the UpdateAvail radio box is selected. Ron K. > Announcement from IndustMech, (#6) dated Sat Mar 24 00:21:10 2007 James Bond DVD Lou Malnati's Pizza Guinness Beer It dosen't get much better > Announcement from Turk_Lingel, (#10) dated Sat Mar 24 00:43:04 2007 hmmm. let me try. warm guinness, Casino Royale Pizza Hut Supreme with cheese crust. Blonde wife doing good, very good things to my body. yeah.. yeah.. that's good. real goooood. > Announcement from Turk_Lingel, (#10) dated Sat Mar 24 22:30:54 2007 the sheep are restless. > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Sat Mar 24 22:32:02 2007 don't you have some "home makeover shows" or whatnot to watch at this time of the night? > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Sat Mar 24 22:48:06 2007 we likes ejewkashunal tv like nashunal geeografik. we is learnin all about bigfoot rite now... > Announcement from IndustMech, (#6) dated Sat Mar 24 23:06:11 2007 RimFire, you rude dog! > Announcement from RimFire, (#8) dated Sat Mar 24 23:07:59 2007 It helps when you compile the server and maintain the client. :-) Ron K. > Announcement from IndustMech, (#6) dated Sat Mar 24 23:11:49 2007 Ron, You are the MAN! > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Sun Mar 25 20:45:17 2007 warmongers > Announcement from Turk_Lingel, (#10) dated Sun Mar 25 22:31:00 2007 wanna is next to BOTH pp and drak/ sigh... > Announcement from WannaVhite, (#9) dated Sun Mar 25 22:31:48 2007 after years of wandering the wilderness we have finally found at least one oasis > Announcement from visitor, (#33) dated Sun Mar 25 23:14:11 2007 GIMME BACK MY COUNTRY > Announcement from Kalimdor, (#7) dated Mon Mar 26 07:59:00 2007 So how's everyone doing in the hoops pools? I was doing great until last weekend. Apparently "Hoya Saxa" is ancient Greek for you will lose if you pick NC to go all the way. Now some dude from the bottom half of the power chart is in the lead. Interesting. -Kal > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Mon Mar 26 22:00:03 2007 And here we are, for our first Wheel-Watchers event. After 8 updates, here's the standings (and some [wrong!] letter guessings by previous contestants): W _ _ r _ Y _ _ r F r _ _ n d s : It's your turn, the guy before you went bankrupt and had no clue. Too bad you can't buy a vowel (or a friend). S o n O f A _ _ _ _ _ : Seems "C"T"I"H"B" have already been guessed, but not necessarily in that order. R _ m F _ r _ : The dumbass IT guys guessed "A" and "T" (in that order, if you can believe it). What the frack is a RamFart? _ n _ u s t _ _ _ _ : No one guessed "D"I"M"E"C"H" yet, they must have been thinking of the pottery barn or something. W a _ e s : The server dude guessed "V". Get a life dude. d r j s t o n e : This doctor's degree, shall we say, is in a parti- cular field that in uncomfortable to discuss at this time. b e e _ : The previous 2 dumbass frat boys both guessed "R", in a row (it is college week here, and they are all drunk and can't remembar what the prevoes, what, my turn? [burb] "R!"). _ _ _ k _ i n g _ _ : Another unsolved mystery. "J"F"R" were guessed, but no one made any connections evidently. W a n _ _ _ _ _ _ : This was the worst puzzle possible for "date line affiliate nbc week" contestants, as it seemed peeps thought this was a dating show. They guessed "t O f u c x", yes, literally, in that order. Sickos. _ _ _ t t y p o n y : Stupid arses guessed "S"H"I" already. The humanity! _ _ l _ _ _ _ r : No one has a clue after the basics. It's just a guessing game at this point. _ r a _ o _ a : Guesses of "C"P"L" were unsuccessful. Strangely, more letters guessed than letters des'd. That's gotta be a record. > Announcement from Turk_Lingel, (#10) dated Mon Mar 26 22:29:52 2007 annie annie I over. pigtails > Announcement from Turk_Lingel, (#10) dated Mon Mar 26 22:31:08 2007 ooo.,. 661 is close to right. > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Tue Mar 27 22:41:57 2007 Ok, we are now 10 updates into PZ6. Weds and Sats are now 'skipped' days, so as to help throttle things back a little. Terminator still has over 90 sectors, so keep at it guys. > Announcement from Turk_Lingel, (#10) dated Wed Mar 28 22:49:17 2007 for those of you who would like to know. Those mountians with a s.o. art etc... I ran a nice set of sim's If you attack from a sector that gets a 1 multiplier and you manage to attack with 140 mil and nothing else. you have a 68% change of taking the mountain. if you can get a 2x multiplier on attack and attack with 90 mil again you have a approx. 66% chance of taking the sector if you have a 2x offensive AND you hit it with 120 mil you have an 85% of taking it. FYI. > Announcement from visitor, (#33) dated Thu Mar 29 07:24:35 2007 ? Announcement from Turk_Lingel, (#10) dated Wed Mar 28 22:49:17 2007 for those of you who would like to know. Those mountians with a s.o. art etc... I ran a nice set of sim's If you attack from a sector that gets a 1 multiplier and you manage to attack with 140 mil and nothing else. you have a 68% change of taking the mountain. if you can get a 2x multiplier on attack and attack with 90 mil again you have a approx. 66% chance of taking the sector if you have a 2x offensive AND you hit it with 120 mil you have an 85% of taking it. what happens if you use your navy to attack it? BuggerOff > Announcement from Ski, (#31) dated Thu Mar 29 07:54:00 2007 Turk_Lingel, How do you know exactly what is present in those mountains? Ski > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Thu Mar 29 23:52:40 2007 New suggestion for server mod: When moving more civs/uws than what a sector can hold into that sector, perhaps the server should give you a message saying: "max pop for that sector is 100 civs, do you really want to move 222 into it?" or something. 'y/n'. > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Thu Mar 29 23:56:04 2007 that would be tremendously irritating > Announcement from Turk_Lingel, (#10) dated Fri Mar 30 01:21:37 2007 idea for server mod while moving civs/uws the deity's personal cellphone is called. a private email is sent to him. and lastly, a USPS postcard is sent that You have a moron playing your game. THey are wasting civs and uws. so you can personally contact them and educate them. Or how about an undo command. It has its own mobility that it gains per update and you can use it to undo any move that affects ONLY your sectors and you can undo only if you have enough mobility in your undo cache. kinda of like a 'omega-13' button on GalaxyQuest. > Announcement from visitor, (#33) dated Fri Mar 30 18:05:13 2007 I did not have the time to run a country myself, but i do have time for a co-rule. If someone wants some help running a country let me know. mmackubin@cfl.rr.com Thistle > Announcement from peeper, (#34) dated Fri Mar 30 18:06:31 2007 It has come to our attention that "Wanna" has done some inappropriate things in her past, and it is the recommendation of this committee to request 'her' immediate resignation. 'info playboy may 1987' http://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images?p=vanna+white+nude&ei=UTF-8&fr=yfp-t-501&x=wrt > Announcement from WannaVhite, (#9) dated Fri Mar 30 18:57:20 2007 Dear Peeps If you you are going to do something, do it right. I resemble that remark, and here may be a better view. http://www.magazine-empire.com/playboy/playboy_single_page.php?u=PLBOY198705 Of course that is ancient history. Here's some more, Boys! http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/Set/5304/vanna.html I think time has been kind to me (and Juan), don't you think? Oh, that's tight, you DON'T think (with your big head, that is). You only think with your little head. Hugs and Kisses WV > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Fri Mar 30 22:31:17 2007 now, be nice to vanna. she may have never had anything but good looks to make her career, but at least she never went brittany spears on us. (incidentally, my dad claims b.s. is a distant cousin of ours) > Announcement from Turk_Lingel, (#10) dated Sat Mar 31 13:04:43 2007 I don't like how Ron treats beep sooooo special check out winace's flash chat box. You have a SPECIAL check box to always talk to the beep meister. > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Sat Mar 31 19:25:48 2007 its good to be number one too bad some of you will probably never know that feeling > Announcement from Wales, (#11) dated Sun Apr 01 02:31:01 2007 For years I've been #1!!! You just need to know from which end of the list to start counting. :) > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Sun Apr 01 08:54:33 2007 Attention All Countries: Effective immediately, I will be implementing a 'carbon-usage- fee/tax' on all countries in the world. I have set up a script to count up all your ships, planes, units, and CM factories. You will be assessed as follows: Ships : cost is 1.00% of the build cost Planes : cost is 0.50% of the build cost Units : cost is 0.50% of the build cost LCM/HCM : $10 each sector Additionally, any ships/planes/units that are more than 50 tech 'old' will incurr a taxation assessment at double the rate. This is to help get that old tech crap out of the environment and encourage everyone to upgrade old equipments. These taxation assessments will be levied approximately every week, at a random (ie: convenient) time of day on Sunday. You'll get a telegram from my accountant, to inform you of the monies collected in this April 1 taxation assessment. Have a good day, Bungy > Announcement from SonOfASheep, (#3) dated Sun Apr 01 11:49:56 2007 As long as Gore gets his fair share of the Tax to produce his next smash hit "Vacation New York 2100, Bring Your Scuba" SOAS > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Sun Apr 01 12:19:57 2007 we are a tiny nation of happy, industrious people. until the big superpowers like WannaVhite and SonOfASheep get on board we do not see why our economy should risk disruption just because some eco-freaks want to save the polar bears. those weirdos look at the polar bears and think "what beautiful creatures; what cute little cubs"; the polar bears look back and think "dinner?" > Announcement from RimFire, (#8) dated Sun Apr 01 22:58:40 2007 WinACE players Tradeships are/were appearing in the Show Tool in WinACE. Doug has changed the tech level to a high level. To get the trade ships to disappear from the Show Tool just do a Refresh Units on the Show Tool. Ron K. > Announcement from Turk_Lingel, (#10) dated Sun Apr 01 23:00:12 2007 Yeah and I almost was thinking of building one until I noticed that tradeships were disabled on the version. nothing like making at 1.8k yacht. > Announcement from RimFire, (#8) dated Mon Apr 02 09:49:24 2007 I see we have training tanks (no guns). When do we get real tanks? Ron K. > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Mon Apr 02 17:41:19 2007 I doubt you would have been able to build a Trade Ship. Upon doing a 'show ship build', the trade ship does not even show up as a valid option (even when it was still a tech 30 build). The mark tanks that you can build at tech 60 are tactical units. If you want to shoot something, build an artillary. > Announcement from Turk_Lingel, (#10) dated Mon Apr 02 18:57:14 2007 the Mark tanks are just for shooting practice. they have a big sheep'seye painted on the side. Only problem is certain players have been known to try to do OTHER things with these tanks. Perverts abound. > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Mon Apr 02 23:52:17 2007 *ahem* how bout dem gators!?! > Announcement from SonOfASheep, (#3) dated Mon Apr 02 23:53:39 2007 unfortunetly i must acknowledge that the Gators have our number. > Announcement from Kalimdor, (#7) dated Tue Apr 03 07:46:37 2007 why can't we all just get along? > Announcement from Kalimdor, (#7) dated Tue Apr 03 08:35:20 2007 Listen Tiny_Lingam, here's how its going to go down. You will remove your punk-ass zergling rush task force from the island you now only very temporarily squat on by the next update you you WILL feel my full wrath. If you don't, I will hit you so hard, the next time you break sanctuary you'll start with negative avail. Nobody pulls that sh*t on me, and during Holy Week (spring break to all you heathens) no less. You have violated my serenity and will pay the price. The die is cast for this game, but comply with these simple instructions and I may see fit to be merciful in the next. Sincerely, Kalimdor > Announcement from Turk_Lingel, (#10) dated Wed Apr 04 18:44:02 2007 Hmmm.... as a physicist die's are cast all the time.... so one more won't hurt. As a gambler why do you have only one die as most people would have a pair of dice. As a student.. what did you say, my mp3 player is up real loud. As a teacher you will learn my padawan As a sheep-herder dice is what I do to my potatoes Party on... > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Wed Apr 04 22:36:40 2007 ok, we've got one update Thurs, then we skip Fri, Sat, Sun (for easter weekend). (as per the update schedule) > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Thu Apr 05 11:34:56 2007 *sniff*sniff* what the hell is that? cordite? > Announcement from Turk_Lingel, (#10) dated Thu Apr 05 12:38:08 2007 what the hell IS cordite? and why is beep sniffing it? Does it give him a high? is he attracked to it? Can it cause cancer? Does empire have wind to carry this cordite? is beep smelling his own flatulence? why oh why is it necessary to even ask these questions? > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Thu Apr 05 20:32:23 2007 Circle gets a square! Congrats all around! > Announcement from Turk_Lingel, (#10) dated Thu Apr 05 22:29:33 2007 queet > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Thu Apr 05 22:32:34 2007 server clock is off; i can't stand sh*t like that. > Announcement from visitor, (#33) dated Mon Apr 09 11:07:30 2007 anyone have any experience with connection to a game with McAfee Sev\curity Suite or windows security?? I 'just' got a new laptop before this trip, and I cannot connect to PZ6, but I can connect to Changeling...I am using a local computer to ask the question TIA a player > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Mon Apr 09 11:12:52 2007 mcafee comes with an empire client? > Announcement from IndustMech, (#6) dated Mon Apr 09 17:19:13 2007 It would help if we knew what country you "were" playing... ;) > Announcement from IndustMech, (#6) dated Mon Apr 09 17:19:53 2007 Have you tried disabling the security? > Announcement from RimFire, (#8) dated Mon Apr 09 22:22:48 2007 If you are trouble logging in PZ6 with the new laptop, one thing you can try is to use http proxy in WinACE. This should pass through most security/firewall configurations. It is slow but at least you can get in until you figure out how to configure the firewall. When logging in check the http checkbox on the Game Login screen. The default settings should work fine for you. Ron K. > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Mon Apr 09 22:29:19 2007 re: server clock is off; i can't stand sh*t like that. sevrer clock has been addjusted... enjoy! > Announcement from Turk_Lingel, (#10) dated Mon Apr 09 22:30:44 2007 anal > Announcement from IndustMech, (#6) dated Mon Apr 09 22:31:39 2007 No Thanks > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Mon Apr 09 23:00:48 2007 i am definitly too drunk to try an invasion... > Announcement from IndustMech, (#6) dated Tue Apr 10 00:03:49 2007 If you were really drunk, you'd be using capitol letters > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Tue Apr 10 00:06:09 2007 sir, i am _never_ that drunk. sincerely, citizen leader, beep. > Announcement from Turk_Lingel, (#10) dated Tue Apr 10 22:57:04 2007 so quiet no sheep tonight > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Wed Apr 11 22:30:27 2007 There's no update tonight, other than on RGE: http://groups.google.com/group/rec.games.empire/topics > Announcement from Turk_Lingel, (#10) dated Wed Apr 11 22:32:53 2007 ^*^*^ Wed. > Announcement from SonOfASheep, (#3) dated Wed Apr 11 23:12:13 2007 what do mountains and airfields have to do with wednesday?? > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Thu Apr 12 00:11:21 2007 she likes to do it outdoors, and she likes a man in a uniform. > Announcement from Turk_Lingel, (#10) dated Thu Apr 12 01:33:19 2007 let me rephrase my last anno son-of-a-&^%#CH F^&*%ING ay it is wed. and gaul-darn update and i was waiting 4 1 > Announcement from Ski, (#31) dated Thu Apr 12 09:56:15 2007 beep seized eighteen sectors from pretty_pony RimFire seized thirteen sectors from pretty_pony IndustMech captured six sectors from pretty_pony WannaVhite took two sectors from pretty_pony 5 countries simultaneously on one wheel - I wonder how this will end... > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Thu Apr 12 10:04:18 2007 looks like we got enough tough, tattooed girls to make up a basketball team here. will the bitch-slapping of sorority susie continue? or will pretty_pony be able to withstand the assault of all these nappy-headed ho's? > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Thu Apr 12 22:11:24 2007 command: news Relative calm prevails. busy night, eh? > Announcement from Turk_Lingel, (#10) dated Thu Apr 12 22:17:23 2007 not wed not sun update! > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Thu Apr 12 22:18:15 2007 there's a brand new e.r., man. what kind of jackhole schedules an update in the middle of a new e.r.? > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Thu Apr 12 22:21:01 2007 re: jackholes I GUESS THE SAME KIND OF JACKHOLE WHO SIGNS UP FOR A GAME WITH A PRE- PUBLISHED UPDATE SCHEDULE. BTW, WHO WATCHES E.R. ANYWAYS? > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Thu Apr 12 22:29:50 2007 jeez... take a chill pill, dude. what else is there to watch? > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Thu Apr 12 22:39:22 2007 i always wanted a horsie. my older brother got a horsie; i didn't. he got a 30-30, i got a 22; he got a 12 gauge; i got a 410. well... now at least i got me a horsie. > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Fri Apr 13 00:39:58 2007 can i get some special props for first noticing that we go an F8F "Beercat" instead of a "Bearcat"? > Announcement from Turk_Lingel, (#10) dated Fri Apr 13 00:45:17 2007 hat......... hat......... yeah > Announcement from Turk_Lingel, (#10) dated Fri Apr 13 12:45:32 2007 beep whinning again... BUT notice he IS here at UPDATE time. hehe. > Announcement from Turk_Lingel, (#10) dated Fri Apr 13 22:24:19 2007 update? not wed. not sun. nt easter not bungies wife-unit b-day not dem/rep convention yep,must be update > Announcement from IndustMech, (#6) dated Fri Apr 13 22:38:31 2007 Damn horse had fleas. > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Fri Apr 13 23:01:05 2007 well, painkiller jane wasn't completely crap; we'll have to give a few more episodes of ogling terminator girl to finally pass judgment. > Announcement from Turk_Lingel, (#10) dated Fri Apr 13 23:18:06 2007 what the f&^%$#@! you talking about beep? > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Fri Apr 13 23:20:47 2007 jeez, doesn't anybody around here but me appreciate that acme of humanity's art and culture that is american television? i bet none of you clowns has even heard of "special unit 2", much less watched it. > Announcement from Turk_Lingel, (#10) dated Sun Apr 15 22:29:13 2007 pdate > Announcement from WeAreYourFriends, (#12) dated Sun Apr 15 22:30:07 2007 Anyone in San Diego this week? I'm headed out for another visit. Would be cool to have another summit. > Announcement from WeAreYourFriends, (#12) dated Sun Apr 15 23:19:50 2007 Join the Resistance. > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Mon Apr 16 22:37:24 2007 que? > Announcement from Turk_Lingel, (#10) dated Mon Apr 16 22:45:47 2007 no upda6te > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Mon Apr 16 23:04:47 2007 and some people question my assertion that all deities are scum. > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Tue Apr 17 07:26:30 2007 reminder, we are in the 'update every other day' mode http://www.angelfire.com/empire2/bungholio/PZ6_UpdateSchedule.txt > Announcement from SonOfASheep, (#3) dated Tue Apr 17 11:39:18 2007 Great now it will coincide with my bath schedule > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Tue Apr 17 19:03:56 2007 budg why?!?!? errr... > Announcement from WeAreYourFriends, (#12) dated Wed Apr 18 02:23:54 2007 Is it just me, or has the all-knowing, all-wise, and all-powerful diety become quite surly? What happened to the benevolent Bungholio who used to enjoy a beer every now and then? He's also becoming very whimsical and answers all questions "RTFM" dude. All Hail, and Praises Be to the one and only true God in this World! Happy Trails, -Your Friend. > Announcement from WeAreYourFriends, (#12) dated Wed Apr 18 02:24:57 2007 Btw, this new form of rollover avail sucks. > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Wed Apr 18 07:49:06 2007 re: anno as per "info anno", you should consider yourself lucky that these anno's are not costing you anything to send or read. I could make this like a text messaging service (aka cell phones) and charge you every time you receive something, even if it is cialis, viagra, or mantegra spam. > Announcement from WeAreYourFriends, (#12) dated Wed Apr 18 11:25:11 2007 See what I mean. > Announcement from WeAreYourFriends, (#12) dated Wed Apr 18 11:30:16 2007 So anyway, is rollover avail documented anywhere? It keeps changing and I can't keep up with it. It makes no sense @ all to have 0 avail after an update in a sector that builds things. I've already gotten used to it but wish there was some way to calculate. Since our omniscient, omniprescent, omnipotent benevolent Diety (luckily his sister is a married woman) is in RTFM mode these days I'd gladly read what I know to look for. wow, it just occurred to me how similiar omnipotent is to impotent. Interesting. > Announcement from visitor, (#33) dated Wed Apr 18 11:35:55 2007 } } how similiar omnipotent is to impotent } Sink them! > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Wed Apr 18 13:19:09 2007 re: rollover see 'apr rollover'. have a nice day. > Announcement from WeAreYourFriends, (#12) dated Wed Apr 18 13:54:40 2007 I finally went back and read the news and annos. Your Friends have been trying to avoid bungholio propoganda. Is it really true that a new random tax is being imposed on production or is it a joke @ mans expense that dieties who think they have a sense of humor engage in when they get bored? Is dissolve disabled to protect Bungy from himself in a moment of clarity? > Announcement from Turk_Lingel, (#10) dated Wed Apr 18 14:32:11 2007 Me thinks if the avail that is 'going' to be generated gets used to build stuff then we could enhance that to the following: Harbor with 833 civs 500 uw 0 avail, yet the program knows that 456 avail 'will be generated' so let me use x% of that now so I could do a build x,y ship bb3 and then avail becomes -35 if I am stupid enough to move out the civs and uws the ship will be DECONSTRUCTED during update because if the genated avail is 0 then 0 + -45 is negative so the ship grows by a percentage that is negative! seems easy enough to me. (also gives you back the hcm's and lcm's hehe) but you pay for it twice! 20% to grow and |-20%| to deconstruct it. set x% say at 30% even at -avail you get to build until x% is reached. my 4.5 cents worth. > Announcement from WeAreYourFriends, (#12) dated Wed Apr 18 14:41:53 2007 That's way over my head. I'm with stupid. I can't even wrap my mind around negative avail. My shipyards must be corrupt. it makes no sense @ all that 833+ mofos are standing around doing nothing for days. I can't even spend these hard-earned illegal taxpayer dollars. Friendly civilized societies can't engage in union busting activity. > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Wed Apr 18 16:31:02 2007 why are the 10-sector islands in the shape of letters? so far i see an r, t, and s. do we win a prize if we figure out what they spell? > Announcement from IndustMech, (#6) dated Wed Apr 18 20:34:11 2007 I think the islands are makes of cars. I see an L for Lexis and N for Nisson. > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Wed Apr 18 21:56:18 2007 Just incase if anyone was feeling lonely, or like a loner, here are some tips for you all (as my commmunity service effort to help everyone feel welcome). Turk_Lingel - Checkout 'The circle jerk club'. Seriously. Check it out. But it's a a bring you own pr0n deal (as they can't cover *all* fetishes on their budget). WannaVhite - You need to visit the denture bleaching felacionatics club. Not- hing but 70+ y.o.'s who love to show off their pearly whites, then drop them into the cup off peroxi-dent while they give you a gummy. beep - It's usually the simple and quiet ones that need the most help. Per- haps a 1-900-FowL-ERS gram would help (that's where they send a bucket of KFC, not to be confused with the chicken peeps), or send a 1-900-U-BEEP-US where someone goes to his house [at 3am] and holds down the fracking loudest bull - horn until they see a light in his basement appartment turn on, then they split. Hilarious! WeAreYourFriends - Who couldn't love this guy already? He's extra helpful to the deity, offers advice to his other players, has a friendly name, even knows the deity's [married] [and] [redheadded] sister. IndustMech - It's always the gear heads you gotta watch out for. I'd suggest a subscription to hustlers' "Stick Shift Babes" with a side of "Oily Teens" to help get you thru the hump. RimFire - "Rimmy needs a Rimjob" would be my best advice. Post it on craigs list, perhaps you'll get some bites. (outch). SonOfASheep - This guy is like a millionaire, since his daddy was an irishman, and his mom was a sheep. The first human mammal-carried fecus (er, fetus). Yet he's lonely, and confused. Should he stop banging sheep and find a girl- friend? Naahhhh.... dr_j_stone - Sometimes they hide their inadequacies in extra educations. Have you hugged your doctor lately? Ever wonder why your [wife's] gynecoligist is butt ugly? These guys need [girl] friends too. Wales - I'd suggest we not mention his weight issues, yet, offer constructive suggestions. Actually, and in all seriousness, I was on the "You On A Diet: A Guide to Waist Management" the last few months. I lost 10 pounds in 2 months on that plan. Not bad. Cut out the sodas, easy. Basic strength training, ok. Walk 5 miles a day (I skipped that part). Check it out. Drakona - At least you didn't waste a lot of effort to become the first eliminated. So how's your 'toon in WorldOfDorkraft doing these days? (at least empire is free! [until the deity starts charging for anno's! {see info anno}]) Kalimdor - Sometimes the odd named peeps find the right niche in certain cir- cumstances. Case in point. This guy clearly is lost. Lost in the fact that no one backed him up when his butt was being haxored, no one was there when he was looking for backups. Yet, when your chips are down, I'd suggest Los- Vegos, the place for veggie granablers. Was that flax seed or hemp? Tofu or Soy? Uhhh, I gotta go, torpedo bay #2 is misfiring... pretty_pony - Sometimes you just gotta sacrifice one for the team. Yet, you can never be completely worthless, you can always serve as a bad example! Bungholio - It feels good to be back, and have my nasty anno's requested once again! So who's your daddy? Is Termy totally haxoring you a$$es? Suh-weet! peeper - see info sicko: arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20070414-geek-squad-guy-caught-playing-peep-squad.html 'nuff said there... [sicko] > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Wed Apr 18 23:10:03 2007 re: rtfm there is no update scheduled for tonight, so back to sleep for you alls. LOL! > Announcement from WeAreYourFriends, (#12) dated Thu Apr 19 01:08:14 2007 Bungy is inspiring me. I'm quitting my job and becoming a full time player again. That way I'll finally get to the bottom of this rollover avail thing. > Announcement from RimFire, (#8) dated Thu Apr 19 09:30:17 2007 Rollover avail - Ron's version Corrections welcome. The game is now in permanent update avail mode as of version 4.3.6. This means that any building occurs with update avail (i.e. avail produced at the update). The current avail before the update has no impact the buiding of units. Now if rollover avail is enabled, current avail can be rollover to the next update and combined with avail produced at the update. The amount is limited by a value configured by deity, in our game it happens to be 95. For example if you have a harbor that is producing 300 avail per update. You can build/repair units that consume upto 300 avail at update. Any avail not consumed at the update will be come your current avail which can be used to start new units. Therefore you can have a current avail of 0 if you use all the avail produced at the update building units. If you have 100 of current avail in the harbor before the update, you will have 395 avail to produce units with. If you queue enough production to consume all 395 avail then the current avail will be 0 and the next update will only be able consume 300 avail as there is no current avail that can be rollover. Ron K. > Announcement from peeper, (#34) dated Thu Apr 19 22:40:10 2007 Yeah, rollover sux. Just ask beep's mom. She usually likes it doggie style, butt she recently wanted to rollover halfway thru it, now I dunno if I should pull out and try the A-2-M thing or not. > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Thu Apr 19 22:45:26 2007 cowardice is an ugly thing to see. > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Fri Apr 20 00:51:51 2007 looks like the coward isn't going to man up; typical... > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Sat Apr 21 21:14:12 2007 Cristina Ricci as a werewolf; hmm... i'd hit that, no matter how furry she was. > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Sat Apr 21 21:28:22 2007 Lex Luthor with hair? now that's just plain weird. > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Sat Apr 21 22:32:17 2007 cat fight!! > Announcement from dr_j_stone, (#4) dated Mon Apr 23 20:49:43 2007 Dr J Stone announces a small victory at sea today... 5 PT's vs. 1 CAL - the PT's survived without a scratch. When interviewing one of the captians, the captian was shocked that none of the ships it passed to get to the CAL fired a shot - maybe they thought Dr J's ships were hospital ships? Who knows. > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Mon Apr 23 22:30:04 2007 the easiest thing in the world is to keep a computer's clock pretty damn accurate. the fact that it happens so rarely in empire only means that the deities do it on purpose > Announcement from dr_j_stone, (#4) dated Mon Apr 23 22:58:14 2007 From the bridge of pt190: Sir, we spotted some dd's in the area belonging to turdkey, what should we do? Attack - they for some reason don't know we're not hospital ships, so let's take advantage of it... Fire full salvos... Bam... Bam... Bamm.... Shoot, we got our paint scratched, return back to port for a paint job... I guess that showed them that pt's vs. dd's is doable... > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Mon Apr 23 23:02:21 2007 i fondly remember the time an opponent tried to raid a harbor with 10-12 pt's when the harbor was covered by 6 forts; it was magnificient. > Announcement from dr_j_stone, (#4) dated Mon Apr 23 23:12:04 2007 10-12 pts vs 6 forts... ouch > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Wed Apr 25 20:49:57 2007 Ok, I am going to admit something of personal embarassment here, as I am a victim myself, and I thought I should *warn* all of you about this. Thus, the unspeakable action I am revealing, is the fact that I was *sabotaged* into going to see the movie "In the land of women". One would have thought that this should be a pretty good skin flick, but it was none at all. If I were the director, this is what I would have done: WannaVhite - This character would be the nympho cheerleader slut who bangs all the guys regardless of whatever, yet her buck teeth suggest otherwise. Turk_Lingel - This character has a extra long 'beak', which the hotties seem to can't get enough of. beep - This character is like the backup singers in a wham concert. Even this guy scores, in every scene, even as embarassing it is to admit. WeAreYourFriends - This character is from the 'swingers hotline', where every day in filming they got a new stand-in. IndustMech - This character starred in "robo-tool", for his particular skillset in overcoming the repetive-motion illness side-effects in the industry. RimFire - This character has special attibutes that, uh, really don't need explanation. SonOfASheep - This very hairy character has all the similar character- istics to Jon Reremy, except he's very lean and scrawny. Wales - This character has a particular fetish involving 3Q-preggy and fully beavered chix. dr_j_stone - This character is like a sore dick. You don't want to beat on it, as it will only hurt. Drakona - This character will be in the D&D scene, to try and 'slay' the dragon vixen with his _sword_o_mighty_, only to get repelled with a, "Sorry, you don't have the BTUs, bozo... Kalimdor - This character only does unshowered chicks who are vegan and are willing to get their supplimental protein fill from, uh, direct from the tap. pretty_pony - This character is the best of the lot of the 'barnyard scene' list of who's who when a pony is 'involved'. Bungholio - This character has the best skillset for knowing how to 'sample' the new talent, yet not 'overwork' them in their evaluations. Ski - This character knows how to mount a slippery slope, and drive his pole(s) for best traction. Terminator - This character is like the jam-car of these movies. He fracks with everyone, yet gets left behind. visitor - These guys don't just 'ring the door bell', they bring the bacon home to the lonely hosewives who need that 'lil extra special sum'fin. peeper - This character is not supposed to be here. He's the 17yo guy next door who is watching all the 'action' and wishing and wanting that he could be here where all the fun is. So what's for lunch? > Announcement from peeper, (#34) dated Wed Apr 25 21:44:17 2007 hey, at least *I* didn't spent no time in jail > Announcement from IndustMech, (#6) dated Wed Apr 25 21:47:32 2007 ?> Announcement from peeper, (#34) dated Wed Apr 25 21:44:17 2007 ?hey, at least *I* didn't spent no time in jail What do you know? *IM* > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Wed Apr 25 21:57:15 2007 u make fun, but the back ups get the not-so-pretty girls who make up for their looks with enthusiastic effort. > Announcement from WeAreYourFriends, (#12) dated Fri Apr 27 22:29:34 2007 Now that it's been broadcasted, I was the one who just got out of jail. Good thing I'm Friendly and have many Friends. This time it only took 4 goons to lock me up. Last time it was 6. Broke my own personal record and have done time in 5 states now (that I can remember) Listen Kids. Being in gaol/jail is not cool. > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Fri Apr 27 22:57:07 2007 u mean 4 junior high girls filed the complaint this time, as opposed to 6 last time? i think refering to them as "goons" is a bit harsh. remember people, this is why you don't open pics attached to unknown emails. there are some things that people do with sheep that you don't want to know. > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Sat Apr 28 13:25:45 2007 if i ever decide to play under another country name, i think i'll pick "Relative calm" > Announcement from WeAreYourFriends, (#12) dated Sat Apr 28 22:06:04 2007 nah, I'm not a criminal, which is why I've never done more than a day. beep is always a comedian as usual. when I say goon, I mean jack-booted thugs attacking you while you are not resisting. Dude, now I have 3 lawyers and carry cash to bail myself out if nec. So far I've only been arrested for bucking the system or being drunk > Announcement from Ski, (#31) dated Mon Apr 30 13:03:24 2007 ?i'll pick "Relative calm" That name has a capital letter. I thought your keyboard had those removed... > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Wed May 02 20:49:35 2007 this game needs more genocide, precision guided armaments, smart bombs, pissed off collateral damaged civs as your tech gets higher, resurgents, etc. kill, Kill, KILL! > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Thu May 03 19:59:17 2007 mmmm... nothing better for supper than a nice pot of grits. boil'em up in some salted water, add pepper and butter; good eatin' now to wash them down with a nice bottle of wine; red wine goes best with rib-sticking thick and hearty grits. you heathens who like watery grits probably prefer a Gallo chablis or some such rot. > Announcement from SonOfASheep, (#3) dated Thu May 03 20:09:23 2007 Hmmm have never seen grits mentioned on the bottle for foods that go well with any particular brand. Though they probabaly go great with a little md20/20 since they shouldn't lodge in your throat on the way back up. > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Thu May 03 22:27:01 2007 aww... Abby and Luka finally got hitched; although if i was him i'ld still be chasing that nurse, especially since her juvie son got shipped off to bad kid school > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Thu May 03 23:44:14 2007 Steltzner 2003 Claret, good with grits. > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Fri May 04 07:41:29 2007 what size boxes does that wine come in? 1 quart? 1 gallon? > Announcement from WannaVhite, (#9) dated Sat May 05 22:43:30 2007 Well, I've benn out btu'd have fun with no one around > Announcement from IndustMech, (#6) dated Sat May 05 22:45:04 2007 Thanks for fighting on. > Announcement from RimFire, (#8) dated Mon May 07 09:23:29 2007 It has come to my attention that someone has borrowed my new shiny jhb's to steal gold bars. I will start an investigation immediately, results should be ready in about 2 years after 2 million dollars and royal commission. Ron K. > Announcement from WannaVhite, (#9) dated Mon May 07 22:39:48 2007 this f***ing client sucks in battle > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Mon May 07 22:43:36 2007 that's obviously not what that sort of client is intended for. > Announcement from IndustMech, (#6) dated Mon May 07 22:44:38 2007 You need an intern > Announcement from WannaVhite, (#9) dated Mon May 07 23:07:25 2007 good night, out btu'd again > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Wed May 09 21:17:27 2007 *** Important message from the Deity *** Ok, time for an important vote: Issue: Should Paris be pardoned for her DUI crime, and be spared the 45 day sentence? Vote now! Pardon Paris? Punish Paris? > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Wed May 09 21:25:52 2007 paris has been a naughty little girl; let me go purchase some whips and chains at one of the adult superstores, and then send her to me for some well-earned discipline. > Announcement from IndustMech, (#6) dated Wed May 09 21:50:28 2007 Yeah, right. As if we beleive you have to go purchase them... > Announcement from WannaVhite, (#9) dated Wed May 09 22:15:35 2007 he actually holds several patents > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Wed May 09 22:15:46 2007 just like getting a tattoo, you need "fresh" supplies once the others get -uh- stained with various bodily fluids. you're not one of those crazies who think it's okay to share whips and chains are you? no telling what kind of nasty diseases you can pick up that way. > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Wed May 09 22:22:57 2007 So far we have one vote for paris receiving some 'protective custody / home remedial schooling' from one of our helpful and peaceful nations. > Announcement from WannaVhite, (#9) dated Wed May 09 22:25:43 2007 we expect a free copy of the video before its released on the net as well I imagine your trademarks will be prominently displayed during the session > Announcement from WannaVhite, (#9) dated Fri May 11 22:32:39 2007 Nice job in economic terrorism > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Sat May 12 08:26:29 2007 Ok, we are into the Mum's Day weekend break. No update this Sunday. Say 'hi' to all your mom's for me! > Announcement from IndustMech, (#6) dated Sat May 12 18:59:02 2007 Red beer gives me a headache. > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Sat May 12 19:59:22 2007 we are willing to bet, from a technical perspective, that is not true. what may be true is that after you wake up you have a headache, but all that shows is that it was the _stopping_ of drinking red beer that causes your headaches and not the red beer itself... > Announcement from IndustMech, (#6) dated Sat May 12 20:01:34 2007 Nope, got a headache after the first one. Didn't get worse after the second. I only had 2 of the red's > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Sat May 12 20:26:33 2007 that sounds unnatural; maybe it was can with a bad liner. maybe the waitress was pissed after you squeezed her bottom and put something in it. who knows? but beer causing something bad? that just can't be... > Announcement from IndustMech, (#6) dated Sat May 12 20:34:41 2007 I bought a 12 pack Sampler with 2 each of 6 different beers all from Berghoff. Berghoff is a Brewery in Wisconsin. Red Ale Red Bock Winter Ale Original Lager Beer Genuine Pale Ale Genuine Dark Beer Hefe - Weizen an unfiltered wheat beer > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Sat May 12 20:44:26 2007 remember that in order to make a statement such as "red beer gives me a headache", you have to approach the subject scientificly, not anecdotally. what you got here is a single event... maybe experimental error is involved. what you need to do is repeatedly try the experiment while controlling for all other variables of your activities that day. e.g., instead of mowing the lawn in the hot sun and then drinking a red beer, you relax in a hammock all day and then drink a red beer. testing all the possible variables this way could take months. good luck > Announcement from IndustMech, (#6) dated Sat May 12 20:50:26 2007 I had a Killians Red once... once It too gave me a headache. But to be scientific, I'm trying the "Famouse Red Ale" next. > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Sat May 12 20:55:00 2007 don't forget about side-effects from combinations with other substances. like if you always like peanuts with your beer, maybe switch to pretzels... > Announcement from IndustMech, (#6) dated Sat May 12 20:56:25 2007 mmmm... food > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Sat May 12 21:37:49 2007 I too have an experience to share with the group. Every time I drink a so called red beer, "Red Dog", I get nasty farts. IM, have you tried other beers that have "red" in their names? (this would help discredit if it is a subconscious thing) also, what occurs if you took a normal beer, but put red food coloring into it? > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Sat May 12 21:53:11 2007 this is a situation that definitly calls for double blind experiments. what you need to do is get a buddy to wrap a large number of different beers in tin foil and then paint a number on each one. you then take the beers and drink them, noting the number and whether you came down with a headache afterword. then you can compare the numbers with your buddy to see if it was actually a red beer when you got a headache. > Announcement from IndustMech, (#6) dated Sat May 12 22:00:09 2007 ?But to be scientific, I'm trying the "Famouse Red Ale" next. I ment to say the "Red Bock Winter Ale" It is pretty tasty. I'll be using it to wash down a "World Famous Merichka's Poor Boy". If your ever in the chicagoland area, I suggest you try one. It's like a steak sandwich with garlic butterine. > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Mon May 14 19:46:10 2007 okay, i'm not very smart but... how come when layla had her fake boobs she would never wear a bra and show us her cleavage, but now that she's taken out the padding she gives us body-by-victoria almost all the time? not that i'm complaining... > Announcement from RimFire, (#8) dated Wed May 16 23:57:00 2007 For immediate release, as of May 17, 2007, the grand council of the Alliance of RimFire, IndustMech, SonOfASheep, Wales and beep declares victory in the Petting Zoo 6 game as all capitals have been conquered other than one. The remaining capital has fallen into financial ruins from not sufficiently protecting it's gold bar reserve. > Announcement from SonOfASheep, (#3) dated Thu May 17 00:43:46 2007 cool > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Thu May 17 07:40:27 2007 ok, we have a win declaration by the five above named countries (5?). you all know the deal, you got one update period to contest their declaration by saying so here in the annos. thus you have until Fri May 18 23:57:00 to say so. the update for thurs even- ing will remain enabled. > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Thu May 17 23:47:06 2007 had to do it; worth it to find out the pinheads changed the arm syntax > Announcement from Ski, (#31) dated Fri May 18 10:45:05 2007 What kind of nuke did you drop? > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Fri May 18 17:54:15 2007 a cheap one. > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Sat May 19 06:31:09 2007 Congrats to the winners of PZ6 (RimFire/IndustMech/SonOfASheep/Wales/beep). Here are the final standings. - = [ Empire Power Report ] = - as of Sat May 19 00:00:01 2007 sects eff civ mil shell gun pet iron dust oil pln ship unit money IndustMec 226 89% 119K 15K 9.4K 877 14K 16K 1.1K 5.1K 312 132 121 70K 29897.24 beep 185 94% 115K 14K 8.4K 1.6K 23K 28K 926 6.5K 200 111 122 21K 26933.41 SonOfAShe 225 76% 110K 4.8K 3.9K 558 13K 16K 1.6K 5.4K 365 104 42 65K 23162.99 RimFire 210 85% 103K 17K 4.8K 618 2.9K 27K 382 1.9K 158 63 65 356 21287.76 Wales 137 89% 74K 12K 5.5K 451 7.9K 10K 870 926 94 64 47 16K 14600.23 WannaVhit 53 93% 28K 3.3K 924 247 2.5K 3.6K 839 539 53 70 35 4.5K 6576.24 WeAreYour 32 74% 14K 9.0K 677 265 1.5K 3.2K 883 537 22 69 26 85K 5166.96 Turk_Ling 7 100% 4.3K 667 89 18 143 2.1K 510 70 1 9 2 126K 2092.78 Drakona 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 49K 487.28 Kalimdor 0 0% 0 46 16 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 12K 151.26 pretty_po 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13K 128.69 dr_j_ston 0 0% 0 81 2 5 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 -2.0K 34.04 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- worldwide 1.1K 86% 567K 76K 34K 4.7K 66K 106K 7.1K 21K 1.2K 628 460 460K Sat May 19 00:00:02 2007 # name tech research education happiness capital 1 beep 197.89 193.23 19.52 10.57 -66,-20 2 pretty_pony 115.65 77.69 0.59 0.80 71,-45 3 SonOfASheep 174.94 77.69 15.88 0.03 -13,35 4 dr_j_stone 152.76 94.89 2.57 15.32 -68,2 5 Drakona 84.95 77.69 0.01 0.01 36,-16 6 IndustMech 193.49 137.66 20.68 0.01 42,30 7 Kalimdor 121.75 93.77 0.46 6.44 17,7 8 RimFire 185.61 98.29 17.15 7.26 -39,-39 9 WannaVhite 186.74 146.38 14.84 13.22 12,-22 10 Turk_Lingel 163.98 80.81 4.12 1.09 -11,-17 11 Wales 195.49 96.96 23.23 15.41 -64,32 12 WeAreYourFrien 179.16 77.69 10.87 0.01 64,6 32 Terminator 50.00 50.00 0.05 0.18 0,2 It will be several days until I get the full report up. Meanwhile, feel free to discuss how you liked/disliked the game and any mods (or mods you wish were done). -Bungy > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Sat May 19 20:51:40 2007 most disappointing part of the game: nobody took out RimFire, because then we could have plagarized a line and said "guess he was .22 in a .357 world" > Announcement from SonOfASheep, (#3) dated Sat May 19 22:35:46 2007 the real question is where did Turk go?? Dude vanished into thin air > Announcement from IndustMech, (#6) dated Sun May 20 00:24:56 2007 Five Winners. Just after beep, RimFire and myself took over the pretty_pony start island we were negotiating our n/a's and discusing alliances. It was sugested, erroniously, that Turk_Lingel, WannaVhite and WeAreYourFriends were forming an alliance. And as those three were 1,2,3 on the power chart they would be hard to beat. So an alliance was formed our hope was to band togeather 5 of the bottom 6 countries togeather and attack the top three before we were attacked ourselves. SonOfASheep and Wales were at war. But if they continued their war, they would weaken themselves and be a target of the leaders and no help to our alliance. It took a couple of days of negotiations by myself and RimFire to find peace. beep, RimFire and IndustMech planned to attack WannaVhite. And SonOfASheep and Wales would attack Turk_Lingel. WeAreYourFriiends would be saved for later. As it turned out, after our alliance was formed and attacks on Wanna had began, Turk and WeAreYourFriends stopped playing. Wanna was a determined defender right to the end. Even with 3 attackers and no allies he never stopped fighting. I've been playing Empire for more that 15 years in the blitzes, 5 years in real games. This is my first win and first time on the top of the power chart at the end of the game. Thanks to: Bungy and Ski, My Allies, and WannaVhite. IndustMech > Announcement from SonOfASheep, (#3) dated Sun May 20 10:32:32 2007 it really was setting up as a bottom v the top, too bad the top stopped playing > Announcement from Wales, (#11) dated Sun May 20 17:27:08 2007 With respect to "beep". He should be aware that the .22 is the preffered weapon of professionals. Those .357s are only used by folks who are too lazy to learn to shoot straight and need extra stopping power in order to take down their target. :) > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Sun May 20 18:59:25 2007 actually, i believe the real pros have discovered that the .40S&W (formerly known as the .40 short&weak) is pretty much the ideal semi-auto handgun round. :-P > Announcement from WannaVhite, (#9) dated Mon May 21 00:00:59 2007 First, congratulations to the winners. Its always more fun to be on the winning side than losing side. (That being said, its better to be on the losing side than not to have played at all). Second, I will apologize for myself and co-ruler who in the last two updates had personal issues which prevented any activity. We had planned to fight on, but our schedules had independent minds of their own. Its not that we were abandoning the game, life told us to pay attention elsewhere, and it happened to hit simultaneously. (Not that it would have changed the ultimate outcome, perhaps delayed it a little). This is the first that I have been able to login to the game since Wednesday. Third, thanks to the deity for running the game. and Last, what DID happen to Turk and WAYF? all the best WV > Announcement from beep, (#1) dated Mon May 21 02:28:39 2007 well, i'm the guy who was acting like Curly and spinning around on the floor, saying the fix was in... and quite literally screaming for help. i'm still convinced WV, WAYF, and Turk reached an agreement; events don't make much sense otherwise. but i guess from the outside one party disappearing from the fight is not initially distinguishable from an alliance. > Announcement from WannaVhite, (#9) dated Mon May 21 05:37:27 2007 The first, last and (obviously) only post from the "mysterious" 3rd coruler ... You folks are lucky these two excellent players handicapped themselves by letting me look in on their country occasionally. If not for my stray minutes here and there, this country would have been an unstoppable juggernaut. In fact, the one update I was allowed to cover, with much trepidation by the principals, I failed to gain the *single* sector asked of me, and, in fact, went so far as to lose a sector. I offer this anecdote as clear proof of the desultory effect of my incompetence on the otherwise putatively invincible performance one could have expected from this country. Temekula - old, blind, decrepit, unable to get WinAce to work without popping up a zillion error windows. Oh, and what the hell is with the update happening "randomly" a few minutes after it's supposed to happen? Is this proof that chaos theory is actually true? Is that a butterfly's wings I hear being ripped off by Tom Tedrick? > Announcement from SonOfASheep, (#3) dated Mon May 21 15:19:33 2007 It could have materialized into a great game for sure. It seemed that Turk was poised to attack Dr_J and then Wales and myself. However no attack materialized and it became very apparent that Turk had checked out (and by lack of explaination here is still checked out). Was really to bad. Wales and I were challenged by Dr_J to the last and hitting Turk was more like target practice. I also saw that WAYF checked out too by the complete lack of movement of his ships in my area. Was this just a case of an obvious alliance being formed and just saying f' it or was there something else. Really was too bad as I seriously doubt Wales and I could have done much more then turn Dr_J's area into a quagmire while trying to wait for the Beep, Rimfire, IM attack on WV to play out. Had I known that Turk was checked out I would have prefered to keep kicking on Wales since we had a nice battle going. Thanks again to IM and Rimfire for talking Wales into resonable terms and allowing the alliance to proceed. > Announcement from SonOfASheep, (#3) dated Mon May 21 15:20:49 2007 and of course thanks to Doug for putting together another great game. I enjoy them all and always learn something new. Special shout out to my two co-rulers who together logged around 15 minutes the whole game. Thanks guys for the support. Carl Spackler > Announcement from RimFire, (#8) dated Mon May 21 21:54:42 2007 Thanks Doug for running this game. Thanks to my allies and to WannaVhite. It was a learning exercise in diplomacy. It was interesting opportunity to learn tactics from the allies and the enemies. Thanks to WannaVhite for not giving up even with three countries attacking you at once. I finally had time this weekend to fix some of the WinACE problems I saw while playing this game. Yes, that includes the annoying problem with Flash Chat window that All would be switch to Country when you reselected the window. I also fixed the neweff calculation and added a forward option for telegrams. Let me know if you have any other problems you want fixed. Ron K. > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Tue May 22 22:12:47 2007 So did anyone change their normal ships/planes/units builds based on the mods to these in the game? Planes: Zepplins had an increased load, yet not a single one was build this game. The Heavy Bomber had increased load and range, and was more popular than usual. F3's were pretty popular. No one build a LandSat. Ships: Just a few GunShips were built. The BattleShip moving to tech 55 didn't stop players from building them. Reduced PT and DD ships. SubHunters were plentiful. Units: Shepherds were intended for deity amusement, yet some players build some. There were just a handful of Tank units built. Only a half dozen Radar units, they seem to be fairly worthless? Heavy Armor had increased attack and moved to tech 110, and a dozen or 2 were built. Not many Special Ops units, I guess these guys needed to be more powerful. Nukes: Why were'nt you guys glazing eath other? > Announcement from IndustMech, (#6) dated Tue May 22 22:25:18 2007 Thought about a LandSat, but by the time I had the tech, I had pretty good intel from future allies. Didn't want to waste $ Ships: I liked bb's for fire power, hc's for fire power and unit capacity, sub's for stelth, sub hunters ... to hunt subs. Units: inf, cav and hats. radar units sucked. IM This Monkeys Gone to Heaven > Announcement from SonOfASheep, (#3) dated Tue May 22 22:45:24 2007 I personally like what I like. Guess it goes with being married. Possibly also goes with still not understanding the finer points of the game. Damn it Jim, I can't understand de full value of da f3 What can ya understand?? Damn it Jim, I know CS's and HC's loaded with mil and inf pack a hella a punch, and a 3 cal's with f2's and lb's are some mean sons a bitchs Well build sh*tload of them then. Damn it Jim, I can't give ya no more, this ship ain't built for that. Overall, I guess I know what works and stick to it. Learn to use some basic tools and then look for someone to use them on. Who cares if every problem looks like a nail, just make sure ya got a damn big hammer. > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Wed May 30 21:08:13 2007 PZ6 post game anno is now in the works... (this is my first free night in 2 weeks!) > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Wed May 30 23:33:13 2007 charts are now half done. I got all the tech/res/edu/hap/pow vs update graphs done. tomorow is the maps per update + make teh webpage. > Announcement from Bungholio, (#0) dated Thu May 31 23:06:05 2007 Things take a lot longer than you think. Just getting the maps working took all of this evening. I got all the data's together, not I just gotta write the report and create the webpage. For all of you who are too antsy and need info now, here's the power/tech/edu/happy/research plots and the maps per update pics: http://www.angelfire.com/empire2/bungholio/PZ6-DataZips.zip > Announcement from IndustMech, (#6) dated Sat Jun 02 19:25:40 2007 Thanks for all the effort. IM