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My Adoptions Page 1

I love dragons so I have adopted a few.
They protect this site for me. Aren't
they cute? Each one has a name and
a story. The one at the top is called
Star. She's not very old. Only a couple
months old. She likes to follow me all
around and gets into everything. She also does
not like to sleep alone. She can't sleep
with me cause my husband says we don't
have enough room in our bed for a dragon
so she sleeps with my nine year old daughter
in her bed. She says she is a cover
hog and likes to suck her toes in
the middle of the night. Her favorite thing
to eat are crayons and her least favorite
thing to eat are brussel sprouts. Her favorite
tv show is Barney of course.

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This sweet little dragon's name is Misty.
She's five years old. Misty is very curious
about everything and asks a lot of questions
just like any five year old. She's very
smart and knew how to read when she was
only one years old. She loves to dance
and sing. Her favorite food is Oreo cookies
and her least favorite food is cheesey potatoes.
One of her favorite things to do is
dress up our cat Trix in baby clothes
and push him around in a stroller.

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This dragon's name is Arthur, and he is
6 years old. As you can see he is
very shy and quiet. He enjoys reading and
drawing and he likes to paint. He likes
to come and sit quietly with me and
watch tv or read a book. His favorite
food is peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and
his favorite tv show is Dragontales. He is
very sweet and helpful with a warm compassionate
heart. He likes to bring home stray animals
all the time.

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This little guy's name is Draco and he
is five weeks old. He likes to play
hide and seek. He sleeps in my room
in a little playppen. He is just learning how
to talk and his first word was kitty.
He likes to chase the cat around and
pull his tail. He is very cute and
warm and friendly. He isnt house broken yet
though and still has accidents. His favorite food
is fishsticks with catsup and he does not
like bananas at all. Actually he really likes
to eat bugs.

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This is Lancelot and he is 7 yrs
old the same age as my son. They
are best buds and do everything together. Even
take a bath and sleep together. He likes
to go on many adventures with my son
and his favorite tv show is Dragonball Z
and his favorite food is pizza and he
pretty much dislikes all vegetables except corn. He
and my son love to play Star Wars
with their lightsabers all the time. They manage
to get into quite a bit of trouble

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