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Book of Shadows

This dedication ritual was written by my husband, Aerius WorldWind for our dedication.

Cast circle. "Circle of power , I conjure thee so that you will be for us a boundary between the world of men and the realms of the mighty spirits for this rite of dedication. A meeting place of perfect love and perfect trust."

Ground and center.

Quarter Call:

Starting in the North, draw invoking pentagram and say, "Guardians of the North, lend us thy power of the Earth in raising this circle as we pledge to be keepers of the mysteries and strong in the craft of the wise. Give to us the mystery and growth, material abundance and teach us to work with the combined forces of nature and its bounty, its healing and birth. Protect this circle and witness this rite."

Turn to the East, draw draw the invoking pentagram and say, "Guardians of the East, lend us thy power of the Air in raising this circle as we pledge to be keepers of the mysteries and strong in the craft of the wise. Give us the ability to know and to communicate and to unlock the secrets of the dead, the wisdom , and elightenment, telepathy and intellect. Protect this circle and withness this rite."

Turn to the South, draw the invoking pentagram and say, "Guardians of the South, lend us thy power of Fire in raising this circle as we pledge to be keepers of the mysteries and strong in the craft of the wise. Give us the transformation and courage of pure energy, creativity and the will to dare, loyalty and force. Protect this circle and witness this rite."

Turn to the West, draw invoking pentagram and say, "Guardians of the West, lend us thy power of Water in raising this circle as we pledge to be keepers of the mysteries and strong in the craft of the wise. Give us the dreamtime and intuition, the flowing movement of emotions of the innerself and to cleanse all things. Protect this circle and witness this rite."

"In the name of the Horned God and Radiant Lady, I conjure thee, O' Circle of Power!"

"The circle is cast. we are between the worlds, beyond the boundaries of time, where night and day, birth and death, Joy and sorrow, meet as one. This circle is sealed."

Perform God and Goddess salute then pledge dedication to the wisdom of the Goddess and the God, saying,

"We pledge always to seek they wisdom and hear your truth, to guard the mysteries of they great power, to honor the earth and be true to ourselves and to be strong in the ranks of the craft of the wise."

Bid farewell to the guardians and thank them for the use of their power.

Starting in the West draw banishing pentagram, bid farewell and thanks. Do the same for the remaining Guardians.

Ground and center and close circle.

Full Moon Ritual

Light white candle and say:
"This candle represents the Goddess in all Her aspects and forms."

Light black or yellow candle and say:

"This candle represents the God in all His aspects and forms."

Ground and center.

Cast circle - Walk deosil 3x's imagining a white light encircling and forming a protective bubble. Say:
"By strength of witches honor
I conjure this magick circle.
Fminine steel, a powerful boon.
We are safe within the Goddess's womb.
A sacred place, a world apart,
Where enchantment births and magick starts.
With Air, and Fire, Water and Earth,
I circle around the mother's girth.
The Legions of Life await my word.
This circle is sealed."

Call Watchtowers
Draw invoking pentagram for East and say:
"Watchtower call
Aldebaran light
East I draw,
Come this night

Draw invoking pentagram for South and say:
"Watchtower call
Regulus might
South I draw
Protect this site."

Draw invoking pentagram for West and say:
"Watchtower call
Witness Antares
West I draw
To work with star energies."

Draw invoking pentagram for North and say:
"Watchtower call
Fomalhaut aid
North I draw
To call your name."

Then say:
"Shining Ones
of stellar sight
Assist me please
Throughoput this rite."

Perform God and Goddess salute envisioning each coming into you

Altar Devotion

Begin in the East. Light incense, hold hand over incense and say:
"Creature of Air, I cleanse and consecrate thee by the Ancient Energies of the East. I remove all negativity in this world and in the world of phantasm. Blessings of the Ancient Ones be on you now. So mote it be."
Pass hand over incense 3x's to banish then hold hand over to bless, imagining a sparkling light surrounding incense.

Light candle in the South and say:
"O Creature of fire, I cleanse and consecrate thee by the Ancient Energies of the South. I remove all negativity in this world and in the world of phantasm. Blessings of the Ancient Ones be on you now. So mote it be."

Pass hand over flame 3x's, then hold hand over to bless, imagining a sparkling light surrounding the candle.

Hold chalice of water up and say:
"O Creature of Water, I cleanse and consecrate thee in the names of the Ancient Energies of the West. I remove all negativity in this world and the world of phantasm. Blessings of the Ancient Ones be on you now. So mote it be."
Do the same to banish and bless as the last two elements.

Pick up salt and say:
"O creature of Earth, I cleanse and consecrate thee in the names of the Ancient Energies of the North. I cast out all negativity in this world and the world of phantasm. Blessings of the Ancient Ones be on you now. So mote it be."
Repeat banishing and blessing as above.

Hold chalice up in communion with the Gods then move to the center of the altar. Next sprinkle salt into the water 3x's and stir deosil 3x's. Say:
"As the rod is to the God, so is the chalice to the Goddess."
Lower blade into the water. As knife is inserted say:
"And together they are one."
Envision the water exploding with divine energy.
Then starting in the north, move hand in a spiral motion imagining all the elementas mixing together. Do this 5x's and then say,"It is done."

Ground and center

Invocation of Goddess-
Stand in Goddess position and say:
"O Goddess within
O Goddess without
Radiant Lady of the stars
Shining Goddess of the Full Moon
Sweet Mother of all creation
We ask you to bring love, beauty,
compassion, power and magick to our circle
Teach us to have love and compassion for all your children.
Teach us to respect and hold
sacred all of creation which
is your body."

Read Poem

Earth Mother, Star Mother
You who are called by a thousand names
May all remember we are cells
in your body and dance together.
You are the grain and the loaf
that sustains us each day.
And as you are patient
with our struggles to learn,
so shall we be patient with ourselves
and each other.
You are radiant light
and sacred dark-the balance
You are the embrace that heartens
and the freedom beyond fear.
Within you we are born, we grow,
live and die.
You bring us round the circle to rebirth.
Within us you dance forever.

Read Charge of the Goddess.

Meditate, Draw down the moon, chant, work a spell or make love at this point. Just do whatever feels right.

Thank the Goddess-
"O Goddess within
O Goddess without
O Goddess of the moon,
waters and Earth.
We give thanks for your many blessings and gifts.
We thank you for being here with us tonite."

Thank and dismiss Watchtowers.
Turn North, draw banishing pentagram and say:
"Hail and farewell Foamalhaut bright
Safe journey now
Into the night
Peace and harmony reign supreme
Blessings upon you."
Repeat for next three Watchtowers moving widdershins.
Close circle. Walk widdershins 3x's and say:
"Circle of strength, circle of power,
Circle of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water
I release thee now
The circle is open
But never broken.

Ground and center.

Book of Shadows
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