Bagand is located at the far western edge of Delusa on the border with the northern Alliance land. Another port town, though not nearly as major as Vorago or Kilan Dal. The city is a main passage for those in Delusa to the Northern AoA west of the Sonnatona River. The city itself is surrounded by mountains within Delusa. There are many fresh water fishers within this town and traders who work along the cities and towns along the river as well. The architecture of this town is outdated compared to the rest of the country, despite the trade routes and travel held between the place since the last major war generations ago. A generally quiet, foggy town. Many of the people who live here aside from the traders, travelers, fishers and those born here, the people who come to this town usually visit here to get away from busy life and to contemplate acording to town stories. Few venture from this place and those who come from there are merely travelers from other cities or thsoe who have gone to visit the sleepy town. however, there are those who are born into this town who can't stand the quiet atmosphere. More of this has shown especially recently with some of the youth, however majority of the younger society in this place still lives here and will probably never leave. the people here seem to have a code of their own and everyone who lives in this place knows their neighbors by name. It's also said that many here find it so quiet that rumors and stories are started to keep the townfolk from going totally quiet. However, it is known that some of the rumors of this place have come true, and many stories of the past still exist here.