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Hi Netizens,

I am Pravin B. Dhayfule an Information Technology Professional from India. The reason behind creating such a group was that I found many people just visiting chat rooms and search engines for finding required information. Sometimes they get satisfied while some times its too late. I wanted to be one to bring experts together under one group. My target is to make people's life easy and comfortable. You see; "When its free, Its advice, When its charged, Its counseling". But I want to provide free counseling, and for that I require people from all the work fields and profession.

For that I also expect the members to get more members to expand the group. I want to keep this group live. That can be done only by the support of the members.

Remember all this that I am doing is just for the sake of Humanity.

Thank you,

Yours' Sincerely,

Pravin B. Dhayfule                                                                                            

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