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Welcome to éo, the Official fanlistings for the Horses of Lord of the Rings. Version 4.0 showcases the Ringwraiths with their steeds. Navigation= Nîn o Chithaeglir-Rules; lasto beth daer-Join; Rimmo nîn Bruinen-codes; dan in-members; Ulaer!-extra. Which can be translated to 'Waters of the Misty Mountains listen to the great word; flow waters of Loudwater against the Ringwraiths!' It is the 'Bruinen Spell' against the Ringwraiths


4.30.03 Added two new members and one new affiliate, go visit; I love the site! Also a new layout soon.

4.18.03 One new member and one new affiliate; go visit her site!

4.10.03 Added one members, welcome. Also this site won "best layout" from the NGN awards!

4.05.03 Added one new member members. Please vote for this site at Bloomed Awards It will be greatly appreciated!

4.02.03 Hope everyone had a April Fools day filled with crazy pranks! Now on with buisness..five new members. Welcome Noora, Elfwine, Abby, Val and KP!

3.21.03 One new affiliate. Go visit her site! Also adopted Mr. Legolas; want to adopt your own? Click on it.

3.20.03 One new member. Also, affiliates, nominated and joined will now be under the extras section for the time being.

3.19.03 New layout, you like?

3.12.03 Added two new members, welcome. Also added two more affiliates.

3.11.03 Yeah! We won two more awards, thanks to Wing It. The other is from the Golden Web Awards! I feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Two new affiliates. Will add their buttons asap. New layout in the near future?

3.08.03 One new member. Welcome!

3.06.03 One new member and a new affiliate. I love her site, Legolas is to sigh for!

3.05.03 One new One new member.

3.04.03 This site has won two more awards ! A big thank you to these two sites !

3.03.03 It's been a while since the last update. Two more members, added; it's now up to ten! Oh and before I forget credit for the picture of the three riders in the layout goes to Nerwen! I will put a link up soon. Also I volunteered to judge at yet another award site, The Fellowship Fashion awards ,so go nominate your site there! Finally, this site is nominated at two more award sites.

2.24.03 One new
affiliate, and I added more codes, a really pretty one from the upcoming ROTK movie. ^^ Also this site won an award!

2.23.03 200 hits today.

2.22.03 Two new members, welcome Brandy and Sakuya. Member count is eight now, which happens to be my favorite number! Nominated at a couple of award site too.

2.20.03 I put layout a day early, since I won't be able to tomorrow. It's with chromeless frames, which I love. Navigation is those tiny little stars to your left. Some links might now work yet, I'm still uploading it all.

2.18.03 I'm beginning to really dislike this layout, no not the Bill part, but the rest. It was a real simple one, that was due to my laziness. I'll put a new one up on the 21st, in honor of my birthday! ^~ Two new members, welcome Neume and Ilúvënis. That makes a total of six members from four different countries!

2.17.03 A late Happy Valentine's Day! New layout will be up by hopefully tomorrow or Wednesday. One new member, welcome Nichole.

2.13.03 Welcome Arwen, the third member. New layout on the way. And one new affiliates.

2.10.03 One new member, welcome Nerwen! 2.7.03 Two new affiliates

2.6.03 New layout, all hail Bill.

2.5.03 The first member! Yunalesca from Spain.


1.15.03 Almost complete! Just have to add final touches and notify the category manager at thefanlistings.