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Monday, 19 July 2004
aiight well here is a little about myself

i listen to mostly underground hip hop an cant stand the mainstream garbage, consider them a bunch of industry sluts who don't know the definition of "artist"
i am about15-20 pounds over weight due to this winter i gotten sick with mono an stuffed my face without working out..Hopefully ill lose it soon, I've been to lazy an un motivated i was waiting for my synergy gym to open up around me but its been prosponed once again which fucking pisses me off...The recruiter guy's this muscle headed tan fuck who keeps going on how he is going to cancun...i fucking cant stand him
anyways I'm trying to be peaceful an let shit go an not take things as personal cause I'm usually a hot head an go into trouble for it (probation for 2 years on attempted assault) so i try to engage less in situations where i know violence would be an outcome...But now my peacefulness has made me think I'm becoming a push over but that's probably just my own insecurities.
anyways it is kind late I'm trying to think of more recent things to describe me...i will make a full list just now I'm trying to think of shit to post
i now gotten back into rock type music current favorite band is tool right now I'm basically rambling on hmmm
aiight since my fuck ups in school i am going to attend a program called spring board which instead of saying in school another year ill get my GED by December...This is on my poor attendence and disregard for school not my grades really...i probably could have passed with ease if i only did my homework lol
anyways I'm also taking a culminary arts class which i will get a degree in, an 80% chance of a scholarship...i will be attending Nassau community college after i get my GED an hopefully get my 15 credits by June or July so i can get a contract with the US Army or USMC, id rather Army cause more family has served an i just like there attitude most Marines i came in contract with have there heads up there ass, non of them saw action and have the nerve to call Soldiers pussies an same with sailors an other service members cause they didn't go through Marine BootCamp...Which is fucking idiotic. Anyways hopefully i can get my weight down so i can join an get back into better shape
i have no trouble jogging an shit but oh well if i loose more weight it will probably be easier an less stressful on my body an legs hopefully will have more endurance...Once my gym opens ill go through an intense work out schedule like i used to. At one point i had a decent mass to me but lost it cause i didn't keep up with weight training, i went into boxing an didn't see it to be the best choice to be a muscle bound fool anyways I'm out peace

Posted by empire2/fenris at 2:31 AM EDT
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woke up at 5 ate some ill ass ravioli for breakfast/dinner combo type shit, tasted delisious they were fresh from this place called antony's which is a great place to buy italian food products, then went to see Irobat which i orginally thought wouldnt be to good but it turned out to be boarderline great, very entertaining somewhat prodictible tho, oh well

Posted by empire2/fenris at 1:46 AM EDT
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Friday, 16 July 2004
boreing ass day
nothing happend woke up around 5 an felt tired all day, probably goin to the aquaduct tommorow pick up some shit, found out sebastian aint comin an rocksteady is off(for me that is, no way of getting there oh well the ppl i wanted to see arent even preforming) kinda dissapointing but doesnt matter, life goes on lol, probably gonna go to a different concert that day anyways..shity ass day, had better had worse

Posted by empire2/fenris at 10:39 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 16 July 2004 10:41 PM EDT
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Thursday, 15 July 2004
fuckin things
man..on some bullshit almost got jumped for goin joggin aint that bout a bitch...luckily one of the cats reconized me an josenhans an we were free lol
did a mile joggin so that was about it...fuckin amityville oh well

fuckin man shit like this might make me start walkin around holdin somethin in case of emergancy, an i deffinitly dont want do that but it might come down to it, muthafuckas

maybe i should walk around with a crew even tho thats the anti what i wann end up doing, but shit fuckin walkin around an getting stoped for no reason
justr cause your walking man thats some straight up bullshit
an this is supposed to be the subberbs
i could have stayed in brooklyn for negitive bullshit like this

Posted by empire2/fenris at 11:15 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 15 July 2004 11:20 PM EDT
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fucking gym aint opening for another three weeks...on some bullshit god damnit

Posted by empire2/fenris at 7:46 PM EDT
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Today my gym is supposed to open...I signed up in march an been waiting since, first it was supposed to open at the end of may, then begining of june then end now they said the 15th of july...hopefully shit is open ima call them when i wake up which usually at 3 they better be open or ima bomb them after 5 months of inactivity due to illness an my own laziness i cant wait to start liftin an training agian on a regular basis, i mean i jogged off an on but nothing intense like i used to, an hope to do once it there is a boxing program there which would be amazing to do since its been more than a year since i laced up any gloves an trained...if it is i gotta cop that Tool alubum enima which would be ill to work out with, deffinitly would get me pumped an motivated....God please let today go as planed!

Posted by empire2/fenris at 4:02 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 15 July 2004 4:24 AM EDT
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umm basically started this just cause i was board an shit, hopefully it comes in use one day....

hmmm this day was boreing but interesting talked to a chick that reminded me not all females her fuckin hell spawns an shit lol which is cool....started listen to Tool agian ill ass band

Posted by empire2/fenris at 2:59 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 15 July 2004 3:11 AM EDT
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