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Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Return of the AceGang/previous emotions
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: Kelly Clarkson - Because of You / Behind These Hazel Eyes
Topic: Non-eventful day
hey, so i should prolly inform you of my summer,

so i DID end up getting the job, and i was so destroyed cuz my cottage was like NOT getting done as quickly as we all thought it might.. so it kinda sucked, but the greatest part of the summer was when i got my weekend off, and i had my 3 best friends Julia, Megan, and Stephanie, up at my cottage!

it was a pretty crappy weekend.. rainy and crap, but it was all fun, the first night all we did was talk and talk and talk, and played a bit of Prez, and Pictionary.. it was so funny, i forget what we were talking about but julia said "all my answers come in the form of questions!" and meg was like confused, so i was like "r u tired? -is grass green?" and meg COULDNT understand why i asked those 2 questions, she was liek "WHAT DOES BEING TIRED HAVE TO DO WITH GRASS BEING GREEN?!" it took her like 10 mins to figure it out.. oh lord..

when it was more like sleep time, we were all getting a lil sleepy, so me and ju eventually just passed out, we were too tired, buuuttt steph and meg were still awake, and at one point, i heard my dad come in and he was liek "i think its about time to turn off the light girls" so they turned it off, and i THOUGHT i heard my dad also say "its 5:30" but i thought i was hearing things, so i kinda fell back to sleep, but i woke up and i was liek "eugghh.. what time is it?" to meg and steph, and meg got out her cell and was like "6:00am" and i was like "FFUUUCCCKKKKKK!!!" and they started giggling, and i was like "my dad came in right?" and they were like "yeah" and i was liek "GOOD! YOU GUYS SHOULD BE ASLEEP!"

meg went skiing, we went to Little Jacks, we got smoothies, they met Dan*, and Jen, and maybe Ryan briefly.. they definitely met my crazy neighbours, ah it was so funny, we had this potluck dinner on saturday, and we had like Dan*, his parents, Ron and Suzie from across the bay, and erics aunt coming to eat, and we were all eating, and then later they all got drunk, and we were out swimming when it was really dark, and then all of a sudden ron was outside smoking a cigare(sp?) and he was like laughing and screaming into the window he was like "HAHAHAHA DAN*, PROMISE ME WHEN YOU HAVE KIDS YOU'LL NAME THEM HERBIE! HAHAHAHA HERBIE BUTLER!! HAHAHAHA" it was so strange, i was liek "i dont know this man.."

i cant really remember too much know unfortunately :(

so just to continue a lil bit from yesterday, i guess what i was trying to say was that i ended up really liking Dan*, and its kinda unusual, and the whole reason why i liked him THIS year was cuz he wasnt always nice ot me, he actually acted like a real guy hahah thats kinda funny to say, but its true.. but he must NEVER know that i felt that way, it would just ruin everything..

now im out, cuz i have to find steph.. or at least tlak to meg.. peace latez

. sally .

Posted by empire2/firefly_blu at 3:21 PM EDT
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