We Want YOU!!!

That's right, you heard correctly. We want YOU. Even if your smelly and brown and you shite all all over peoples lawns, you can join too! We need a gardener and a free source of fertiliser anyway. You join Great Brettain by emailing to greatbrettain@yahoo.com and if you do you will be able to receive free emails from King Brett HIMSELF! Not some smelly look-a-like, no offense Jacky, but HIMSELF! WOW! Isn't that great! NO fees or trees just good clean fun. I would have put a pic of that America guy in here but I'm too lazy to do all the code and stuff. When you join, not if, when, you will receive a lot of emails that will keep you up-to-date with Great Brettain and Great Brettish goings-ons instead of being left in the dark by yourself with only a loofa and a stick for company. We can do one better then a loofa and a stick. We can get you a one-on-one MSN chat with none other then JACKY CHAN! It's not the real Jacky Chan he's just a guy in our class whose first and last name happen to match the Karate masters first and last name and possibly even Royal Advisor Klem, who is not a royal Fish because the only fish around here is JACKY CHAN! Anyway, VOTE QUIMBY! I mean Great Brettain!!!
Oh yeah and if you join you will also get mentioned in our main page and assigned a role in Great Brettain.

Email: greatbrettain@yahoo.com.au