
Take the quiz: "Which Element do you align with?"

You are a being of Water. You are loving, compassionate, and playful. You might dream often. You are very emotional and sentimental. Aphrodite and Poseidon watch over you.

Take the quiz: "Which God or Goddess are you?"

You're not a god or goddess. You're just...normal. Basically a normal teenager, kid, or adult, getting through life with what it has .to offer and accepting it for well...life. Quite boring, but average.

Take the quiz: "Which God or Goddess are you?"

God of Darkness
Seductive and, whether it's ture or not, HOT! You don't mind using what you got to take advantage of people, and you know you got it. You don't care what people think of you and wear your sexual orientation on your sleeve. You are the second piece to the ultimate divine being, combining darkeness with light makes the world live.

Take the quiz: "What type of Fairy are you?"

Daydream Fairy
Your kind and sweet and you do nothing but daydream. Your dreams Are wonderful and paradise. You no nothing of the bad in the world and you are so clear in your emotions.

Take the quiz: "Which Yugioh Character are you!?"

You are Bakura! You are shy, but only to protect others from yourself. You are a great duelist but no one ever realy cares.

Take the quiz: "What Does Your Soul Originate From? "

Mostly F Your soul originates from the Forest
You are a depressed person. You pull yourself away from the world because your heart was once broken, and you don't want it to happen again. You love hiding in the dark and never want to leave your home. You love the foliage because it's dark and it's a good hiding place from the rest of the ugly world. You love to be alone and hate people. Yet at the same time you sulk because you don't have a life like those other people out there. You don't listen to music, the sound of the trees swaying or the animals chirping in the Forest is your music. Problems in the world caused you to run away from your home and that's when you found the Forest.

Take the quiz: "Which Bladebreaker is right for you!??!?!!?"

You would go perfectly with Rei!
You love Rei's sweet personality and his love for cooking. What's better than having a guy in the house (That whne you don't want to cook) can cook for you?? DANG THAT'D BE AWESOME! I just have one thing to say to you LAY OFF! HE'S ALL MINE!! BWA HA HA HAAAAAA!!You love Rei's different....umm....ok....whatever. You love his elegant long black hair! AND SO DO I!!!! (Glomps Rei)

Take the quiz: "What infamous person are you?"

Aileen Wuornos
Girl power! You were molested by your dad so you killed a bunch of men. Rock on sister. We definitely could use some equal rights where serial killing is concerned. Of course, you won your equal rights and were executed. Isn't that special?

Take the quiz: "Which of the 7 Ancient Wonders are you?"

The Great Pyramid of Giza
Man fears Time, yet Time fears the PyramidsArab proverb It is the one and only Wonder which does not require a description by early historians and poets. It is the one and only Wonder that does not need speculations concerning its appearance, size, and shape. It is the oldest, yet it is the only surviving of the Seven Ancient Wonders. It is the Great Pyramid of Giza.

Take the quiz: "What Celtic Diety are you?"

Morgan LaFay
(Welsh) Welsh death-goddess; Morgan the Fate. Glamorgan in Wales is said to be her sacred territory. She can cast a destroying curse on any man. Gawaine of the Round Table bore Morgan's pentacle as a heraldic device on his blood-red shield. She was the daughter of LeFay, a glamorous Welsh sea Goddess. As the half-sister of King Arthur, she possibly was once a Goddess of Glastonbury Tor, a sacred pagan site intimately associated with the Arthurian myths. Archetypally, Glastonbury functions as a gateway to the Otherworld.The root of her name, mor, means

Take the quiz: "What Trojan-war era woman are you?"

Bitter. Vindictive. Cunning. The wife of Agamemnon, who killed him in revenge for his sacrificing her daughter.

Take the quiz: "what digi destined are "

hates every one ... i don't like you

Take the quiz: "what anime character are you?"

you like to hold your feelings inside

Take the quiz: "Which character from my Yu-yu Hakusho daydreams are you?"

You are Hiei!
You are Hiei,a fire demon born to an ice demon.You are cold and hard hearted,but other wise a good guy.Few have been able to read your body language and remain unharmed.You may act tough,but you're nicer than you seem.

You're a HARRY/GINNY 'shipper! You belive in the
innocent, puppy-doggish love and are tired of
waiting around for Harry! Rabid H/G-er? Try these sites: gryffindortower.net jenna.bekkis.com

HP Shipper Quiz: All Aboard!!
brought to you by Quizilla

Sailor Saturn
Your Ruler of darkness, ur nearly always unhappy or
depressed, most of the time your in a bad mood!
and u usually are alone! You can be heartless
at times but deep down u dont wanna b alone!!

Its just a personality quiz anime style (for girls only)
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your legolas

lord of the rings
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Middle Earth would have been destroyed if it was
left up to you. Have you even heard of lotr??

Lord of the rings quiz ( easier if are obsessed with hobbits and have read the books)
brought to you by Quizilla

Middle Earth would have been destroyed if it was
left up to you. Have you even heard of lotr??

Lord of the rings quiz ( easier if are obsessed with hobbits and have read the books)
brought to you by Quizilla

naraku..ur 1 bad dude ! + u scare me uv got a
serouse attitude prob. & think ur perfect so u
don't try to better yourself in any way shape
or form + u scare me i'll add u to the list;
dead things,Kiss, marlin mandsin *sp? &
pronunciation?* & naraku + clowns freak me out

my 1st personality quiz!! of course it involves anime !! it's probably better if ya'll girls take it rather than guys just saving some troubs fyi
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Wow! you are Ranma. You are a martial arts expert
and lurves oot-chans jap pancakes

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You are Wufei: You have been hurt severly many
times and wish to find someone that won't hurt
you. You act cold and up-tight to push others
away. Magnums are questionable at this point.

Trista's Random Role-Play Character Personality Test! (sequal to T-chan's)
brought to you by Quizilla

black...how sad

What color best describes u?
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You are the color... BLACK!

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You are Dark Fairy. You revel in all that is dark
and evil. You love to cause chaos because chaos
is your nature. Sarcastic and manipulative are
your style, but you are also confident and
strong with a high level of indurance for pain.
You love what you are and live to make others
believe that the night is dark.

* What Fairy Are You? *
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you are fire and earth myserious and wise and you
also are as strong as can be

what is your element
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youre the dark angel you belive that eveything is
youre fault even when its not people want you
to cheer up but you just wont listen dont be
sad put a smile on.

What kind of angel are you?
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you are Leon

What Kingdom Hearts Chartcter are you?
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Your A Fairy...

What Mystical creature are you?
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You are of the pop-rock genre. You are moody, unhappy, forever in love unrequitted, and not overly exceptional.

What music genre are you?
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you are: girl name: raven boy name: shadow you only go for self survival and will kill anyone you please. you do not wish to spend your time with your so called" friends"


* What Tarot Card Do You Represent? * (INCOMPLETE!)
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what soul animal do you have???(SOME CREATURES DON'T EXEIST)
brought to you by Quizilla

You are evil. Period. You must like the dark, and
being mean.

*** What type of Faerie are you? ***
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You are Serena Killingsworth. Your in love with a
follower,stanton, which is a relationship that
can never be but you take the risks anyway. you
dont care what people think of you and you
where anything as long as your wearing
something :) you know you look good and thats
what counts! you can also read minds

You are Ginkotsu!

Fire: You like to have friends, but if they really
make you mad, you will have to talk to them
about friendship. You like fire(maybe) and you
like the warmth and the heat. YOu are really
friendly and like to hang out a lot.

Hagrid is who you are! You are one cool person! You
are the person people come to for advice and
you are obsessed with creatures...from dragons
to dogs.

Grey: You can often be very sad. Quiet and reserved
you hold yourself back, not because you want
to, but because you feel no one will like you.
The truth is that lots of people will like you.
Your personality is creative and daring. You
have a poetic mind, but sometimes your poetry
turns into depression. Poetry is meant to be
beautiful so keep it that way. You are a
wonderful person even if you don't see it,
others do.

You are open-minded and are often depressed about something that has happened in your life.
You are Lulu!

Severus and Hermione
You are a Snape & Hermione Shipper!

You are a dragon!! YOu are scary and a bully... lighten up dude
Cool! A Dragon!! Watch out now!


!!Which Naruto Character are you??
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You are Grizabella. You've had some hard knocks, the other cats shunned you until Deuteronomy and the kittens accepted you. You now reside in the Heavyside layer.
You are Grizabella. You've had some hard knocks,
the other cats shunned you until Deuteronomy
and the kittens accepted you. You now reside in
the Heavyside layer.

You are Harry Potter! Brave and loyal to friends!

ur an Inu-Yasha Dragon! Inu-Yasha dragons are from
Inu-Yasha. they like to fight. and are pretty
dam good at it. they like to hold in their
emotions. but they sumtimes slip out. go u!

da cool kitty
ur a Joey Kitty! Joey kitties are frum Yu-Gi-Oh.
They luv to deul and play. and show off a lot.
they think they can defeat any opponet. and are
pretty lucky kitties most of the time. They are
funny and good pets. Go You! dont ever change.

yamimarik/malik kitty
ur a Yami-Marik Kitty! Yami-Marik kitties are frum
Yu-Gi-Oh. these kitties are bad to da bone!
these guys killed poor Marik kitties dads. and
luv to send ppl to the shadow realm. the are
pure EVIL!!!!!!! take out all the evilness k? spiritual kitty
ure Haku kitty! Haku kitties are from Spirited
Away! these kitties are very serious. but are
nice and make good friends. they are actually
river spirits 0_0 and know magical spells. they
dont know much about their past lives as a
river spirit but theyre learning. Just like u!

sit boy! lol
ure an Inu-Yasha kitty! Inu-Yasha kitties are frum
Inu-Yasha! they are real tough and dont like to
give up a fight even when theyre wounded! they
act tough too. but on the inside theyre just
fuzzy little kittens. they can hold grudges 4 a
long time (specially against Naraku kitties)and
dont like their older brothers (Sesshomaru
kitties)theyre really sweet once ya get to know
them but thats hard cuz they dont like being
social. they can also be a jerk at times. Just
like u!

depressed buut cute
ure a Ken kitty! Ken kitties are frum Digimon! tehy
are solitary and sometimes dont trust others.
they used to be evil so they think evrybody
hates them. but they do have friends who care
for them. he sumtimes asks himself the hard
questions like 'why am i here?' and 'who needs
me neway'. despite how depressed they seem they
are actually quite caring and friendly (once u
get past the shyness). Just like u!

Rika you are me yahoo

You are Alucard, Your real name is Adrian
Farenheits Tepes. You are the unatural
offspring between a human and a vampire. The
sword is your weapon of choice, and your are
torn between good and evil.

Always mixed and confused! Where to go, what to do,
where did life come from, why is everything
here? Never getting a moments peace, you are
Shaden Shadow. Her upbringing of darkness and
blood dancing has led her to ask about things
closely related to death and rebirth. But
growing older, fondness of the forest has led
her into a peaceful recognition. You may have a
two faced personality, or even arguments with
yourself, but darkness and earths beauty is on
your side!

You are a lonely angel.No one knows your even
alive.Your all by you seld ever weekend.You are
sad but some time you really don't care.

<<>>???What Kind Of Angel R You???<<>>( Anime Pics )

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You are Sango! You're a kind and caring woman, but
you're tough on the inside and you care about
everyone... everyone good that is.

you are the red haired menelaus ....u have a very
kind nature and u tend to be nice and
cooperative al the times....except when u r dis

you're sesshomaru

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You are Kaoru Kamiya (from Ruroni Kenshin). You are
a little lonly on the inside, but you manage to
handle that and make friends. ^^ Don't hit me,
but you can be a tiny bit bossy and rude at
times, but then again you also can be very
generous and kind.

You Are Aragorn!!!

You Are Kuwabara: You're loud, funny, and although some people may
consider you to be a little on the dumb side,
*cough, Hiei, cough*, you've got a very kind
heart. Ya may not have the looks down pat, but
with a big caring heart likes yours, who needs
to look like Prince Charming?

<<~Yu *Yu *Hakusho *Character *Quiz ~>>
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You are Sephiroth!

Tall, dark, and bent on destroying the world!
People like you because it's fun to root for the
bad guy!
People dislike you because you're always trying to
kill them, and destroy their planet.

!!Which Final Fantasy 7 Character Are You? NON-OBVIOUS!! (WORSHIP THE NON-OBVIOUS!!!)

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The Nature lover Horo-Horo!
Horo-Horo Horo-Horo is who you are. You happen to love nature
and care for it a lot. The winter suits you
best and no matter what happens you will be
there to protect loved ones!

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Dragon in lava flow(black scales)
You are the fire dragon.Nothhing matters to
you.You'd rather torch a village than make
peace with the wizards.Watch that fiery
temperature!You will kill anything that strays
into your territory.You don't get along with
most things except females/males and you lay a
clutch of at least 10 eggs!!!!! ;-) you evil
thing you.

What type of Dragon are you
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'THE' Dragonlance Quiz
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Sun fearie, nice job, leave me a message!

(girls) R u a fire fearie, a sun fearie, or a dark fearie?
brought to you by Quizilla

Cool!!!!!Your a black unicorn!!!!You may not as
well known or liked but thats ok. [sadly this is all i have for now]

What cool dark creature are you?(NOT DONE!!!!!!!)(BUT TAKE IT ANYWAYS!)
brought to you by Quizilla

- Seton, Krosan Protector -

(LONG QUIZ) Which Magic:The Gathering Legend are you? (NOT DONE)
brought to you by Quizilla

sweet pippin
wow! its nice to see that someone here has a decent
mind to notice a little funny hobbit other
thatn the big boy elfs and men. but come on,
look at him. isnt pippin just the cutest thing.
normally i dont get

(LOTR)enough of this legolas and frodo crap! what about pippin?!!!
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(NOT DONE!) Fantasy Roleplaying Quiz (NOT DONE!)
brought to you by Quizilla

you are HERMIONE GRANGER! go you!!!! you are

***who are you in harry potter***
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You are the god/dess of SPACE, you think eveything
revolves around you, and it might. You are
possesive, mysterous, and dangerous. People
must watch out for you.

***~~~***Elements, Find Yours...***~~~***
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riff raff
riff raff....you are missunderstood my dear
friend..you do all the work not the crazy
transvestite that pushes you around...stand up
for yourself..but dont go around shotting
people.... find another way of releasing all
your built up anger...dance...sing...you
deserve so much more so set out and get it...i
bet you think this everyday..."they dont
like me!! they never liked me" well you
can be sure i like you..if i count

**what rocky horror picture show charcter are you?**
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stunning beauty. u cant have me.
I'm a Dark flower spirit. I'm enchantedly
beautiful, and people usually double-take when
they walk past me. I like solitude, and
activities such as walking, computing, and
playing with animals. I am misunderstood, I
dont care about looks, Im just naturally
beautiful. I care about the space program
mostly, cause when the ozone goes away
completely, where are we gonna live? I have a
passion for the arts, anything having to do
with music, drawing, writing, poetry, and
acting. I belong somewhere where I can be
alone, maybe on a mountain...

**Where does your spirit come from?** (includes images)
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**which sailor moon character are you most like??**
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*-. Oka no Ue no Monogatari .-* [Mari Hoshino]

*-. What Japanese Song Are You?? .-*
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You are mysterious, but deep down you are warm-hearted as well.
You would be the dark haired character, very
mischevious and a good attention getter. You
are easy to get along with as long as others
agree with what you have to say. Watch that,
it may cost you someday.

*What anime character and personality would you be?*
brought to you by Quizilla

Silver fairy~ fairy of sadness. *sniff* soo sad,
you are. you sulk around, feeling sorry for
yourself. don't use that power to make others
sad, now...

*What kind of Fairy are You?* (for girls....duh)
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Bring Me To Life

*What Song by Evanescence are You?*
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Dark Dragon-evil-you want power and you will do
anything to get it

*Which kind of dragon are you?* (incomplete)
brought to you by Quizilla

Wind Elf. You're beautiful and slightly taller than
most elves. Your people rule over the element
wind and are excellent at flying. You came from
the sky and you live in very high trees to be
as close to the sky as possible. You respect
all airborn creatures and worship the sky.

*~*What Kind Of Elf Are You*~*
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*~*~*WINTER*~*~* You are a winter person. You love
the cold, the snow, and the short days.
Froclicking around in the snow, having snowball
fights, and making snowmen are your favorite
things to do.

*~*What Season Are You?*~*
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You're a viola!! You're not very well-known and
you're shy. You are the least well-known out of
the four but you have a great sound! You're not
as high and shart as violins but you are not as
low and dull as cellos! You're the one in
between, perfect =)

*~*Which STRINGED Instrument are YOU???*~*
brought to you by Quizilla

You are a... SKY DRAGON. You like your freedom, and
can't seem to hold still. But your wishfill
thinking and your openess to new ideas will
help you through.

*~Elemental Dragon Quiz~*
brought to you by Quizilla

Your a true romantic. You're the kind of elf that
many find to be deep and sensitive, but that's
a good thing!

*~What's Your Elf Personality? (with pictures, for girls)~*
brought to you by Quizilla

You're a dragon! Congrats. You are loyal, smart,
brave and independent. You don't care about
what others think of you. You just go out and
do your own thing, even though people try to
put a bad image on you. Good for you!

+++ Which Mythological Creature are YOU? +++
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You are Dr. MadEvil, you are constantly trying to
take over the world..... or at least
Fleetville, and you have some people that work
for you.... the only problem is that they don't
do anything!!!!!! It's so impossible to find
good work these days

+Which adventures of EVIL character are you? (Please Rate)
brought to you by Quizilla

You are tears of pain, probably the most common of
all. You are possibly greiving over a lost
loved one or just because of what a hard life
you've lead. I wish things will turn around for
you and good luck in life

,.-~*What kind of tears are you?*~-.,
brought to you by Quizilla

You are the Ender. It does not matter how it comes
about or who is involved - it will all end ,
and you will be there to make sure that the end
is in evil. Dark and feared, you are the
ultimate evil; your purpose is far beyond
humans, and you will see it done, no matter
what. You are the chill in people's skin and
the one who makes hair stand upright - you are
the temptation and the sin.

- Which figure of the Apocolypse are You? -
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You're an evil leprechaun!
You're an evil leprechaun! You can always hurt
someone in someway. Kinda like the leprechaun
in the movie

*->What kind of leprechaun are you?<-*
brought to you by Quizilla

Your Element is +Dark+ !! You are of course evil,
or at least slightly deranged!! Your favorite
possesions in life are your gun or your knife.
I wouldn't want to run into you in a dark

-+- What Element are you?( With Pics! )-+-
brought to you by Quizilla

You are Victor Delacroix! As the antagonist of the
story, you only want to be with Seila forever!
Awwww. That's so sweet! ^_^

--------*Chaos Legion Personality Quiz*--------
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You are Fabien

--Which Character From The Riverbranch Saga Are You?--
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HufflePuff-you are like me we are shall we say
weird? but we are nice, we can be smart when we
want to, but there is one thing that we have in
common with some people we HATE SLYTHERINS!

--Witch House Do You Belong To?-- (Harry Potter)
brought to you by Quizilla

You are most like Samantha! Sam's an elf, the best
of her village actully. She's a master of
spells and fighting with her sword, and bow &
arrows. She may be shorter than the average
elf, but that doesen't mean she isin't strong.
Sam has long pale-blonde hair, and one green
eye and one blue eye. Weird, huh? She is very
determined, and can be a little too harsh at
times... But she can be fun to be around. She's
in love with InuYasha, can read people's
thoughts unintentionally, (which is a HUGE
problem when surrounded by pervs..), and knows
every single spell. Be proud! ^___^

-=[What Role Play Character Are You?]=-
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-The Elemental Quiz-
brought to you by Quizilla

Your wings are BROKEN and tattered. You are
an angelic spirit who has fallen from grace for
one reason or another - possibly, you made one
tragic mistake that cost you everything. Or
maybe you were blamed for a crime you didn't
commit. In any case, you are faithless and
joyless. You find no happiness, love, or
acceptance in your love or in yourself. Most
days are a burden and you wonder when the
hurting will end. Sweet, beautiful and
sorrowful, you paint a tragic and touching
picture. You are the one that few understand.
Those that do know you are likely to love you
deeply and wish that they could do something to
ease your pain. You are constantly living in
memories of better times and a better world.
You are hard on yourself and self-critical or
self-loathing. Feeling rejected and unloved,
you are sensitive, caring, deep, and despite
your tainted nature, your soul is
breathtakingly beautiful.

Image is a painting by Natalya Nesterova,

*~*~*Claim Your Wings - Pics and Long Answers*~*~*
brought to you by Quizilla

You are the silver moonlight. You have a deep soul.
Many people call you mysterious but they just
don't know you. You are often alone but shine
hope on every one else. People look up to you
and call to you for advice. You have been
betrayed but you have forgaven them. Your faith
in life has made you an inspiration to us all.
You are intelligent, quiet, beautiful, and
kind. You will become very sucessful. Your
dream career could maybe deal with the joy of
music. Keep up the spirit and let your mind
drift to the shining hope of the silver moon.

What shade of moonlight are you? (Boys or Girls)
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?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
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Which Elfquest Character Are You Most Like?!
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You are Gambit!

You are a fierce fighter and a good friend to have.
Your preference for solitude and your
attractiveness make you very intriguing to
those you meet. Unfortunately, close
relationships are few and far between for you
because you often have trouble opening up to

Which X-Men character are you most like?
brought to you by Quizilla

Rogue Quiz Result
You're the mysterious gothy, Rogue. You're a loner
and rather sarcastic, but deep down you have a
heart of gold. You don't connect easily with
people, in fear that you'll hurt them. But deep
down you wish you could be close to somebody.
You're one tough cookie, and you'd like to keep
it that way.

Which X-Men Evolution Girl Are You??
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Goddess of the forest. your one of those tree
hugging people. but that ok we all have are bad
things about us

What Goddess are you?
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You are Earth...you are stable and practical, and
sometimes thought of as stubborn. You can have
trouble with non-tangible ideas.

What Element Are You?
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You come from an Ancient Civilization. Egypt,
China, Rome... a piece of all the greatest
civilizations of their time can be found in

Where Did Your Soul Originate?
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blue fairy
You like ot be alone and see everything around you.
u like to do things alone. your a fall fairy
but fall is a very pretty and soft time of year

What kind of fairy are you?
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What type of Bishounen are you? Find out at artificial-soul.net by Rin.

The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Fifth Level of Hell!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Low
Level 2 (Lustful)Very Low
Level 3 (Gluttonous)Moderate
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)High
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Very High
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)High
Level 7 (Violent)High
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)High
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Moderate

Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test


?? Which Angel Or Demon Are You ??
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?? Which Creature Of The Sea Are You??
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~~Peophin~~ Congratulations! You are most like the
Neopet Peophin. You like magic and the wonders
of it. You also like to be alone. People - pff!
Who needs them? But still, you have feelings
and interests. You don't let people judge you,
because you know that everyone has different

?? Which Neopet Are You Most Like ??
brought to you by Quizilla

! You are most Like A Sapphire ! Dark, mysterious - but unforgettable. You have a
deep beauty. Delicate, and shy you try to stay away from
the limelight but often your intelligence puts you in
at the deep end. You're like a Sapphire, because, your
beauty is priceless. You're intelligent, full of opinions, and not
big-headed about it all. Sometimes you need to put yourself out there, as
you can be a bit shy. Congratulations ... You're the mysterious gem
everybody wants to have and learn more about.

?? Which Precious Gem Are You ??
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You are Saria; the Sage of Forest. Saria was Link's
childhood Kokiri friend and was summoned as a
Sage to protect the Forest Temple. Those who
are Forest are almost always the more reliable
and trustworthy type of people, for they keep a
promise, tell the truth, and lend a helping
hand when needed. Forests also tend to hold on
to longer relationships. With the good comes
the bad. Even though the general trait of
Forests is generosity, sometimes Forests more
or less feel the need to be right. Though it is
a minor quality, since Forests usually have the
least flaws of the Sages.

?? Which Sage are you ??
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you are the SERENE EXPRESSION. You know the
expression, about to save the world. Picture
Sailor Moon about to save the world (again) and
you get the idea... there is always hope.

What is your Anime Expression?
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You Are A Soul Reaper Dragon. You Live Off The
Souls Of Pathetic Humans. Soul Reaper Dragons
Prefer The Souls Of Virgin Females Than
Anything Else But If You Have To You Will
Attack Others Too..

Please Rate Or Send A Comment.

::xXx][What Type Of Dragon Are You Most Like..?][xXx::
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Take the quiz: "What animal are you"

Mystical Creature
You are very peaceful but yo are not sometimes...You should be very proud

Take the quiz: "What elemental wolf are you?"

Eclipse the spirit wolf
You are the mighty alpha of the Spirit pack!

Take the quiz: "7 Deadly Sins!"

Your on the borderline
Your in the middle, it could go either way, your choice!

Take the quiz: "Which Ellaran Element are you?"

One of the Elements of the Goddess Nature, symbolized by the Chalice. Water is the Element of renewal and refreshment, of gentle change and rebirth. It is the means and method of reincarnation. You're a laid-back, fairly submissive individual. You don't let life's little troubles fuss you too much, because you can see the bigger picture. Your biggest fault is a propensity for indecisiveness.

Take the quiz: "Which one of my RP characters are you?"

You are Taisu. You are quick and efficient. You have no problem with killing or injuring someone, but you can be a little hard on your friends. You also seem to be more complex and hard to understand than anyone else.... Oh, and I want my wallet back.

Take the quiz: "what goddess are you?"

u are moon!U are sometimes happy, but others dont always treat u that way, so u can be depressed at times.

Take the quiz: "What child of Kronos are you?"

King and ruler of the Underworld. He is dark and morbid and not liked umug the godes and humans. He is feared and one of the richest gods. His abode is a dark damp castle.

theOtaku.com: What .hack//SIGN Character Are You?

theOtaku.com: What Chobits Character Are You?

theOtaku.com: What Inuyasha Hero Are You?

You are Tsukasa

What .hack//sign character r u?


You worked as Tiberius' most trusted advisor, but when that lazy coward fled Rome to shack up in his house near the beach, you basically took over as ruler. You are ambitious and righteous, and not above killing to get what you want. But, as with every other leader in Rome, you must keep an eye out for anyone who might thwart your plans. Don't trust anyone, no matter who they might be.

You were portrayed by Patrick Stewart.

Which I, Claudius Character are You? created by Shiny Objects

Find out what anime girl you are.

Ripping Apart At The Seams
What Random Object From Ydoc Nameloc's Room Are You?

take this quiz.

this is my way to live
What about yours?
made by rav-chan

You're Yamato!
You are Yamato Ishida. A loner by far, full of
musical talent. You have angst but value

What Digimon Boy (01-02) Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Which deadly sin do you represent? (Angel Sanctuary Pics)

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What Precious Gem are you? (With high-quality pictures!)

brought to you by Quizilla

The Moon Card
You are the Moon card. Entering the Moon we enter
the intuitive and psychic realms. This is the
stuff dreams are made on. And like dreams the
imagery we find here may inspire us or torment
us. Understanding the moon requires looking
within. Our own bodily rhythms are echoed in
this luminary that circles the earth every
month and reflects the sun in its progress.
Listening to those rhythms may produce visions
and lead you towards insight. The Moon is a
force that has legends attached to it. It
carries with it both romance and insanity.
Moonlight reveals itself as an illusion and it
is only those willing to work with the force of
dreams that are able to withstand this
reflective light. Image from: Stevee Postman.

You are Freddy Kruger! You are the man of everyones
dreams! Killing is your business and no one is
safe once they fall asleep! Keep up the great
inventive killings!

Diana - Diana is the chaste huntress of Greek/Roman


I am the sorceress, Deis! Who're you? Find out here!

Take the 'Which Breath of Fire I character are you?' quiz!

I am the Grassman, Aspara Gus! Who are you? Take the 'Which Breath of fire II character are you?' quiz to find out! Quiz by Casey

I am the Guardian, Garr! Who are you? Take the 'Which Breath of fire III character are you?' quiz to find out! Quiz by Casey

I am the First Emperor, Fou-Lu! Who are you? Take the 'Which Breath of fire IV character are you?' quiz to find out! Quiz by Casey

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find your element at mutedfaith.com.
