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People and Culture

Overview and Statistics

All citizens are known as Mega Taunian, or Taunian, as locals prefer saying. A large majority live in urban areas, where they go about their work and play. The remainder are modern rural people practising the latest farming and livestock techniques.

Taunians enjoy free quality education up to the age of 18 yrs, whereafter they have the choice of undertaking tertiary education, which is payed for by the government.

The mix of cultures enjoy the freedom to practise their customs and religions, although beastiality and satanism are banned. The children tend to be foul mouthed at the best of times, and bad language is discouraged. Most citizens are outgoing and friendly, who prefer to talk things over, instead of resorting to violence.

Population: 324 million (May Census)

Population Age Distribution:
0-18yrs: 15%
19-40yrs: 30%
41-60yrs: 35%
60+yrs: 20%

Ave. Life Expectancy: 81.1yrs
Male: 79.5 yrs
Female: 82.7 yrs

Population Growth Rate: 0.87%