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Chantelle began her life as a mortal woman with no reasonably high
goals. She had dreams and nothing more. Some called her a day dreamer
and some called her a slouch, but underneath it all she was going
places. She was highly intelligent and difficult to "get", and in the year
929 she was shunned as a crazy woman. No one accepted her ways and
no one understood her manner. She was well before her time in
independence for a woman. This was when she was taken one night.

The man, or he looked like a man, was called Loriean `Moyerius. He had
watched her for some time before choosing her as his daughter's sister.
He had gotten to know her ways and liked her mannerisms. They suited
his taste for one to give the gift. With lightening quickness he took
Chantelle and pierced her neck with his fangs. It was scary, sexual, and
romantic all at once. She let out not the slightest of peeps when he took
her. She somehow knew that this was her destiny.

Time went by and quickly at that. It seemed as if she was just reborn
yesterday and that the times were different for her. It was as if she had
just begun, the time flew by like the speed of decomposition. Slowly,
yet fast in some minds. The year was 1254. It had been nearly 300 years
and yet it seemed like a year. She was in Nasrid now.

Nasrid arts grew from Almohad traditions but displayed far more variety
and richness than their precursors. The finest military arts that survive
from al-Andalus are from this period. The Nasrid's luxury arms, which
were probably never used in battle, are examples of a rich craft used to
support a public image. The land was beautiful in it's art and sculptures.
It was surely a time of the finest. She undulated herself with art and fine
living while she lived here. Here Rachelle had come from France and
re-joined her for a specific reason. The woman was her sister and had
come to tell her bad news. Naturally Chantelle had felt the news already.
Rachelle gave her the scroll which detailed their father's passing and
they spoke over the course of the next few weeks, Chantelle decided to
leave Nasrid and go to The Cimmerian Valleys. There she joined her
famille that bore her last name ; Moyerius. She was back with the brood
now. Upon arriving there she was given her position beside her sister
Rachelle as Viscountess.