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The Mind's Playground
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This is my personal website where I hope to stimulate the mind's of both myself and anyone who chooses to come and visit my website. I decided on this kind of format because it is something I feel is lacking in today's world. Unfortunatly I don't posses the coding skills to have a message board for my site. I wanted one because I feel it's important to not only speak your mind, but also listen to the idea's of others, even if I don't agree with them. Here on this site you will read things that preach tollerence and kindness for your fellow wo/man. Although I don't classify myself as being a religious person, I do concider myself spiritual though. I don't buy into any major religion or believe in a "God," but I do buy into a lot of the messages they preach.

There are a few things I try to press upon people. One of them is my discust for the over comercialization and hollowness of today's popular music industry. Every year it seems to get worse and worse. The same music with the same kind of lyrics come out over and over again, just by different people with different names. It is most prevelent in the Pop music scene as well as the "Hip-Hop/Rap" scenes as well. 50 cent and Britany Spears are two perfect examples. These people exhibit no tallent other than having the money to pay people to write their songs for them. After recording their "music" they send it through an array of technologies to improve the sound of their voice, which is obviously needed in their case. Aparently hard work and real tallent are no longer praised in this country, rather laziness and ignorence are taking their place. This of course, is my opinion and I urge those who disagree to respond and let me know why you think I'm wrong. All I can say in my defense is listen to the music they are telling you to like, then listen to something with substance and see which has more meaning.

On the left(as well as on my Links page) you will find a few places to sample some of the music that has opened my eyes to the repeditivness of popular music. This is only a small percentage of what I listen to, but I feel it has the most to say. Two recomendations of specific artists are Binary Star and Blackalicious.I hope you enjoy it.

Bob Marley

Sublime Archive

Giant Peach

Subterraneous Records(Binary Star)

Blackalicious Web Site