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The Webpage of Ben
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Hello! And welcome to my web page. It was created for the purpose of my internet class. I'm a second year student at Lincoln College located in central Illinois. The other perpose of this web page is to speak my mind and let the world know a few things about me. Although this is my first attempt at creating a web page, over time I will continue to improve it so that it may better serve my purpose.

I would also like to take this opportunity to warn you that some people may be offended or not open minded enough to accept some of the things you may find on my site. So please use descretion while searching my, and any other web site. This web site was created for entertainment and informative purposes only. That being said, please feel free to investigate what I'm offering you here and feel free to contact me at if you have any questions or comments.

Me in San Fran. (2003)
New Years in Mexico (2001)