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AI Index: ASA 31/002/2003
UA 02/03
Duration of case: 27-30 December, 2002
Status: Closed

Arjun Adhikary (m), aged 42, photo laboratory assistant
Dhurba Adhikary (m), aged 26, student
Fear for safety/ fear of "disappearance"

Arjun Adhikary, and his brother Dhurba Adhikary, were reportedly arrested from their rented house in Nayabazar, Kirtipur, near Kathmandu by army personnel on 27 December 2002. Their whereabouts are currently unknown and there are fears for their safety.

At about 11pm, while the family was asleep, a group of army personnel reportedly arrived in a van. Eight of them entered the room where the two brothers were sleeping and told them to get ready to accompany them since they wanted to ask them some questions. They were taken away to an unknown destination. The reason for the arrests of the two brothers is unknown, but the manner of their arrests suggests that the authorities may suspect them of having links with or supporting the aims of the Communist Party of Nepal (CPN) (Maoist).

Arjun Adhikary, a permanent resident of Sasharniya Village Development Committee, Ward 6, Dang district, has been living with his family in a rented house in Nayabazar for the last eight years, working as a laboratory assistant at the Paradise Colour Lab. His brother Dhurba Adhikary has been living with him for the past few years while studying for a Masters degree in political science at the Tribhuwan University.

Relatives have made inquiries at several police stations and army barracks in Kathmandu, but the authorities have not acknowledged their arrest. There are reports that they may be detained at Lagankhel army barracks but this has not been confirmed. They have also informed the National Human Rights Commission about the arrests.


Arjun and Dhurba Adhikary were released a few days after arrest, exact date unknown. Amnesty has no information about their treatment in custody.


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