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AI Index: ASA 31/032/2002 and 31/042/2002
UA 117/02
Duration of case: 9 April - 7 June 2002
Status: Closed

Arjun Lamichhane (m), age 32, businessman
"Disappearance"/Fear for safety

Original UA
18 April, 2002

There are fears for the safety of Arjun Lamichhane, whose whereabouts are unknown since his arrest at around 6am on 9 April in the capital Kathmandu.

According to reports, four or five security personnel, some of whom were in plain clothes and the others in army uniform, came to Arjun Lamichhane's shop in Kaldhara and told him that he had to accompany them because they "had some work to do with him". They took him away in a van.

Relatives made inquiries at the District Police Office at Hanuman Dhoka in Kathmandu, but police there denied knowledge of his arrest. They have also made inquiries with several government officials, but have not been able to ascertain where Arjun Lamichhane is detained.

Update on Outcome
12 June 2002

Arjun Lamichchane was released from police custody on 7 June and has returned home.

He had been arrested on 9 April in Kathmandu. Police denied having him in custody, and he was feared to have "disappeared".

No further action from the network is required. Thank you to all those who sent appeals.


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