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AI Index: ASA 31/056/2002 and 31/059/2002
UA 248/02
Duration of case: 15 July - 8 August 2002
Status: Closed

Bishnu Prasad Gyanwali (m)
And nine other people (names unknown)
[later found to be 13]
Fear of Torture

Original UA
7 August, 2002

Bishnu Prasad Gyanwali was arrested from his shop at around 8.00am on 15 July 2002. The authorities have acknowledged his arrest but they have not disclosed where he is being detained. There is grave concern for his safety and that of nine other persons detained with him. There are reports that they have been severely tortured while in detention.

Bishnu Prasad Gyanwali runs a general store in Dipo Bazaar, Fulbari Village, Kailali District. On the morning of his arrest, an army unit on patrol entered the bazaar and rounded up a group of the residents. The army accused the residents of supplying the armed political group Communist Party of Nepal (CPN) (Maoist) with food and shelter, and allowing them to hang up anti-government banners in the bazaar.

After this meeting, the army patrol came to Bishnu Prasad Gyanwali's shop and claimed that he was supplying some of his stock to the CPN (Maoist). After some argument, Bishnu Prasad Gyanwali was arrested and taken away in an army vehicle. Reports say that nine detainees were in the vehicle when it left the bazaar at around 8.45am.

It is thought that all of the detainees were taken to the Goraknath Army Cantonment in Dhangadi, although this has not been confirmed by the authorities. Local sources have reported that Bishnu Prasad Gyanwali and the others detained with him have been severely tortured. Bishnu's wife went to enquire in Dhangadi about her husband's whereabouts where she met the Superintendent of Police in charge of CPN (Maoist) related arrests and detentions. He acknowledged that Bishnu Prasad Gyanwali had been detained but did not give any details of his location or of his condition.

Update on Outcome
9 August 2002
Severe torture

Bishnu Prasad Gyanwali and thirteen (originally thought to be nine) other people arrested on 15 July in Dipo bazaar, Kailali District, were released yesterday afternoon.

Amnesty International has received reports that all of them were severely tortured during their detention in Goraknath Cantonment. One report says that they were put in a metal drum full of water up to their necks and were repeatedly given electric shocks.


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