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AI Index: ASA 31/013/2002 and 31/031/2002
UA 34/02
Duration of case: 9 January - 19 March, 2002
Status: Closed

Bijay Raj Acharya (m), Publisher
Fear of torture or ill-treatment

Original UA
4 February, 2002

Bijay Raj Acharya was arrested from his home in Kathmandu on 9 January by a joint team of army and police officers and has reportedly been tortured while in custody. Amnesty International is concerned that he may be subjected to further torture or ill-treatment.

Bijay Raj Acharya is the publisher of Srijanashil Prakashan (Creative Publications) which specializes in children's literature and political works. According to witnesses, a team of army personnel searched his house following his arrest and took away all his books. He was reportedly first taken to Singha Durbar police station in Kathmandu and on the second day transferred to the Balaju Army Barracks.

At the army barracks, Bijay Raj Acharya was reportedly blindfolded and had his hands and legs tied. He was also allegedly subjected to electric shock treatment. After two days, he was transferred to Hanuman Dhoka police station, where he was permitted a visit from his relatives.

In response to inquiries on Bijay Raj Acharya's behalf, the Deputy Superintendent of Police at Hanuman Dhoka police station has reportedly said that because the army was involved in his arrest, it will be the army Êwho will decide when he will be released. The Prime Minister has responded to an appeal by stating that Bijay Raj Acharya will be released soon, though an exact date for his release has not been given.

Bijay Raj Acharya is believed to have been arrested because the authorities believe that through his work he may be supporting or furthering the aims of the Communist Party of Nepal (CPN) (Maoist).

Update on Outcome
10 April 2002

Amnesty International has been informed that Bijay Raj Acharya was released on 19 March.

Bijay Raj Acharya, who runs a publishing house called Srijanashil Prakasahan (Creative Publications) was arrested on 9 January and held in police custody at Singha Durbar and Hanuman Dhoka police stations, and Balaju army barracks in Kathmandu, before he was transferred to jail.

No further action from the network is required. Thank you to all those who sent appeals.

Independent Update
October, 2002

Bijay Raj Acharya was tortured in the manner described in the original UA at the Balaju army barracks.


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