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AI Index: ASA 31/050/2002 and 31/064/2002
UA 206/02
Duration of case: 24 May - 5 Sept. 2002
Status: Closed

Binod Tiwari (m) age 21, Assistant Editor
Torture and ill-treatment/Medical concern

Original UA
8 July, 2002

Assistant Editor, Binod Tiwari is reportedly detained at the Soraw Khutte police station in Thamel, Kathmandu. Since his arrest in late May, he has reportedly been questioned at the army headquarters in Tundikhel on several occasions. He may be in need of medical attention, as a result of allegedly being tortured whilst being interrogated.

Binod Tiwari was first arrested at his home in Kalanki, Kathmandu District, by security forces at 8am on 24 May. His editor Meena Sharma was arrested on the same day and is reportedly detained at the Central Jail in Kathmandu. Binod Tiwari was released a few hours later, but reportedly re-arrested at 6pm on 29 May at his office in Sundhara, Kathmandu. Two computers, a fax machine and press material were also reportedly confiscated and taken away.

Binod Tiwari works for a monthly publication called "Ekyabaddata", (Solidarity). The authorities believe "Ekyabaddata" has been critical of the government and supports the aims of the Communist Party of Nepal (CPN) (Maoist). His father, Jayanaran Tiwari is reported to be wanted by the authorities, as he is suspected of being a member or supporter of the CPN (Maoist).

Update on Outcome
October, 2002

Binod Tiwari was released on 5 September. Details of his treatment in custody are not known.

Independent Update
Mina Sharma
Duration of Imprisonment: 24 May - 5 November, 2002

After an extended protest progamme by the Federation of Nepalese Journalists, on 5 September the government made public the whereabouts of 16 imprisoned journalists. Mina Sharma was reported to be held in the Central Jail in Kathmandu.

Mina Sharma was released on 5 November. On the same day four journalists and two office workers of the Janadesh weekly who had been imprisoned since November 2001 were released. Police officer Kedar Mansingh Bhandari told The Associated Press that the charges against the journalists "had been dropped". However, it is not clear that charges were ever brought against them.


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