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Nepal Human Rights Community Statement

14 key civil society members met to make a statement on Feb 1 2005, immediately after King Gyandendra's declaration of his royal coup. Since the army was standing by to shut down alll telecommunications for the country immediately after the speech was broadcast, it has taken some time for this statement to reach the outside world. The statement said:

After King Gyanendra's speech he dismissed the cabinet, took all power, and established his own government. This action is directly in opposition to the basic values and norms of democracy. From today's meeting by human rights activists and the people from civil society, we condemn these steps by the king.

After the king has taken power in Nepal, he has issued a declaration of emergency. This is a direct threat and violation of human rights. This declaration is in violation of numerous international accords that Nepal is a signatory to and accountable for.

In this serious and sensitive situation, we are assembling this meeting in order to request to the national and international community to secure and restore all human rights codes and accords:


1) Subodh Raj Pyakural, INSEC
2) Govinda Bandi, Nepal Bar Association [Human Rights Committee]
3) Shobhakar Budhadhoki, CEHURBS
4) Pradeep Shankar Wagle, Nepal Bar Association [Human Rights Committee]
5) Rajesh Hamal, Advocacy Forum
6) Madhav Pradhan, CIWIN Nepal
7) Bhanu Bhakta Dhakal, Mahendra Narian Smriti Pratisthan
8) Usha Titikshu, Civic Solidarity for Peace
9) Dinesh Prasain, Collective Campaign for Peace (CoCAP)
10) Samir Nepal, Human Rights Alliance
11) Gopal Siwakoti, INHURED
12) Surya Bahadur XXX, NGO Federation
13) Anil Bhattarai, Nepal South Asia Center (NESAC)
Lundup Dorje Lama
14) Swanaam, Civic Solidarity for Peace

All 14 signatories of the document are now under threat of arrest by RNA, who is searching for the activists. They are living underground.

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