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AI Index: ASA 31/061/2002
UA 255/02
Duration of case: 3 August - September 2002
Status: Closed

Ramesh Gautam (m), aged 22, student
Fear of torture/fear of "disappearance"

Original UA
16 August, 2002

Ramesh Gautam was reportedly arrested at about 10pm on 3 August, from his rented room in Maitidevi in the capital Kathmandu. He was arrested by army personnel, who told him they were taking him for questioning. He has not been seen since then, and there are fears for his safety.

Dinesh Chaulagain, who was living in the same rented rooms in Maitidevi, was also reportedly arrested along with Ramesh Gautam, but was released on 12 August.

Ramesh Gautam is a student of humanities and social sciences at the Mahendra Ratna Campus, Tahachal, Kathmandu, and also works in a shop selling Chinese goods. It is believed that he may have been arrested because the security forces suspect that he and/or his relatives are members or sympathizers of the Communist Party of Nepal (CPN) (Maoist).

Update on Outcome
October 2002

Ramesh Gautam was released sometime in September, exact date unknown. Details of his treatment in custody are not known. He had been held in detention since 3 August.

No further action from the network is required. Thank you to all those who sent appeals.


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