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AI Index: ASA 31/020/2002, 31/029/2002 and 31/041/2002
UA 78/02
Duration of case: 12 March -
Status: Closed

Saligram Sapkota (m), lawyer
Torture/fear for safety

Original UA
13 March, 2002

Lawyer Saligram Sapkota, who is President of the Banke district Appellate Court branch of the Nepal Bar Association, was arrested by seven soldiers at his home in Nepalgunj at 4am on 12 March. He was reportedly taken to Chisapani Army Barracks in Nepalgunj, Banke district. There are fears that he may be tortured in custody.

According to witnesses, the soldiers did not allow him to get dressed, and brought him out in his underwear. They allegedly punched him repeatedly and then took him away in a van.

Later that day, relatives went to the army camp to hand over some clothes for Saligram Sapkota. They reported that when they were allowed to see him, he had bruises on his face and body, and they believed that he had been tortured. Army personnel had reportedly accused him of "indirectly supporting the Communist Party of Nepal (CPN) (Maoist)".

Saligram Sapkota is reported to be a member of the Banke district branch of the Janabadi Morcha (Democratic Front), which is described as "a loose forum of left-wing oriented people".

9 April, 2002

Saligram Sapkota is feared to have "disappeared" in army custody. He had been held at the Chisapani Military Camp since his arrest on 12 March. Relatives who tried to visit him there on 22 March were told that "Mr Sapkota is not in our custody".

Relatives did manage to see Saligram Sapkota on the day of his arrest, at the Chisapani Army Barracks in Nepalgunj, Banke district. They believed he had been tortured, since he had bruises on his face and body. Army personnel had reportedly accused him of "indirectly supporting the Communist Party of Nepal (CPN) (Maoist).

Saligram Sapkota is President of the district Appeal Court Bar Association. The Nepal Bar Association has appealed to the Prime Minister for information, but received no response. Two representatives of the Bar Association tried to visit him at the Chisapani Military Camp, but were told by officers there that they would not be allowed to see him.

7 June, 2002

Saligram Sapkota's relatives were allowed to visit him at the Chisapani army barracks in Nepalgunj, Banke district in early June. He is reported to be in good health and his relatives were given assurances by the Major in charge of the camp that he would not be ill-treated.

Saligram Sapkota is reported to be held under the Terrorist and Disruptive Activities (Prevention and Control) Act, 2002, which allows for preventive detention without charge or trial for 90 days, extendable for another 90 days with permission of the Home Ministry.

No further action from the network is required at present. Thank you to all those who sent appeals.


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