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Help Stop Escalation of Civil War in Nepal
Read ANHS Memorandum | Read Letter Against Military Aid | Nepal DemocracyWatch | Amnesty International Nepal | NepalSolidarityNet | Keep Informed: A Guide to Issues, Combatants, Commentators and Interveners | See Another Petition: To Restore Democracy in Nepal (off-site)

In Memoriam: Paul Wellstone. Steadfast friend of Nepal's impoverished majority, and opponent of escalation of US military aid to the Nepal government.
NOTE (23 Apr. 03): After 4 months of ceasefire, negotiations betweeen the Nepali regime and the insurgents are set to begin. Domestic and foreign anti-democratic forces oppose any meaningful dialogue, putting the talks in peril. See Nepal DemocracyWatch and Nepal SolidarityNet for recent developments, and this site's "Guide to Issues, Combatants, Commentators and Interveners" for resources for further study.
Message from the Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies

On October 10, 2002 the ANHS held a one day conference, "War on Terrorism - War As Terrorism". At the annual ANHS business meeting on 12 October it was resolved to petition the United States government to halt its planned escalation of military aid to Nepal which all agreed can resolve nothing and will do untold harm both to innocent Nepalis and to the prospects for a political resolution to the insurgency.

Some ANHS members have, accordingly, prepared two documents which you will find on this web site:

(1) a letter calling on the United States Government to halt military aid to Nepal.
(2) a memorandum setting out reasons for halting military aid.
These materials have now been sent to the concerned members of the United States Government. Over the course of a week they gathered over 600 signatures of support from 29 countries, with the highest representation from the USA and Nepal.

It was not necessary be an ANHS member to sign the letter, nor to be an American citizen. Individuals concerned about the abysmal human rights situation in Nepal read these documents and signed the letter, believing as we do, that US military aid will exacerbate the conflict in Nepal and bring untold further suffering.

What You Can Do

Read the Letter Opposing US Military Aid to Nepal

Read the Memorandum:
Negative Consequences of US Military Aid to Nepal

Read the Bush Administration's "Justification" for Escalating the War in Nepal

Keep Informed: A Guide to Issues, Combatants, Commentators and Interveners

Are Negotiations Impossible?: Read the Views of One of the Chief Mediators Between the Government and the CPN(Maoist)

Read and Act on Amnesty International Urgent Action Appeals for Nepal (all active cases updated through 24 April, 2003)

This is an independent site created to encourage critical reflection on the conflict in Nepal, and as a net-centre for action against the escalation of foreign military funding. Send suggested links and ideas for action to: