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About This Website
My name is Peter Wilcoks, I am the sole web master of Animal House DX. The sole purpose of constructing this website is to share with the world, my thoughts, my talents and much more. I'm presenting you people with my soul. Accept it or decline at your own descretion. Deep down inside, I hope you guys really enjoy my first real website.
The Profile page presents personal information regarding myself. Not too personal....oh hell with it. I get down and dirty when it comes to my profile, I tell the truth. Some people might find the Profile page boring, but what the heck. Some people also want to know some information about the great web master/computer programmer, so I created that page for them.
The Media page consist of image galleries. Image galleries such as artwork and screenshots from my favorite video games, some porn, some joke photos, and etc.
The Literal page consist of literature constructed by me. Literature such as poetry, stories, design documents, and etc.
The Downloads(downloadables) page has some application created by me, for you to download. Applications such as C++ game demos, API(Win32, SDL, OpenGL) games and demos, and etc.