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Welcome to Perfect Dark Empire! This site will keep
you posted on how Perfect Dark Zero is coming as
well as giving you LOTS or stuff on the first PD.
This site is undergoing work but feel free to look
around. Music should start within 10 seconds.
The music you hear was made in my house it and
was NOT recorded off the game. As you all know, Perfect Dark has been out since 2000 and very few true fans remain. I think, though, when PD0 comes out, it will bring more people back to loving the Perfect Dark saga.


OK. Well, as most of you know, Perfect Dark Zero is coming out
on the Xbox now because Microsoft bought Rareware
(the makers of Perfect Dark)..... (Read on)


NEW! PD Empire under construction...(Read on)
Upcoming Updates: Combat Simulator Section!





Site made by: codemaster b, Shocker, F1D0, and golden sun02
Site last updated: June 18, 2004 By CMB


<BGSOUND SRC="../Desktop/pdmusic.mid" LOOP="INFINITE"> <BGSOUND SRC="pdmusic.mid">