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November 20, 2003

Some random thoughts heading towards Thanksgiving:

My grades are starting to take shape. Today marked the end of the second wave of tests and papers, and, when all the marks are in, I should be in a position to potentially get an A in everything. My goal coming into the semester was to get a B or higher in everything, with an A in my major. I certainly appear to be on track with that, though the A will have to wait until the second midterm and paper grades (worth 35% of my total grade) come in. Cinema looks to be shaping up nicely after a slow start, while Music is currently on track to be an A. Meteorology, thanks to my spectacular failure in the second exam, suddenly turns from a sure A to an almost sure B. This should all make for an interesting final month...

I am ECSTATIC about the Phillies trading for Billy Wagner. I was a Mesa defender until he completely imploded in September (even he admitted he wasn't helping the team anymore by that point), and though the set up relief was pretty good (Cormier, Plesac, and Adams really stick out in my mind), the Phils couldn't close it out. By trading for Wagner, they get one of the best closers in baseball ( and let's face it, Gagne wasn't going anywhere). If and when they resign Adams and Plesac, as rumored, the bullpen should be pretty well set. All that would be left is the starting rotation, with two holes (a #1 and an additional middle/late rotation pitcher). I'd like to see the Phils bring up one of their young guns (Hamels? Floyd? Madsen?) to fill the lower spot. As for the ace position, signing Millwood doesn't sound likely, and I'm not sure how much I trust him after he faltered at the end of last year. I have made it no secret, however, who I want in that #1 spot: my favorite Phillie pitcher EVER, Curt Schilling. I'm not sure giving up Cole Hamels to get him is the way I'd want to go, but the rumored three way deal with the Marlins sounds like one I can handle (giving up Chase Utley, AAA pitcher Josh Hancock and A first baseman Ryan Howard, sounds like a good deal. Now we just have to see if this materializes. Other than that, I really only see the Phils needing one or two bats off the bench. It's only November, so a lot can happen before spring training...

Ex-Phillies manager Terry Francona is rumored to be the front runner as Red Sox manager (those poor, poor Red Sox fans...relish game 7 may be the last playoff baseball you see for a while)...The Eagles will win the NFC East again this year (Sorry Cowboy fans, but this is the week you lose the lead for good)...I'm encouraged by the Flyers and relatively encouraged by the Sixers, who are playing with numerous injuries (including one that took out Iverson for the first time in over a year)...People at PSU are upset over the campus's deal with Napster. Why? To those of you on campus: THEY'RE TELLING YOU TO DOWNLOAD MUSIC! WITHOUT TUITION OR FEES GOING UP! To those off campus: A little patience never hurt anyone, and access will be available for you next year anyway. It's by no means permanant...Even though I lost out on Eastview Terrace (the new singles-only dorms being built), I'll enjoy another year of being at ILH. To think: this year PSU housing actually did me a favor!...Remember, if you want your picture on my website, I NEED A PIC OF YOU FIRST! Send them to .

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October 27, 2003

My Ticket

I went to the Eagles game yesterday.

I'm not really going to talk about the game, except to say I was happy about the outcome and the way McNabb played. Anyone who cares can find a game summary online. I, however, will focus on the BEAUTIFUL new stadium in South Philly and the experience of the game itself.

My dad, sister, and uncle came with me to the game. As we got off the subway (more on this later), the first thing that struck me was how weird it was after coming to the Vet all these years (though granted only for one Eagles game) to see a new outdoor stadium up and fully functional with it's predecessor looming in the background. Granted, it was a new stadium, but everything about the look of the stadium on the way to it screamed excellence. Whoever did the architecture did a wonderful job.

We enter the stadium on the side facing I-95, after being briefly patted down by security. After walking around the concourse for a while (our seats were on the other side of the stadium) we decide to take a look at the field. As far as the inside of the stadium is concerned, it's nothing like the Vet; it's much, much better. The field itself is some form of grass (Kentucky Bluegrass if I'm not mistaken), a far cry from the concrete Vet turf. Also, the seats are much, much closer to the field. For those PSU students out there, it's a lot like Beaver Stadium in that regard. The bottom level, where I was sitting, is on much less of an incline than the old seats, which became a problem when people in front of you want to stand up at odd times. Three of the four corners of the stadium are open (needless to say, the side of the field that's half closed off is an adventure for kickers), leaving one half looking incomplete and the other half's upper deck completely isolated from everyone else. I actually like this, as it gives a unique feel to the stadium. After being at Beaver Stadium for the past few years, it was interesting to see the differences between Beaver and the Linc. It was hard to get used to the fact that there were two upper decks both behind me and across the way. There were a ton of fireworks used, which gave every touchdown a big event feel.

The items at the concession stands and souvenir stands were the same as anywhere: decent quality, but WAY overpriced. I bought an awesome hat that cost $23. That's American, not Canadian.

Our seats were at the 25 yard line, 12 rows behind the Jets bench on the half closed side of the field. We had a really good view of most of the field and had an excellent time rooting for our team and heckling the Jets, their fans, and Mike Mamula.

All in all, it was a fun night. I'm glad I got to see the Birds win, but the experience of going there made the trip worthwhile.

One last side note: Today Grady Little was fired as manager of the Red Sox today. I can't say I'm happy he's gone, as he seemed to get everyone in the Sox dugout to work together well, but any manager who says that they may or may not want to stay on with a team, as he did, is asking to get fired. Before the comments, I would have focused less on him leaving Pedro in too long in the bottom of the 8th and more on the fact that he was managing a team that was five outs from the World Series. Once you suggest you want to leave, you get what you deserve.

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October 17, 2003

So it will be the New York Yankees versus the Florida Marlins in the World Series, huh? Wow...what a shame.

I have my reasons for saying that. The first, as many of you well know, is that I despise both teams. I'll be rooting for the Marlins because, while they're annoying, I have respect for them. I have no respect for this current crop of Yankees. They are everything I hate about professional sports. Hell, they can't even keep their bench coach from attacking players! Still, even with all of this, the best thing that could happen is that Yankee fans would endure this same torture that the Phillies, Braves, Mets, Expos, Giants and now the Cubs have felt. I want it to happen. I don't want to see it.

Which brings me to my second point about the abysmal matchup: ratings. Ratings for the Divisional and Championship Series have been through the roof. Why? Even the most ardent Yankee and Cardinal fan will tell you that it's because the Red Sox and Cubs were one series win (and, ironically one game away) from the World Series. A Cubs/Red Sox matchup would regain viewers whom stopped watching after the strike, as well as potentially create new fan interest. Had EITHER of those teams made it, the World Series would still be interesting for the curiosity factor. Instead, we're stuck with the two "other teams" out of this whole deal. One team that's been around for all of a decade, won a World Series six years ago, and who's main fan base consists of the five largest retirement communities in Miami (which, ironically enough, is why they don't have any fans at their night games). The other team is a bloated, pompous entity that everyone is tired of seeing win. Needless to say, there's going to be a drop in viewership. I know I won't be watching.

The final reason is that the matchup is really unfair...for the Yankees. When the Angels beat the Yankees last year, it was a deft combination of speed and power that got the job done. Over the span of my entire life, I have not seen such a combination of power and speed as the Marlins have. During the ALCS, I openly questioned Grady Little (the Boston manager) for using the hit and run too often without it succeeding. However, even though Boston's runners are slow for the most part, they did expose a potential weakness. Many of the throws Posada made would not have gotten a real burner like Juan Pierre out.

To illustrate my point further, I'll give an example of a typical Marlins inning. Let's say it's the first. Pierre leads off with a bunt base hit. He steals second. Castillo walks. Pierre and Castillo double steal. Pudge Rodriguez hits a single. Two runs in, no out. Derek Lee strikes out. Miguel Cabrerra homers. Four runs, one out, with names like Mike Lowell, Jeff Conine, et al to follow. True they won't all work out like this. However, I can guarantee you'll see both of those run scoring scenarios by the end of game one. The Marlins are too fast, too good defensively, and have too much pitching for New York to handle. PREDICTION:FLORIDA in 6.

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October 12, 2003

Hey everybody. This is the first of a running online journal I'm gonna keep on this site. Mostly you'll just see unimportant rantings, but occasionally I'll post important updates about stuff that's going on in my life, just to keep you people interested (you demanding sons of...)

Anyway, I'm enjoying my three day "fall break," which I essentially have EVERY week. I'm rooting for the Cubs to clinch, the Sox to even up the series, and, most importantly, for the Eagles to expose the Cowboys for the frauds they truly are. God I hate overhyped teams...

I guess that'll be it for now. Updates will be really random, so keep checking back for new stuff. Comment on this entry: 0 Comments

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