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August 15,2005

This is a bitching post. If you're not interested in reading, feel free to skip.

As I sit here, it is 109 hours until I should be moving in the first piece of furniture in my new apartment in Washington, DC. Right now, though, I'm only hoping to make it through the next week alive. These last ten days have been just a tad short of disasterous. If you take out the scant time I spent with friends (at least by the standards I'm used to) and my sister coming up, nothing even slightly redeemable has happened in that time span.

I guess my frustration with my temp job and with life in general is magnified by my impending move. I no longer feel like I'm stuck in the middle of a transition. Instead, I feel like I should be moving, but instead have to wait another week to do so.

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August 2,2005

Some random thoughts before my last night of sleeping in during the week for a while:

-I should have figured that, with all the new features I put onto this site, it would stop working at some point. Already I've had extended troubles with the comment feature and had a giant ad change the background color of the site. Hopefully, these things have passed. Again, please feel free to let me know when/if something isn't working like you think it should be.

- I saw my apartment on Sunday. The building was nice, and the apartment is great. Once I get everything in, it'll be a fun place. It's in a great place in the city and real close to everything. Fun times.

- My cell phone went through the washer, killing it. Just another reminder that, no matter how intelligent someone is, they're still human and will occasionally do something infinitely stupid to prove it. Incidentally, I am currently without a cell phone until I get a replacement. I'll let you all know what's going on when I get a new phone.

- Work starts again for me on Wednesday. Hopefully it'll be great despite the fact that some people have left and I'm working with their replacement. The first half was fun. I'd like to think the second part will be too.

- Bush circumventing the Senate to appoint Bolton to the UN. I know Bush is allowed to do what he did, but I'm very disappointed that he took this path when it was obvious that there were serious issues to be investigated. It just feels that Bush did this because the Democrats didn't want to be walked upon, which disturbs me greatly. As far as Bolton himself, I personally wouldn't appoint him to park my car, let alone represent me in the UN. I'm willing to be proven wrong, but a traditionally anti-UN guy as the US representative is just a phenomenally bad idea.

- One last thing: I'm feeling a lot older than I have in a while. I'm moving into my own apartment (sort of) with my own car, my own checking account (complete with checkbook), and all the responsibilities that go with being an adult. I knew graduating from college meant being a grown up. It's still a new feeling, however. What's clear, though, is that the last chapter of my childhood has been written. It was fun, but it's time to move on.

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July 18,2005

With everything on the site FINALLY completed (thanks to all those who helped, including those mentioned earlier and Dubbs), I now turn my attention to something I have been putting off addressing in this space for a while now: my imminent move to D.C. I will send out an email with the pertinent information (new address, phone number, etc.) when I get it. I can say that the first stage of the move-in will be the 20th and 21st of August and that the final move will be on August 25th. Until then, I'm trying to fill up my free time (read: when I'm not working) with as much stuff as possible.

That's the realistic, grounded part of this whole move-in. The bigger thing, at least for me, is the mental aspect of leaving PA. I find myself torn between the past and the future...between leaving and arriving. When I think of the future, of arriving in DC, I get excited. It's an entirely new experience waiting for me in a city I know and have had nothing but good times in. I already know that I will be there for orientation week fun and that I'll be in attendance when Jon Stewart visits in October. I know that the whole experience will, more than likely, be awesome, with awesome people to see me through.

When I think of the past, though, I wonder if this is in fact true. I'm leaving a lot of good stuff behind. I know I'll still see everyone, but it's hard to get past the fact that I was finally comfortable where I was. Who knows how long it will take to reach that level of comfort in DC (or, indeed, if I will ever attain that again). It's a damn good situation I left at Penn State, one that I've heard is only going to get better next semester. Here, in Huntingdon Valley, I also have a very good setup that will no longer exist in one month's time.

I'm pretty sure this is normal. I'm dead smack in the middle of a transition from college to post college life, with everything that comes with it. I'd imagine those of you who have already gone through this know what I mean, and those who haven't still have a decent idea. I really don't know what to think about this. Do I want time to slow down to allow me to spend time with friends and family, or do I want time to speed up so I may experience the wonders of life in the nation's capital once again? Should I anticipate or dread the move? Will I change myself or just change company?

I know what I SHOULD do. I should just keep the near future in mind (there's enough to worry about over the next few weeks without worrying about the big picture) and leave the rest to itself. That is what I'd advise myself to do. I just feel disoriented about the whole thing, which isn't helped by people who don't know me or think they know what I'm thinking.

Life really isn't this complicated...we just make it so. I complicate my own life by worrying about stuff like this when there's too much to even process. The others complicate my life by not simply talking to me or attempting to resolve the situation themselves. I don't blame them, least no more than I blame myself. It's just human nature. In those situations, as in my own, I am responsible to at least some degree. I guess I just want resolution. I think, somehow, that that would make the whole process of letting go of this rapidly ending era easier. Until then, I'll just have to deal. Comment on this entry: 0 Comments

July 14,2005

The site update is complete. In addition to the new comment feature for the commentary, there are now drop down menus (such as the one at the top) to make for easier site navigation. A brief review, at least to promote the other parts of this site that likely don't get the traffic I know this page gets:

The About page is just a brief note about the origins of the site and what I hope to accomplish with it.

The next page is just basic info About Me. Just my basic interests and likes.

The Commentary, Quotes, Links, and Picture pages are pretty self explainatory. My thoughts, favorite quotes and sites, as well as select pictures. As always, I'm looking for more pics to add to the site. Please let me know if you have any you'd like to send me for the site.

The Extra Stuff page is, honestly, my favorite page on the site along with the commentary. It has all the stuff that doesn't have a place anywhere else on the site. My writings, old sections of the site (including the soon to be added original index page) and, of course, the infamous eulogies.

Unfortunately, right now the menu works in pop-up form. I know it took me almost 20 minutes to find out why the menu wasn't working. You need popup blockers turned off (or to allow pop-ups from my site). I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

That brings me to the final change: I've redone the main page. Thanks to Bucky for turning me on to the idea in the first place, and to my sister, from whose blog I blatantly stole the code. Like the comments page, it's a little crude and I may take some time to make it look even better. I have to say I like the new look and I hope you all feel the same.

Okay, this should be the last site related update for a while. Next one will be back to normal...for better or for worse. Feel free to let me know what you think about the changes.

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July 11, 2005

Yet another useless quiz stolen from Val.

[X] all that apply

[X] I am a university student.
[ ] I am a cuddler.
[ ] I am an okay dancer.
[X] I am a huge fan of lists.
[ ] I am a morning person.
[X] I am a perfectionist.
[ ] I am a Republican.
[ ] I am allergic to something deadly.
[ ] I am an only child
[X] I am Catholic.
[x] I am content as of this moment.
[ ] I am currently in my pajamas.
[ ] I am currently pregnant.
[X] I am currently single.
[ ] I am embarrassed to be seen with my mother or father.
[ ] I am currently suffering from a breaking heart.
[ ] I am okay at styling other people's hair.
[ ] I am left handed.
[ ] I am married.
[ ] I am obsessed with my Xanga.
[ ] I am online 24/7, even as an away message.
[ ] I am procrastinating by filling out this list.
[ ] I am resentful that I have to grow up.
[ ] I am very shy around the opposite sex.
[ ] I am, or was, pigeon-toed.
[X] I bite my nails.
[X] I can be paranoid at times.
[ ] I carry a weapon with me everywhere I go.
[ ] I collect picture frames.
[ ] I currently have a crush on someone.
[x] I consider myself to be a 'nerd'.
[ ] I currently regret something that I have done/am doing.
[x] I curse frequently.
[X] I do not believe people are inherently good or evil.
[X] I don't hate anyone.
[ ] I enjoy country music.
[ ] I enjoy ...jazz music.
[X] I enjoy smoothies.
[X] I enjoy talking on the phone.
[X] I have a
[X] I have a mobile phone.
[X] I have a hard time paying attention at school.
[ ] I have a hidden talent.
[X] I have a hobby.
[X] I have a lot to learn.
[ ] I have a pet.
[X] I have a secret that no one knows
[ ] I have a tendency to fall for the "wrong" girl.
[ ] I have all my (real) grandparents, none of them have died.
[X] I have at least one brother and/or sister.
[ ] I have avoided work to play with my myspace.
[X] I have been in a real relationship.
[ ] I have been in a threesome
[X] I have been rejected by someone.
[ ] I have been the "psycho ex" in a past relationship.
[X] I have been to another country.
[ ] I have been to an anime convention.
[X] I have been to Europe.
[ ] I have been to Las Vegas.
[X] I have been told that I am very smart.
[X] I have been told that I have an unusual sense of humor.
[ ] I have broken a bone.
[X] I have Caller I.D. on my phone.
[X] I have changed a diaper.
[ ] I have changed a lot over the past year.
[ ] I have cheated on a significant other.
[X] I have counted down the days until the summer.
[ ] I have dated my best friend's ex.
[X] I have done something illegal.
[ ] I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color.
[X] I have gone scuba diving/snorkling.
[ ] I have had major/minor surgery.
[ ] I have had my hair cut within the last week.
[ ] I have had the cops called on me
[ ] I have snogged someone I knew I shouldn't.
[ ] I have snogged someone of the same sex.
[ ] I have made a move on a friend's significant other in the past.
[X] I have mood swings.
[ ] I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.
[ ] I have passed out drunk at least once in the past 6 months.
[X] I have rejected someone before.
[X] I have seen The Lord of the Rings trilogy.
[ ] I have seen the television show The O.C.
[X] I have swam in the ocean.
[ ] I have tried a drug that is illegal.
[X] I have tried sushi.
[X] I have watched Sex and the City.
[ ] I have watched the television show Spongebob Squarepants.
[ ] I know how to shoot a gun.
[ ] I like being the center of attention.
[ ] I like eating Ramen noodles.
[ ] I like my handwriting.
[X] I like Shakespeare.
[ ] I like the taste of blood.
[X] I like to cook.
[ ] I like to sing.
[ ] I like to vacuum.
[X] I love learning foreign languages.
[ ] I love Michael Jackson.
[X] I love my friends.
[ ] I love olives.
[ ] I love rain.
[X] I love sleeping.
[ ] I love to play computer games.
[ ] I love to shop.
[ ] I miss someone right now.
[ ] I own 100 CDs or more.
[ ] I own a home.
[ ] I own and use a library card.
[ ] I play a musical instrument
[ ] I practice a religion that is not considered mainstream.
[ ] I read books for pleasure.
[ ] I shave my legs.
[ ] I sleep a lot during the day.
[X] I strongly dislike math.
[ ] I think Britney Spears is pretty.
[ ] I think long strings of html code look cool.
[ ] I think that Pizza Hut makes the best pizza.
[ ] I think the world would be a better place if people just smiled more often.
[ ] I was born in a country other than the USA.
[ ] I watch more TV this year than last year.
[ ] I watch soap operas on a regular basis.
[ ] I wear contact lenses.
[ ] I will try anything once.
[ ] I work at a job that I enjoy.
[ ] I would classify myself as ghetto.
[ ] I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free.
[X] I like orange kool aid.
[X] I can name all 7 of the dwarfs from 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs'.
[X] I like being at school.
[ ] I always love wearing sweaters.
[ ] I love water polo.
[ ] I am currently wearing socks.
[ ] I am being nostalgic right now.
[ ] I hate summer.
[X] I am tired.
[ ] I love to paint/draw/sketch/sculpt

I have....
[ ] smoked pot.
[ ] done ecstasy.
[ ] done coke.
[ ] done crack.
[ ] done heroin.
[ ] done opium.
[ ] done PCP.
[ ] done LSD.
[ ] done CCC's.
[ ] done prescription narcotics for recreational purposes.
[ ] huffed air-duster.
[ ] been to a rave.
[X] been to a real party
[X] kissed someone.
[X] ridden in a taxi.
[ ] jumped a ramp with a bike.
[X] been dumped.
[ ] been used.
[ ] shoplifted.
[ ] ran from the cops.
[ ] been in a room of your school that you could get suspended for being in
[ ] been fired.
[ ] been kicked out of a movie theater.
[X] snuck into a movie.
[X] been in a fist fight.
[ ] got hit by a car.
[ ] fired a real gun.
[ ] snuck out of your parent's house.
[ ] been arrested.
[ ] stolen something from your school.
[ ] celebrated new years in times square.
[ ] gone on a blind date.
[ ] lied to a friend.
[ ] had a crush on a teacher.
[ ] celebrated mardi-gras in new orleans.
[X] been to europe.
[X] skipped school.
[ ] thrown up from drinking.
[X] played 'clue'
[X] had a sleepover party.
[ ] gone ice skating.
[ ] cheated on a bf/gf.
[X] been cheated on.
[ ] had your tonsils out.
[ ] been exposed to laughing gas.
[X] had a car.
[X] driven a car.
[ ] Totaled a car.

Do you...
[ ] feel loved.
[X] feel lonely.
[X] feel happy.
[ ] hate yourself.
[ ] have a dog.
[X] have your own room.
[X] sing along with your music.
[ ] dance around the house in your underwear.
[ ] listen to Hawaiian Music.
[ ] listen to underground hip hop.
[X] listen to rap.
[X] listen to classic rock.
[X] listen to new rock.
[ ] listen to country.
[ ] listen to reggae.
[ ] listen to techno.
[X] listen to hardcore.
[ ] listen to pop.
[ ] listen to r&b.
[ ] listen to jazz.
[ ] listen to crooners.
[X] listen to bands that can't be put into a category.
[X] have hobbies.
[ ] skateboard.
[ ] do aggressive inline.
[ ] snowboard.
[ ] ski.
[ ] surf.
[ ] skim board.
[X] have more than 1 best friend.
[X] get good grades.
[ ] play an instrument.
[ ] have slippers
[X] wear boxers
[ ] wear black eyeliner.
[X] like the color blue.
[ ] like the color pink.
[X] like the color red
[X] like the color green
[X] like the color black
[ ] like the color purple
[ ] like neon colors
[X] like to read.
[X] like to write.
[ ] have long hair.
[X] have short hair.
[ ] have a laptop.
[ ] have a pager.

Are you...
[ ] bored.
[X] happy.
[ ] bilingual
[ ] Hawaiian.
[ ] blonde
[X] a brunette
[ ] a redhead
[ ] Black hair
[ ] Samoan.
[ ] Filipino.
[ ] Korean.
[ ] British.
[X] white.
[ ] Italian
[ ] black.
[ ] Inuit
[ ] Mexican.
[ ] Asian.
[X] a Christian
[ ] a Muslim
[ ] a Jew
[ ] a Hindu
[ ] a scientologist
[ ] an atheist
[ ] satanist
[ ] short.
[X] tall
[ ] just right
[X] realistic
[ ] an emo kid
[ ] sick
[ ] mad
[X] lazy
[ ] talking to someone.
[ ] IMing someone.
[ ] scared to die
[ ] buzzed
[ ] high
[ ] caffeinated
[X] sleepy
[ ] annoyed
[ ] hungry
[ ] thirsty
[ ] on the phone
[ ] in your room
[ ] drinking something
[ ] eating something
[ ] ticklish
[ ] listening to music

Comment on this entry: 0 Comments

July 10, 2005

A few brief site related announcements:
-I finally got a picture for the index page. I may change it after I get settled in DC, but I always liked the Philly skyline.

-I've started the site overhaul that I promised back in the spring. The first order of business is to add a proper comments page for each entry. At the end of each entry, there will be a link to the comment form. The form's contents will be sent to me, where I'll post them so everyone can see. It's really no different than if I were to start a livejournal and set it so I could review the comments before they went live. No big deal.

It's still a little crude-namely that you have to type in the date of the entry you're commenting on and the comment box is still too small. I don't think, though, that there's a limit on what you can type. You just won't see most of it. I suspect that this only requires some fine tuning and hopefully it won't cause too many problems in the meantime.

-Next in line will be to revamp site navigation, including adding menus to each of the branches off the main page (Commentary, Extras, Personal Info, etc.).

Anyway, let me know how this works. I like this format for my commentary and would really rather not move to a livejournal or other blog builder, but will if I can't get this to work on its own. Let me know what you think.

Comment on this entry: 2 Comments

July 2, 2005

Before I get to the heart of this update, I'd like to announce that I officially have an apartment in Washington, D.C.! I have what appears to be a really nice apartment at The Lauren on 20th Street Northwest, a block south of Dupont Circle and a fifteen minute walk to the White House. It's also within walking distance of GW. I don't know the exact room number yet, but when I do I'll be sending out an email to everyone letting them know. Until then, you can check out The Lauren here.

Now that that's out of the way, I saw something tonight that really got me thinking. Lately, I've been living my life through one principle: look ahead to the future. That, combined with a penchant for perfectionism, have left me with a feeling that I still need a lot of work to get where I want to go. Sometimes that can be motivating and encouraging. Other times, it can be the exact opposite. I often shoot between the two, causing me to either be excited for a change in scenery or afraid of what that change may bring. It was only tonight that I found something that improved my perspective on these matters.

For those of you who didn't know me before college, you have likely only heard of my first girlfriend, Kelli. I doubt I ever put the time and energy into telling you guys the story of how everything went down, from the humerous beginning to the somewhat bitter ending. If you ever want to know more (whether out of curiosity or out of masochism), I'll share. This is not the forum for me to do so.

When we were just starting to get to know each other, she introduced me to a group of online friends of hers that included her then-boyfriend and other kids across the country. This group would often meet on IRC to hang around and bullshit on whatever they felt like. Generally speaking, it was fun times. By June of 2000, however, circumstances had arisen that led to my rather messy departure from the group. It also, incidentally, came at a really bad time in my life that was further complicated by the end of my first relationship (in part over this mess).

Cut to today. After seeing SPAMalot in New York, I'm unwinding by surfing the internet. As a lark, I start visiting sites that I haven't visited in ages. One of the sites that randomly popped into my head was the site for this group...people I literally hadn't thought of since freshman year of college. As I poke around a bit, I find a list of banned people. Sure enough:

Chester- aka "Aphilfan". Banned for causing DRAMA and incessant pathetic whining.

I'll admit that that stung a little when I first read it. Knowing that something like that is out there when other people can read it, knowing it referrs to me (and was not written by me) is a bit of a blow to my ego. Such would be true for most people. I could have been furious, raging to whoever would listen that I didn't ask for the things that came up to happen, let alone cause them. Yet, I didn't. After the initial shock, I found I didn't care. Some of you may ask why I'm writing this if I don't care about what they said. The reason is simple: it illustrates how I've changed.

The reason their opinion was important to me was because I needed validation from my peers. They were indeed my peers, because my social skills were so laughable I HAD to turn to them. That may sound harsh, and perhaps it is, but it's the truth. What's also true is that they were my peers because they were in the same situation I was. If I want to look at this in a positive light, I could say that I USED to be a guy who caused drama and whined incessantly and pathetically, whereas now I do very little of either. If I were to look at this negatively, I could say they were jerks and my new friends are cooler than they are. Likely, the answer is something close to the first. Either way, not only am I better at conducting myself socially, not only am I more adept at finding friends, but I also can deal with situations a lot better. Sure I was run down when things went to hell in my last semester at Penn State, but I didn't have near the amount of self-pity as I did during that time which, arguably, was a better situation than its more recent counterpart.

In other words, I am a completely different person than I was five years ago. I assume that they, too, have matured (I'll assume that the site hasn't been updated in a few years). I hope they're doing well in their endeavors, because I'm sure as hell doing well in mine. I may have been concerned about where I was going, but after looking at where I've been I know I'll be fine. I'll meet new people and make new friends while keeping up with the old ones. I'll do this because I'm an adult who learned from his childhood. I've paid my dues, and now it's time to reap the rewards.

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June 16, 2005

I'd like to start by thanking everyone who was able to attend my party. It was a great time that reminded me of why I'll miss all of you next year. For those that weren't there, highlights included the return of the Krissy (and the completely inappropriate things we gave her ), the best game of Apples to Apples since 2004, and, of course, the bar. Sadly I forgot to take a picture of said bar, but if anyone got one while things were still relatively organized, let me know. My two biggest regrets were that not everyone could attend (and, believe me, I understand most of you would have been there if you could. We'll find some time to hang out, I promise) and that I screwed up the food not once (by not ordering enough pizza or cheesesteaks), not twice (by putting out the first veggie tray early enough for everyone to jump on it), but three times (by forgetting to pick up the water ice). Admittedly, the last one was the worst. Not only did I deprive my guests of a cool dessert (in both senses of the word), but I felt so bad picking it up the next day. If anyone wants good Rita's, come here. We have tons. Anyway, thanks to all who showed up, especially to those who came early and helped to set up. I'll always remember that party, thanks in part to the scar that Jeremy left on the bridge of my nose. Trust me, Jer, I'll pay you back.

The other major thing that happened this summer was I finally got to see some hockey and accomplish one of my lifelong goals in the process. By attending game four of the Calder Cup finals, I got to watch a Philadelphia sports team win a championship live and in person. While I know that this entry won't be popular with those who had tickets to games that didn't happen (Matt) and to those rooting for other teams during the playoffs (Marie), the fact remains that it was an awesome thing to see and experience. I don't follow the Phantoms as closely as I follow the Flyers, but I did at least know most of the players even before the playoffs. It helped that Flyers like Joni Pitkanen, Patrick Sharp, Todd Fedoruk, Dennis Sidenberg and Antero Niitymaki played prominent roles on the team, since I as well as many others knew them regardless of their status on the Phantoms.

Being there ranked right up with Penn State/Nebraska and the Flyers playoff game in 97 as the best game atmospheres I had ever been a part of. I was one of over 20,000 people at the CoreStates/FU/Wachovia Center, setting a new AHL playoff record for attendance. When Patrick Sharp scored the first goal of the game, you could hear each and every voice as we all celebrated. By the time the score hit 4-0 towards the end of the second period, the whole arena was in celebration mode. Granted, you could tell it wasn't an NHL game. There were fights throughout the game and the referees seemed to be more than a little fuzzy as to what constituted "offsides" and "icing" in particular. Also, I'll grant that, technically speaking, this does not end the Philadelphia championship drought (between Villanova basketball in 1985, Wings lacrosse six different times since 1988, and the Phantoms in 1998 and 2005, the city has had its share...just not in a major sport league), anyone who read my Valentine's day commentary should know by now what being there for something like this means to me. It is something I will always be able to take with me. While I hope this is not the last championship I will be able to see in person, I am thrilled I could see even one.

Getting off that, I figured I'd end by doing something that garnered a fairly decent response last year: movie reviews. Having only seen two new movies, this will be brief:

The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
This has nothing to do with the movie, but despite the fact that I said it I believe this is currently the line of the summer so far. On the way back from seeing this with Val and Scott, we passed by an Ikea. This prompted Val to reminice about the time that she was taken to Ikea on a blind date, which led to this exchange:

VAL: I'm serious! Why would you take someone on a date to Ikea? Not just stopping there, but spending two hours looking at stuff.

ME: Well, know, nothing says "Fuck Me" like cheap Swedish furniture.

For the record, a date at Ikea is quite possibly the dumbest idea ever. Doubly so if, as Val claims, the guy was less attractive than I am. The dude should have known better.

Anyway, onto the movie. I had rather low expectations of the movie given what I had seen in trailers and commercials. Those expectations were easily surpassed by the end of the opening number, "So Long and Thanks for All the Fish." The movie itself does justice to Douglas Adams, though those who only knew the book (like myself) will wonder what the hell the middle part of the movie is about if they aren't made aware of it ahead of time. I'm not a huge fan of the ending, if only because it's not the same as the book...or even similar to the storyline of the books. However, Adams was known for contradicting himself throughout the various forms of "The Hitchiker's Guide," so even this shouldn't come as too big of a shock.

In all, the acting is superb, the script is clever, and anyone who was a fan of Adams's work will come away very happy. In the end, that's what's important.

Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith: I am a huge Star Wars fan. I am also an apologist for many things that I am a huge fan of, Star Wars among them. As such, I made excuses for Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones. To be fair, even with my own personal biases aside, I believe these movies are unfairly criticized. Sure they are not the masterpieces that IV, V, and VI are, but few movies measure up to those lofty standards. Instead, we are given a mediocre (albeit sub-par given the circumstances) effort and a mediocre to decent effort. Some people were more receptive to these ideas than others. One thing we all agreed on was this: it was unfair to judge I and II without seeing III. Only then would we get the true picture of what it was like.

Sith definitely outclasses the other two prequels. Hayden Christiansen still leaves a lot to be desired as Anakin in his final weeks before being put into the infamous suit. Outside of him, however, the actors do well with their roles, presenting the best acting in a Star Wars movie since at least Jedi and likely since Empire. The plot also belonged up with it's honored predecessors. It was a true fanboy moment for me to see how things unfolded, right down to the creation of the Empire. General Grievous was a great character, though they could have delved into certain aspects of his character and how the way he was set up effected the movie later (I know that's vague, but I don't want to give anything away). I'd even go as far to say that the Obi-Wan/Anakin lightsaber fight was the best of ANY in the six Star Wars movies (Qui-Gonn/Obi-Wan/Maul in Menace is the only one that comes close).

In the end, Sith falls slightly short of the original trilogy, though it certainly belongs in that realm. As for the prequels, it really seemed as though the first two movies were only there to introduce characters and elements to make the third one run. While Sith filled many of the plot holes left open by the first two movies (significance of the midichlorians, why Qui-Gonn didn't disappear at the end of Menace, etc.), there was no effective story arc throughout the trilogy. Even if taken in terms of the saga as a whole, the first two lag behind the other four. As such, my final rankings go: Empire, New Hope, Jedi, Sith, Clones, Menace. Though the last two were somewhat disappointing (though, again, not bad), Sith provides a worthy end to a storied saga.


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June 1, 2005

I suppose the most important thing, for those who may read my commentary without hearing from me too often, is that I am now approximately two and a half months away from moving to Washington, DC and attending graduate school at George Washington University. I'm currently in the process of finding an apartment and, when I find one, I'll let each and every one of you know through one means or another. I have to say this is an exciting yet strangely troubling time. I still don't feel like a grown up yet. I'll have to be, though, since I will become a permanent resident of a DC (or Virginia) apartment. I have faith that things will work out, but...I don't know. This deserves it's own entry at some point.

As for me, now, I'm currently between temp assignments. My first was at a waste management place in Sellersville. Other than the drive (an hour at each rush hour, especially on Rte. 63) it was a very pleasant experience. The shame of it was that I was just starting to get comfortable and starting to get to know people when my assignment ended an hour into my ninth day of work. I hope that's a good sign for GW, but for now I'm going to think of this as a downside to relying on temp work all summer. Ah well.

Incidentally, as long as I'm home I'm pretty much always open for stuff. If anyone ever wants to do something, let me know. If I can, I'll join you.

Anyway, I found this in Val's live journal and decided to steal it. Feel free to steal it for yourself if you want:


1. Gave you a survey without the #1: Val
2. Saw you cry: Anyone at my grandmother's funeral
3. Made you cry: My grandmother
4. Spent the night with: Yeah...because that happens...
5. You saw a movie with: Kevin W. 6. You went to the mall with: Jaymie, Chris, Steve, Tim, Mike, Matt, Jason
7. Sent you an email: Deena P. (from last summer in Washington).


1. Said "I Love You" and meant it? Yes
2. Gotten in a fight with your pet: Yeah...not that I ever hit her, but she put up a struggle over lots of things and I had to help control her
3. Been to New York: Many times, most recently this winter
4. Florida: Several times, most recently when I was in Jr. High.
5. California: Never
6. Hawaii: Nope
7. Mexico: Not even once
8. Canada: Yep...several times.
9. Red or blue: Blue
10. Spring or Fall: Fall
11. Are you bored:More often than not
12. Last noise you heard: Anime (in this case, Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex).
13. Last time you went out of the state: Over Easter, when I went to Maryland and DC.
14. Do you have a crush on someone: Not really...not that I'd put it here if I did. :-P
15. What book are you reading now: I'm kinda reading several books...really I'm killing time until the new Harry Potter book comes out.
16. What is the first thing you think when you wake up: I awake or still dreaming?
17. Are you a lefty, righty or ambidextrous: Righty


1. Do you do drugs: Do alcohol and caffiene (in soda and tea...not pills) count?
2. Do you drink: Yes
4. What are you most scared of: Missing anything or being insignificant.
5. What clothes do you sleep in:It's probably not worth getting into.
6. Who is the last person who called you: My parents 7. Where do you want to get married: In a church...near my house...because after my sister got married on a beach in the Carribbean my parents would kill me if I did anything else.
8. Who do you really hate: Really? Truly dishonest people, i.e. people who are fake in everything that they do and do dishonest things (like stealing or wrongfully witholding things...and no I'm not talking about ANYONE in particular).
9. Favorite number: It's gotta be 13.
10. What type automobile do you drive? 2003 Toyota Rav 4
11. Are you usually on time or usually late? Ususally on time...and when I'm not I have a good reason.
12. Do you have a job: I'm in between temp jobs.
13. Do you like being around people: I guess it just depends on the people...I mean we all need our space, but I can spend lots of time with my friends without getting bored.
14. Best feeling in the world: When everything just seems to fall into place.
15. Are you a health freak: No.
16. What bothers you the most? People that are fake, superficial, and/or derive pleasure from hurting other people. (Thanks Val)


1. Have you ever liked someone you had no chance with: This is a loaded question. I don't think I have a chance with anyone. So yes.
2. Have you ever cried over something someone of the opposite sex did: Yeah.
3. Do you have a "type" of person you always go after: Not really. Other than the fact that they're all female and relatively intelligent, there's nothing to link the girls I've liked together.
4. Ever afraid you'll never get married: Yeah...since everything about me screams "friend," it's always a concern that no one will see past that enough to wind up with me.
5. Ever want kids? I probably shouldn't, since that's probably what's best for humanity...I kinda do, though.


1. Cried: No
2. Bought something: No
3. Gotten sick: No
4. Sung: Yeah...not when anyone's around though.
5. Said "I Love You": No
6. Wanted to tell someone you loved them: No.
7. Met someone new: Nope.
8. Moved on: Yeah...with some things. 10. Hugged someone: Yes - mom
11. Kissed someone: No
12. Fought with your parents: Kinda...We're pretty civil, so it's not even so much fighting as much as just clashing.
HAVE YOU EVER... Been drunk: No...apparently I can take a fair bit of alcohol.
Ridden in a taxi: Yes
Shoplifted: No.
Been fired: No, though my tenure has ended before.
Been in a fist fight: Not since elementary school.
Gone on a blind date: No...apparently I have the wrong major.
Had a crush on a teacher: Nope
Been to Europe: London and Southern France in HS.
Skipped school: I've skipped classes in college.
Been married: No.
. Gone surfing: No way
Nicknames: Drew, Chester...that's all I can really think of
Hometown: Huntingdon Valey, Pa
Age: 21
Hair color: Brown
Height: 6'3" Siblings: My sister Carolyn who is 24
Gender: Male
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