How to use the comment feature

Commentary: The Index

I originally started the commentary section for three reasons. First, I wanted some place to put down my thoughts and to share things with a wider audience. I wanted a part of the site that would change and would keep people coming back (if they were so inclined to read in the first place). Second, I wanted it for my own piece of mind. I didn't really care who read it so long as it served the purposes I wanted it to for me. It always has, otherwise I wouldn't continue to update it. Third, my friends (the group I started hanging out with sophomore year) all had one through Jason's website and I wanted my own, though I wanted a little more control.

Since then, it has grown beyond whatever ambitions I had for it. To make it less daunting and a little easier to navigate, I've reorganized the commentary into several pages. Most of these pages are archives, broken up into more managable intervals. The others are the current round of commentaries (obviously) and a selection of my favorite entries over the years.

I hope you enjoy this and, as always, feel free to provide feedback.


How to use the comment feature

Andrew's Latest Commentaries

Andrew's Favorite Commentaries

Commentary Archives (January-March, 2006)

Commentary Archives (September-December, 2005)

Commentary Archives (June-August, 2005)

Commentary Archives (January-May, 2005)

Commentary Archives (August-December, 2004)

Commentary Archives (January-July, 2004)

Commentary Archives (September-December, 2003)

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