Comments for July 10, 2005

A few brief site related announcements:

-I finally got a picture for the index page. I may change it after I get settled in DC, but I always liked the Philly skyline.

-I've started the site overhaul that I promised back in the spring. The first order of business is to add a proper comments page for each entry. At the end of each entry, there will be a link to the comment form. The form's contents will be sent to me, where I'll post them so everyone can see. It's really no different than if I were to start a livejournal and set it so I could review the comments before they went live. No big deal.

It's still a little crude-namely that you have to type in the date of the entry you're commenting on and the comment box is still too small. I don't think, though, that there's a limit on what you can type. You just won't see most of it. I suspect that this only requires some fine tuning and hopefully it won't cause too many problems in the meantime.

-Next in line will be to revamp site navigation, including adding menus to each of the branches off the main page (Commentary, Extras, Personal Info, etc.).

Anyway, let me know how this works. I like this format for my commentary and would really rather not move to a livejournal or other blog builder, but will if I can't get this to work on its own. Let me know what you think.

Andrew- This is an example of what a comment will look like. Feel free to comment on earlier entries, so long as you list the date so I know where to put it.

Marc- ooh, same as screened comments in LJ. I believe there is a way to make the comments thing a full text box, and if you want i can find you the HTML code for it