Comments for August 15, 2005

This is a bitching post. If you're not interested in reading, feel free to skip.

As I sit here, it is 109 hours until I should be moving in the first piece of furniture in my new apartment in Washington, DC. Right now, though, I'm only hoping to make it through the next week alive. These last ten days have been just a tad short of disasterous. If you take out the scant time I spent with friends (at least by the standards I'm used to) and my sister coming up, nothing even slightly redeemable has happened in that time span.

I guess my frustration with my temp job and with life in general is magnified by my impending move. I no longer feel like I'm stuck in the middle of a transition. Instead, I feel like I should be moving, but instead have to wait another week to do so.

Valerie- I like your format, dude.

-Andrew-I try, though there are still one or two kinks left to iron out.

Marc-Hey Andrew!! It seems that this week is lasting forever, but it will fly by. Good luck this year, and try to make normal friends down there for a change. :-)

-Andrew- Thanks man, although I do find it amusing that you're the one trying to comfort me on this type of post, given that I got the idea of the disclaimer from you. As far as "normal" friends go...don't worry, I won't.