Comments for August 2, 2005

Some random thoughts before my last night of sleeping in during the week for a while:

-I should have figured that, with all the new features I put onto this site, it would stop working at some point. Already I've had extended troubles with the comment feature and had a giant ad change the background color of the site. Hopefully, these things have passed. Again, please feel free to let me know when/if something isn't working like you think it should be.

- I saw my apartment on Sunday. The building was nice, and the apartment is great. Once I get everything in, it'll be a fun place. It's in a great place in the city and real close to everything. Fun times.

- My cell phone went through the washer, killing it. Just another reminder that, no matter how intelligent someone is, they're still human and will occasionally do something infinitely stupid to prove it. Incidentally, I am currently without a cell phone until I get a replacement. I'll let you all know what's going on when I get a new phone.

- Work starts again for me on Wednesday. Hopefully it'll be great despite the fact that some people have left and I'm working with their replacement. The first half was fun. I'd like to think the second part will be too.

- Bush circumventing the Senate to appoint Bolton to the UN. I know Bush is allowed to do what he did, but I'm very disappointed that he took this path when it was obvious that there were serious issues to be investigated. It just feels that Bush did this because the Democrats didn't want to be walked upon, which disturbs me greatly. As far as Bolton himself, I personally wouldn't appoint him to park my car, let alone represent me in the UN. I'm willing to be proven wrong, but a traditionally anti-UN guy as the US representative is just a phenomenally bad idea.

- One last thing: I'm feeling a lot older than I have in a while. I'm moving into my own apartment (sort of) with my own car, my own checking account (complete with checkbook), and all the responsibilities that go with being an adult. I knew graduating from college meant being a grown up. It's still a new feeling, however. What's clear, though, is that the last chapter of my childhood has been written. It was fun, but it's time to move on.

Dubbs- Haha, I completely agree with your idea of Bolton... what a douche. Anyhow, thought I'd give you greetings from Texas (yeehaw!) and say that your site is looking really nice. Good job! -Dubbs

Andrew- Thanks for the compliment. Don't worry Dubbs, you'll be back in civilization in no time.