The Sin Scoreboard

Here are the official Sin counts. If I mislabel your score, please let me know. Special designations are as follows:

1 - Member of Sin Book group on

2 - Achieved "Demon" Status (100 or more sins).

The Score:

1. Jackie Sais - 116 (2)
2. Scott Shumaker - 115 (2)
(tie) Kevin Kurtz - 115 (1,2)
4. Kat Fix - 112 (2)
5. Aly Rhodes - 108 (1,2)
6. Kelli McDonough - 107 (2)
7.Marc Mazer - 105 (1,2)
8. Joel Chorny - 104 (1,2)
9. Jeremy Schaller - 103 (1,2)
10. Andrew Henry - 102 (1,2)
(tie) Kate Hertneky - 102 (2)
(tie) Jonathan Potosky - 102 (2)
13. Lucinda Campbell - 100 (2)
(tie) Mike McCallister - 100 (2)
(tie) Ada Husten - 100 (2)
16. Georg Purvis - 99
17. Justin Dubbs - 96 (1)
18. Chris Hawthorne - 93 (1)
19. Tim Mullen - 92
20. Brittany Billingsly - 82 (1)
21. Mari Clayton - 75
22. Sarah Phillips - 73 (1)
23. Krissy Zeiser - 69
24. Val Ciavola - 67 (1)
25. "Dave" - 61
(tie) Jaymie Radomski - 61
27. Whitney Cleland - 52 (1)
28. Susan Logue - 45