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Job Agency

The jobs below are available for anyone in the Sandy Plains guild who applies and gets the job! Some jobs have a certain amount of positions available. All you have to do to apply for a job is neomail


Neomial her also, if you have any job ideas! thankyou!

Unlimited - Advertiser: 25NP per promotion guild e-mail sent! 25NP per chat message posted! Addition money for referals, and getting friends to join!

Unlimited - Creator (not a permanent job, just an activity):
-Banner:300-???NP depending on how brilliant!
-Layout:1000NP-??? depending on how brilliant!
-Logo:100-???NP depending on how brilliant!
-Webpage:???NP depends on how brilliant!

Unlimited - Controller: Controlls, games, activities, certain competitions, and can handle mostly all information concerning theme.g. neomails adn questions. Prizes are usually supplied! 500NP depending on work done.

Unlimited - Maker: turns our council ideas into real things. NP it depends on what they are doing

2 available - Secretary: Sends newsletter neomails and e-mails! Takes neomails and helps controll guild when leader is away. 250NP a week!

4 available - Police: Helps people who have been hacked catch the hacker, and get account back. Watches out for members safety. Patrolls chat and Message board. 250NP a week!

Advertiser: NEEDED
Police: 1:.........2............3...........4..........NEEDED
Secretaries: 1..............2..............NEEDED
Makers: NEEDED
Controllers: NEEDED