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Inner Sanctuary
When you look at the trees, the flowers, the grass, the ocean, the sky, the sun, the moon, the stars and the mountains, they all are outward manifestations of the very same garden that dwells within you.
The trees represent the unmoving strength of the eternal life we possess.
The flowers represent the beauty and the scent of life and its glory.
The grass represents the carpet of life that cushions our steps as we walk.
Look not for the law of God to be only written in the scriptures.
It is written and etched in your heart inside yourself for that is where God speaks from and where he resides.

Everything you want and everything you need has been planted within your heart and the garden is plentiful so that whatever you need and whenever you need it, it is there for you to harvest from.
The ocean represents the promise that whatever you thirst for there is an ever flowing sea to quench your thirst.

The sky represents the unlimited bounds that can be reached.
The mountains represent the majestic spirituality that you possess.
The sun represents the warmth of the heart and the bountiful rays that glows and reaches beyond the body that contains it.
The moon represents the night-light that God leaves on so that if you are traveling in darkness there is a light to help you find your way.
Above all, that twinkling gem that sparkles in the night sky represents who you really are, a STAR!