Clearing Energy Blockages
& Unlocking Chakras
First off, refer to my Supplementary Tools section- these will assist you in clearing energy blockages. And obviously Power Meditation, Martial Arts, Chi Kung, Yoga and Physical Exercise will be effective. But here, I will address how to deal with specific Blockages and Locked Chakras by targeting them from several different angles (i.e. several different methods). I could list dozens of techniques for each blockage/lock, but I'll try to focus on lesser known techniques, since Spiritual Satanists are familiar with the JoS Power Meditations. [I will speak from my own experience, gradually expanding this section.]
Assuming that you have already awakened your front and back heart chakras, you may still have a lock on your heart. You will know when these types of locks are removed b/c you will feel an energy release and a lightness in the chakra and will perhaps be able to generate far greater heat. [Do not assume that your heart is locked though.]
solution: Rubbing the Arms, Empower Hand Chakras, Empower Front and Rear Heart Chakras, Push-ups and Presses, CK Heart Energizer, Heavenly Cycle I (optional)
I have been told by Chinese Adepts that the Heart Lock is in your wrist. Based upon this assertion, I have concluded that the ability to circulate energy through the arms greatly facilitates the removal of this lock. If you have effectively done Awakening III from the JoS Power Meditations, then you in good shape to proceed (if you haven't done your Awakenings yet, leave this page).
In order to develop arm circulation you must first awaken your Hand Chakras and your Front and Rear Heart Chakras. [See Power Meditations section and navigate to JoS Awakenings.] If you have already done this, then continue to do it, further empowering them and using additional power meditations. Now, proceed to Rubbing the Arms and work on this until you can feel the energy circulating. [See Chi Kung section.] Continue using all of these methods.
Any kind of Pressing [chest] exercises will assist you in empowering the front of the Heart. This includes gym bench presses and push-ups, etc. Add pressing exercises to your regular daily workouts- you may do them every other day if you like. Finally, the CK Heart Energizer circulates energy through all of the key parts required to remove this heart lock and fully open the heart. You may also wish to do the Heavenly Cycle because it circulates energy through all the chakras- this continuous flow will help to remove the heart lock.[See the Chi Kung section for both exercises.]
You may feel a tighness like a clenched fist between your front solar plexus and your front heart chakras. This tighness may feel like it restricts your breathing, preventing you from taking relaxed natural deep and full nose breaths. Blockages vary per person.
solution: Running, CK Lung Energizing, Huna Oxygenizing Breath, Diamond Push-ups, Presses, Crunches (type of sit-up)
The Lung Energizing CK exercises should be done "several times" following your 20+ minute Run and may be alternated with Oxygenizing Breath. [Refer to the Chi Kung section for both of these exercises. The Oxygenizing Breath can be found in the CK section's Huna Breathing article.] Do not use gym equipment to do the Running cardio; the pounding of real "outdoor running" stimulates the tight area in the chest and clears it. [I discuss Running in my Physical Exercise section.] Do not walk during the 20 minute run period. Diamond Push-ups will specifically stimulate the blockage area that we are targeting. [See Physical Exercise & Diet section.] Add these push-ups to your regular daily gym workouts. 12reps x 7sets was sufficient for me- do what is reasonable for you. If your cirumstances allow you to, I recommend that you run, perform the lung exercises, do your regular gym workout, and end with the push-ups.
Additionally, during your regular gym workouts, you may wish to add Pressing [chest] exercises and Crunches (or another exercise that hits your upper and middle abs)- these 2 types of exercises will help to stimulate and strengthen the front heart and front solar plexus chakras.
(to be added soon)
(to be added soon)
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