Welcome to Serpent40, a site devoted to Spiritual Satanism. By my Will, I am a born Warrior for Satan and in Their words, "a Demon for Tomorrow"- I have been loyal to Satan and the Demons for several lifetimes [and beyond]. Through this Knowledge, I am Enflamed with Being and have begun to Flower once again. But this time, as I spread my Wings, I see the Daemonic on the horizon. Time has not halted my Advance. And the Time is Now! Father's Time! Neither man nor false gods may deny me my birthright!

By Way of this Site, I manifest my Intent, passing on Knowledge and Power to Spiritual Satanists- I will update this site as I grow in both. In doing so, I achieve Self-liberation, and in a spirit of generosity, I align my Will with the Will of our Father, known to humanity as Satan, Lucifer, EA, Enki, Ptah, Melek Taus. The Work begins Now! Father's Age must be "brought" into Being. The Strong among us are Warriors Now!, Warriors for His coming Age.

Visitor, I offer material that effectively aids/ has aided my ascension towards the Daemonic. Those who are Without invoke personal disaster by pursuing occult objectives- you may advance, but will do so "without any protection". Further, those who oppose Satan through the occult [or through any means] invoke His Wrath- you have no protection from the Devil’s Wrath, as the Old Gods are no longer bound. Know that We, Satanists, are no longer bound!

Do as you Will. Reap what you sow. Responsibility to the Responsible.


AS OF 10-22-05:

Self-Knowledge has greatly increased, courtesy of Enlil and Tests of Bonfire. Introduction will be revised along with entire Site. By my Way thus far, Names have merely been Initiatory tools. However, now I find myself on the verge of Knowing Self... Knowing Soul... Knowing Whom I once was... not merely the incarnations in between... but the Illicit Blue Dragon that roars forth from my core... that roars to Be in the here and now... a Name and pure Being. And thus, I remain Nameless... for the time being.

        Satanism today needs no more blood,
        Just answers and energy,
        In order to accept that it can be Victorious...


© Copyright 2004, 2005 SERPENT40;
Library of Congress

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