Iron Shirt CK
"Iron vest is a series of 24 exercises starting at 36 reps to 72 and as high as 108 (not necessarily recommended). It is done once per day for at least two years, at which time it can be done several times a week for the rest of your life. It is time consuming, as when you reach 72 reps, you will consume approx. one and a half hours per day.
"Bohdaruma brought the exercises to China from India at the same time he began teaching Buddhism to the Shaolin monks. The monks would die at an early age, middle 40's, as the result of their spending many hours per day meditating in a lotus position, which caused loss of circulation to the lower extremities of the body, and strokes were the result of their endeavor.
"All of the benefits of this program are not known, the movements cause the internal organs to be massaged, and this benefit alone can result in various results depending on the individual's own state of health.
"After approx. two years of training, one can withstand tremendous punishment to every part of the body except the neck, head, and groin. However, the health benefits are just as, if not more important.
"Chinese herbs must be taken to get the best results for the first 100 days of the program." *
I find that Iron Shirt greatly increases my circulation and overall health. It also cultivates a torso for full contact fighting. The occult benefits are obvious, as these sets clear energy blockages. To prevent Qi stagnation in the organs, once must take a moment to break it up after the exercises. I am currently pondering a means by which to effectively transmit these techniques. I learned them face-to-face with an instructor. If Satan wills it, I will find a way to present these sets so that other Spiritual Satanists can safely make use of them.
* by Grandmaster Chicoine
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