"Mankind is ignorant of the nature of his own being and powers, Even his idea of his limitations is based on experience of the pad. There is therefore no reason to assign theoretical limits to what he may be, or what he may do." -Aleister Crowley

-Robert Anton Wilson

Look at the painting to the left. Imagine that the traveller is looking into the vast swirling Ether; or perhaps into the Here and Now, a realm of infinite possibilities; or maybe his own Imagination lies before him. He is a Self-defined master of his own destiny. As Satanists, through knowledge and experience, we must come to a point where we become Self-aware, the Self becoming conscious of itSelf. Like the traveller in the painting, we must come to a point where we become consciously independent of the flow of events around us. This is the essence of Meta-programming- the ability to change reality tunnels at will. This capacity enables the Adept to act according to his/her Will within the flow of events.

Observe the painting to the right. In this painting we see Lucifer, but what is He thinking? We have seen Greek philosophers strike this pose.

Lucifer is exercising the ability to become immersed in His own thoughts. Possessing this ability, we [as Satanists] are no longer merely "going through life with our thoughts and actions determined by external stimuli". We can now willfully and consciously detach ourselves from the flow of events, draw our own conclusions according to our Will, and chart a Self-determined course.

Ok. Now, how does the Self-determined, Self-aware man/woman become a Meta-programmer? Well, our minds are the battleground for rival gangs of programmers. Everywhere we go, programmers are competing for our attention and throughout our life we have been subjected to programming from society in general, our immediate family, religions, corporations, the media, politicians, pop-culture, etc., etc. We are programmed to think and act a certain way and society is programmed to view us a certain way. Should we put my assertions to the test?

Let's say that you have developed the capacity to "detach yourself from the flow of events" and to "draw your own conclusions", minimizing the influence of external stimuli. And let's say that you stop to think after observing your own behavior patterns. You decide that you are not happy with your past and present patterns, and you realize what you want your future behavior patterns to be like. You are now becoming a master of your own "subjective" mind- external programming is losing its effect on you. However, you still have to contend with society and with external stimuli (people) that are programmed to view you in a certain way. In order to transition from "subjective" transformation (within your mind) to the "objective" manifestation (independent of your mind) of your new desired patterns, you will have to fight and reprogram [or neutralize] everyone you encounter that is programmed to view you in a certain way. Satanism is not for the weak. Meta-programming [or more accurately here, Self-reprogramming] requires tremendous inner strength and resolve because, in addition to conquering your own Self-doubt, you must struggle against your entire immediate environment.

I have created this Meta-programming section because Spiritual Satanists are frequently interested in changing themselves for the better. Self-change requires self-reprogramming. I will outline methods for doing so shortly.

Artwork1: "Wanderer above the Sea of Fog" (1818) by Casper David Friedrich
Artwork2: "Lucifer" (1890)- Franz Von Stuck

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