Tension Sets CK

These 21 Tension/Strength Sets are done with high tension. Every inch of your body should be tense (even the toes and feet) as you perform the exercises. Through the use of these exercises I have strengthened many of the muscle fibers, tendons, etc. throughout my body (for example, when working out in the gym, my wrists used to feel the strain of heavy curls or presses, while the biceps would be relatively comfortable; now my wrists are comfortable curling heavier weight than I was previously). These sets will also give you strength of force or explosive power- this is different than being able to life heavy things. You will, however, lose weight doing these sets, so if you want to bulk up, be sure to eat well and also work out in the gym. The occult benefits are that these sets, in addition to developing a strong physique for martial arts, forcefully clear many Qi blockages within your body. The energy is primarily harsh, masculine and Yang. It takes a tremendous amount of willpower to do these sets- this alone, would be of benefit to a Spiritual Satanist cultivating fierce indomitable willpower. One should begin by learning the first few sets, doing 6-12 reps for each set, then gradually add on additional sets until the full program is being practiced. Then, one may choose to increase the number of reps for each set. I find that the best place to practice these sets is barefoot in the sand, allowing for the toes to be comfortably clenched.

Ideally, circulation pills (Chinese herbs) should be acquired from a Traditional Chinese Herbalist to further assist the clearing of blockages during the first 90 days of training.

As with the Iron Shirt sets, I am currently pondering a means by which to effectively transmit these techniques. I learned them face-to-face with an instructor.

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