Secret of Ying & Yang

"Kan-Li and Yin-Yang adjustments are critical keys for success in Qigong, and so adjusting them is one of the main subjects of both training and research. According to the experience of the last thousand years, a Nei Dan Qigong practitioner who wishes to adjust his Kan and Li efficiently must learn how to regulate his Yi and breathing. There are also several “Qiao Men” (Tricky Doors) which have usually been kept secret, and only taught when the student has earned the trust of his master. One of the secrets is to touch the tongue to the roof of the mouth. This connects the Yin Conception Vessel to the Yang Governing Vessel. Without this, the Qi could stagnate in the mouth area and make the body too Yang.

"Another secret of Nei Dan training is using the Yi (mind) and the movement of the Huiyin cavity (Figure 2-4) and the anus. When this is done in coordination with the correct breathing, it can effectively adjust the body’s Yin and Yang. It is quite simple. If you use normal breathing, when you inhale and expand your abdomen you also gently expand your Huiyin and anus, and when you exhale and withdraw your abdomen you gently hold up your Huiyin and anus. It is important to know that holding up does not mean lifting up or tensing. Tensing causes Qi stagnation.

"Practicing Taijiquan with normal breathing relaxes the body and mind and opens the twelve primary channels. This can effectively maintain your health. With normal breathing, when you inhale the Lower Dan Tian expands, you gently expand the Huiyin and anus, and at the same time use your Yi to lead the Qi to the bottom of your feet and further into the ground. However, when you exhale, the Lower Dan Tian withdraws, you gently hold up your Huiyin and anus, and at the same time use your Yi to lead the Qi upward to the Baihui. This is a calming and cleaning process which is used in almost all Qigong practices. Normal breathing and the coordination of the Huiyin and anus is the key to calming down both the physical and mental bodies, and it is one of the most effective ways of changing the body from Yang to Yin.

"With reverse abdominal breathing you withdraw the abdomen and hold up the Huiyin and anus when you inhale, and expand the abdomen and gently expand your Huiyin and anus when you exhale. This enables you to energize the body and lead Qi out to the skin on the exhale, and lead Qi into the marrow and internal organs on the inhale. The inhale also leads Qi upward to your brain through the inside of your spine. If you do this right, you will feel cold and light, and you may also experience a sense of rising. When you exhale this way you should feel hot, expanding, heavy, and sinking. You can see that inhaling is a way to become more Yin, while exhaling is a way to become more Yang. Inhalation is Kan while exhalation is Li.

"In conclusion, when you practice Taiji Qigong it is important to remember to keep the tip of your tongue touching the center of the roof of your mouth. This must be done lightly, because if you exert too much pressure the tongue muscles will tense and stagnate the Qi circulation. In addition, you must remember that your Huiyin and anus must move up and down in coordination with your breathing. As always, your Yi remains the main key to successful Yin and Yang adjustment. Normal breathing is more effective in leading the Qi up and down, while reverse breathing is more efficient in leading the Qi inward and outward." *

* Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming, The Essence of Taiji Qigong

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