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†Sacred Order of Knights†


(edited from the memoirs of SOK_TimberWolf)

worked endlessly on the website. He had everything in order, and believe me with him around... everything HAD an order. 13, like myself... had the ability to write creatively. Unlike myself.. if it was black.. then he said it was BLACK. 13 didnt sugar coat anything, he told it like it was and damn the consequences. If that is not admirable, then I don't know what is. 13th is probably more responsible for my leadership skills then anyone. He showed me that if its not right MAKE it right... dont whine about it... just do it. That alone would be enough to have him immortalized on the HK page, but he was also very considerate as a friend, not just to me, but everyone around him. It was his concern for his friends that made him so blatantly honest. (aka [SOK]Guns_and_Butter)