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†Sacred Order of Knights†


(edited from the memoirs of SOK_TimberWolf)

was more of a silent killer. He did his job, quietly and with humility. Arch had a lot of skill, and showed great patients in a situation where he didn't get near the recognition he deserved. Arch practically led Arthur's castle (I would know because I was his Squire) and stayed loyal to a King that barely even acknowledged his existence. Arch was dead silent when Arthur gave me Pendragon... and rightly so, Arch was there long before me, had greater skill then me, and by all rights Pendragon should have been his, not mine. Arch's stand fast attitude under the worst possible conditions earned him that spot, and I will argue down anyone that thinks otherwise. For him to take that kind of abuse from a man he has shown nothing but loyalty to... to a clan he has shown nothing but loyalty to.... its unimaginable.