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†Sacred Order of Knights†


(edited from the memoirs of SOK_TimberWolf)

was probably more commonly known as DvS_Reaper or Reaps, and now CSA_Law. DvS and SOK seemed to have always had a silent alliance. Lance, like Benny, had considerable skill, and had no qualm with sharing it freely. Lance came to us when DvS was in turmoil. They had a similar situation, but did not have the pieces required to pull together and survive. I offered Reaper a spot in SOK without trial, as a gesture of friendship. To my surprise he leaped at the opportunity. He zmed me asking very excitedly to help him pick a name that fit.. it was very comical. But alas Lance would still be DvS at heart, and left us to try and rekindle the spark DvS once had. I would expect nothing less and harbor no ill will. I would hope that I would show the same courage and NOBILITY to revive SOK from nothing if it ever fell completely. Also, Lance's consideration went beyond SOK and gaming. Upon hearing I was a Panthers fan, and not having access to their NFC Championship merchandise, and him living in NC, he UPSed me a NFC Championship cap at his own expense. That was a complete surprise. In the online world you often hear empty promises, and take everything said with a grain of salt. When Lance tells you something... there is no salt required.