

The southern half of the Korean Pennisula is located bordering the Sea of Japan and the Yellow Sea. Its geographic coordinates are 37 degrees N and 127 degrees E.


The physical characteristics are similar to North Korea's. It has many hills and it's very mountainous with wide costal plains in the west and the south. It's covered with natural resources such as coal, tungsten, graphite, molybdenum, lead, and hydropower potential. It's covered in rich farming land with many healthy crops. They also have temperate climates with more rain fall in the winter.

Human-Environment Interaction

The human interaction is very poor. They have acid rain and very poluted cities. There is water polution resulting from the discharge of sewage and industrial drainage.


The movement of people in South Korea is slim. Per every thousand Koreans there are zero migrations. Natural oil is imported into South Korea as well as coal, machinery, electronics and electronic equipment,steel, transport equipment, textiles, organic chemicals, and grains, a total of $146.6 billion in imports.


South Korea's region is very prosperous, covered with crops, mountains, hills, and rivers.
It's political branches follow as: the Legislative Branch, and Judicial Branch. The Legislative has a total of 273 seats, 227 elected by peoples' vote and the remaining 46 appointed by the State Council. The Judicial Branch, (the Supreme Court) is appointed by the president with the consent of the National Assembly.
South Korea also is strong in the economy department as one of the Four Tigers of East Asia. It prospers more in the technology department, however does not exceed itself in the agricultural department either, its agriculture is 10% of their work force. South Korea's GDP is twenty times higher than that of North Korea and is equal to lesser economies of the European Union.


Country Information