The Dime Pieces
Mah Girls
- Erica M. - Even though we just started messing on 6/01/03 i juss feel like i cant be without you...Im gonna miss you when you go away for the summer...Hurry back baby
- Nicole a.k.a Diesel - Yo i never knew you until this year and you are mad fun yo... Even though we always be arguing all the time and you always beat me up you still mah dog...Remember the chat room
- Zuly a.k.a Lola Gotti - You know how i feel about you so i dont have to write it but just in case you are the only girl who keeps me in check...Remember the freestyle battle
- Louanne a.k.a Lou Lou - The only person who keeps me smiling everytime i see her... Im gonna miss you in class next year... remember the tag team matches between you and nicole and me greg jonathan and rob
- Jessy a.k.a mutt - The only girl who can go against me in cracking.. Yo when we gonna egg jfb.. Remember the snow fight