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• All members must swear an oath of fealty to the Grandmaster of the guild, as well as respecting all sub-guilds affiliated to The Illuminated Fist. • No one may challenge the policies of the guild. • Do things for the betterment of your nation and guild actively. • Insubordination is not tolerated. If you do have a problem with a higher rank, go to the Grandmaster. • Role Playing is mandatory. • Betrayal of guild information or members will be severely punished; you will be removed from the guild and KOSed immediately. • If you chose to leave the guild you must inform the Grandmaster first or you will be KOSed. • This is a mature guild. If you cannot act mature then this guild is not for you. This rule is enforced largely. • Show respect to all the members within the guild and to all Role-Players within the Shadowbane community. • Be careful who your allies and friends are, do not give any information unnecessarily. • Know the lore of The Illuminated Fist and Shadowbane.