Role-Play Courtesy
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Please allow me to offer up my guidelines to fun and courteous role-playing.

1. Remember that this is a Game. We gather together and play this to have fun and relax from the pressures of reality. We are all adults, so do not become so heavily involved in your role-playing that it begins to carry over into your real life. IC is IC, OOC is OOC.

2. Respect your fellow players. Everyone wants them and their character to be respected, even you are ten ranks over someone, give their character a reasonable degree of respect and in return they will respect you, your character and your rank.

3. Participate. Get out there and actually role-play with other players. Interact in public rooms, on message boards and in guided role-playing and forum-sponsored events.

4. Common Courtesy. This sounds so simple, but is so often tossed out the window every single day in role-playing rooms. Keep OOC comments and such in instant messages so as to not disturb other players. If foul language offends other players and they ask you to stop, then stop. Avoid ridiculously long description posts, and also avoid consistently and pathetically short posts as well. We want to promote good role-playing, so keep it balanced and reasonable. Use common sense, and common courtesy will come easily.

5. Abide by the Rules. This one is self-explanatory, don’t cheat. If you cheat, you will be caught and punished. Fair play should be a reasonable request, and we’ll expect it to be followed.

In closing, I want to say that the Managers and I are always available to hear suggestions, questions, and complaints and we assure you that anything that disrupts and disturbs the role-playing experience for any player will be closely looked at and dealt with. U.R.A will not tolerate rude and obnoxious players, and we will not hesitate to quickly and judiciously deal with those who would violate the rules and harass other players. Everyone enjoy yourselves and together we will lift our beloved game, or cherished hobby to what it should be once again.

-- Steven Stamps --
U.R.A Creator