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USSN: The only way to live

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Happy New year!

I apologise for the lack of updates, but we got lost on the internet and saw the Wonders HORRORS of Western Society... dirty DIRTY No... noo... no electrodes... not again!

So thankfully, the government gave us a 3 mounth re-conditioning program! free holiday to Walt Dimitri Land!! YEEY! we got to learn all about Mikeal, the communist rat, Snow Height, the famous Marxist Nun, and her evil Stepmother!

:. posted by Tsar

-9-Oct-03- :.
I have worked on the ideology page today and updated the links, so that you can follow our ideals and that of our government's even more closely!
:. posted by Tsar

-28-Sep-03- :.
USSN Public Radio Headlines for the 28th of September, provided by "USSN Public Radio", "One Nation, One Choice"
Today, our great Leader officialy opened up the USSN website to the World. The site had suffered technical difficulties and was forced to close, several days ago.

Read Full story

:. posted by Tsar

-2-Sep-03- :.
USSN Public Radio Headlines for the 6th of September, provided by "USSN Public Radio", "One Nation, One Choice"
USSN Public Radio changes it's slogan!

Today we have an exciting announcement, we have changed our slogan to one that is more fitting for our great nation. No longer will we bare the restrictions of our old slogan, thought up by our ex-chairman, now we will no longer be "the only choice" which I spit on and stamp into the ground with my big boots like the imperialist restriction that it is! Now we have a great Communist slogan that the great Lenin would be proud of: "One Nation, One Choice". The chairman, now exposed as the sick child eating, man raping, tree molesting Capitalist that he is, has been condemed to death by our Great Leader: Stephan Christofovich. All hail the CON and the USSN!

Ivan Alodastuf

:. posted by Tsar


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