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God Bless America!!!

These words were never truer nor more urgent than today.
Today in America we are faced with a crisis, a crisis of judgement
and value. Our once-strong moral character has grown weak. Our faith
in God and in righteousness and in the American Dream has
all been diminished. Truly, something must be done.

In Vermont, we are lucky to live in one of the most beautiful states
in the Union. Sometimes it is easy to forget that the United States of America
is such a large place. Indeed, it is a large and sometimes troubled place, and
it should always have our support. Even now, with America vulnerable to terrorist
attacks and enemy forces, some people insist on criticizing our government, our
president, and our nation, America. Even here in Vermont, there have been protests
and other illegal actions in which groups who readily will call themselves Socialist
took part.

Worse yet, there is an even worse plot going on. Here in Chittenden County,
an organization calling itself the "Vermont Separatist Association" has been
propaganditizing the idea that Vermont should succeed from the United States!
At first glance one is inclined to disregard their xeroxed posters as a silly
prank, conducted by errant schoolkids. But what is shocking is that this opinion
has begun to manifest itself in the main stream of life. On Vermont Public Radio,
during an on-air boradcast with Senator James Jeffords, a woman actually asked him
if he thought Vermont should leave the UNited States! A short while later, in the
Burlington Free Press a letter to the editor called for the same thing!

This is outrageous.

America is the greatest country on Earth and it needs our support. Ignoring the
complete implausibility of such an idea, simply calling for Vermont ot leave the nation
is like treason! If they don't like Vermont as a part of the United States well then
they should leave.

These people are trying to destroy our values. They are trying to detroy the greatest
country on Earth. They shouldn't be tolerated, at all. We Americans need to take a stand,
and tell all those who try to threaten our way of life that they aren't welcome here.

More information

History of Vermont
Pictures of Vermont