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EWF-Empire Wrestling Federation

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  • Height: 6'2"
  • Weight: 250lbs.
  • From: Manhattan, New York
  • Favorite Quote: "James Slate, New York's finest"
  • Theme Music: "In the end" by Linkin Park
  • Finishing Move: Manhattan Buster (Ki Krusher)
  • Career Highlights: 5-time EWF Champion, EWF U.S. Champion, 7-time EWF Tag Team Champion
  • James Slate came to EWF in 1998 and quickly established himself as one of our top superstars. Slate continues to pride himself on the fact that he is the only man to ever hold the tag team championship with seven different partners. In fact, Slate is one the most decorated men in EWF history -- altogether, he has held 13 EWF titles!

    James Slate amazes fans with what he calls the most devastating move in sports entertainment -- the Manhattan Buster ! With this impressive move in his corner, and with his incredible arsenal of kicks, there's no doubt that James Slate will be a force in EWF for years to come...